Steem Your Way To The Top Of YouTube!

in #steemit8 years ago

Where do you want to be?

YouTube is a powerful tool for everyone! Especially those wanting to create a great following online or connect with those in need of something explaining.

You can simply upload videos from your phone, no need to even own a webcam or fancy equipment.

VIDEO is the FUTURE, just like STEEMIT will be!...

So why not combine the two?

You could turn your 'Steemit' blogs into video... opening up a wholeee world of possibilities...
You then gain more followers on both platforms. Who wouldn't want that ?

Now you may not be familiar with YouTube and before you start I want to give you my TOP TIPS on ranking your all important videos on your channel to give you the best possible outcome.

Research! - Use Google to learn about 'Keywords' and put related keywords into your video, I make a list so it is easy for me to use them and target them correctly. (example, if i typed 'steemit' into google search bar, the next word that populates might be 'blog' ... 'blog' would be your keyword.. :)

Title & Description! - Use your keywords found in step 1 in both the Title and the description of your video. Make sure they make sense to your video content. Add these keywords and related words to your tagline box too.
Transcribe Your Videos! - Go to > Video Manager > Edit > Subtitles + Captions. Here you can manually transcribe your video or you can just read through the automatic transcribe. If in doubt search a video on YouTube on how to transcribe your video. :)
Thumbnails! - Every video looks better with a thumbnail and the most important thing is you will rank better on YouTube AND Google!. It also makes your videos look more professional. I use! Recommend it. :D
Cross Promote Your Videos! - If you have 2 different videos, then put the URL of each of them in opposite ones. :) Just enter it into the description under 'edit'.

These are the main ways to really rank in YouTube and they will help so so much for your audience.

Do these tips before you start putting loads of content on and trust me you will reek the benefits!

Extra tips are:-
Stay consistent with your blogs and videos!
Share your videos on other social media platforms.
Ask people to Like, share & subscribe.

Comment if you need guidance or something explaining. :) This is your brief guide to ranking better on YouTube and how you could grow on both platforms including Steemit.



Excellent post. Do you think longtail keywords are best ?
And could you make a video tutorial ?
Thanks again, Cian ☺

Whats up Cian.dafe!
Thanks for engaging.
Long tail keywords certainly would be the best to use. This way you really have the chance to rank a lot higher.
I would be happy to do a video. Would you like one YouTube ranking specific or on keywords ? :)

A video on youtube ranking would be great thanks. And possibly how to use it in conjunction with steemit for maximum exposure. Thanks again :)

I might have to post two new recipes here like i do on my youtube, this could benefit everyone ::)

Yes, fooooood!
Haha. Linking the two no doubt will be so beneficial to all of us on Steemit & YouTube