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RE: Forking is not Theft, But then again I wouldn't Expect Any Other Response from Whatsup

in #steemit5 years ago

But I do like you, you are intelligent & personable & likeable.

What does forking the steemit code have to do with race? Nothing.

This has nothing to do with my personal opinion of you. You wrote a post flat out stating to fork steemit is theft and the creators deserve more than that.

I wrote a response to that. I call bullshit & stated the reasons why.

By the way are you vouching for the creators? Do you know them personally, have you met them face to face?

Can you assure there is no deep state or globaist corp presence? Can you assure us this was never an advertising platform for their $1 Billion Dollars they Raked in on EOS? Can you assure us this Steemit Platform was intended & used by the inside crew as

  • a milking platform

  • a way to move & launder & transfer funds- all outside of the Swift & banks

  • there's plenty more nefarious ?s I could ask as well, but won't.

No @whatsup, this has nothing what-so-ever to do with race or whether or not I personally like you. Neither is it trolling to state such obvious counters to your claims.

Nice try though, with your verbal sleight of hand. I know you modus operandi, it may work well with others, but you're not fooling me.


@caladium, you have been flagged for being a bigoted piece of fucking trash.

May you burn in hell.

Anyone commenting on these threats will also be flagged. You have been warned.

Actually I think I agree with you. If someone wants to fork away that is fine. Copy it (it's open source) and make a new one. Make five new ones.

But when you want to copy over the top of this one omitting just a few accounts that is a different thing.

Wouldn't you agree?

If not please explain why taking something from someone against their will, that holds monetary value isn't theft.

Whoops I answered in the wrong spot... See my reply after the threats ... If it gets flagged no biggie. ;)

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