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RE: Forking Steemit is Not Theft

in #steemit5 years ago

The Deep State Would be Bored Silly Here?

That's An interesting position.

By deep state, I refer to not just CIA types or Military contractor types, but GLOBALIST Mega Corporations.

This steemit platform was NO Doubt about used as an. advertisement for & a springboard for EOS. They raked in over $1 Billion dollars on EOS. I have no idea how much money has been raked in here in steemit.

What I do know is ANYONE, Especially DEEP STATE & Gloabilst Hidden Hand Types would not be Bored Silly to take part in that. They would GLEEFULLY be getting their jolly rockers on that.

Not to mention yet another opportunity to use this platform to move money around in crypto - bypassing the banks & swifts.

ALSO lets them TEST OUT the MOVING of Crypto around.

Thank you whatsup. One of the best FAVORS anyone can to is to show another WHO THEY REALLY ARE.

Now I would not dare to presume I know anything about you personally in your life, but I know WHAT I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT YOU. You Have shown me. So thank you.

( I am well aware you could just as easily say the same of me)

If you whatsup genuinely believe what you wrote is true, then you are delusional.

I do not think you are delusional, I think you are HIGHLY INTELLIGENT.

So you're advocating in benefit of end users sinking their fiat $ into steem at the exact same time as shit hits the fan. Then you want to stated that Forking it - leaving out the handful of inside accounts that seem to be causing the problems- is theft.

So much for all the Libertarian types & anarcho-capitalist types- going along with this. Nice GRAND SLAM - "THEFT" OOHHHH if you fork it or support forking it- You're all THIEVES!

who the fuck are you? who the fuck is whatsup?

This is no difference of opinion between you and me, two normal people.

You are connected somehow whatsup. you are not arguing anything that is for the greater benefit of the steemit end users or any PHILOSOPHICAL HIGH GROUND of whats right & wrong.

You are arguing for your pocketbook. That tells me something about you & who you might be.

Like I said, go fool someone else. You are not fooling me.


@caladium, you have been flagged for being a bigoted piece of fucking trash.

May you burn in hell.

Anyone commenting on these threats will also be flagged. You have been warned.

Look, I'm fine with whatever story you want to make up about me. What I have noticed about you is you throw around heavy accusations without any evidence.

If I am connected why haven't I been so much more successful. I've been doing this about 7 days a week for 2.5 years. Go back if you are so interested and look at my posts. I made 95 of them that didn't earn a thing. Hundreds more that earned a few cents. I got flagged by bernie for a while. (I didn't melt or make a huge fuss)

I went through my "I'm mad at the whales" phase. The posts are all there. I am a Corporate Burn out that made some money, had some time and focused on learning crypto. It's all in my posts.

I am not telling anyone to put money in, (but I have) go read my last three posts.

If you want to think I am part of some big conspiracy, be my guest. I'm a boring ex-corporate executive that thinks crypto is cool and thought I might be able to bring some of my leadership skills to help build it. They just aren't that interested in them.

On the other hand you are constantly accusing people of all sorts of things, without any evidence at all. I also think you are smart, but also angry and paranoid.

I have been well aware since the beginning that some are scamming and taking money out. I just never thought to consider it is deep state, I've always leaned towards autist geeks who can't relate to real people. Shrugs, but your theory is cooler!

:) Have a great day... Skim through some of my old posts. You will see it's all there.


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