RE: How to loose a potential new steem user?
Many posts are just a picture without text, often indicated as being a one minute read. People simply vote on the cover picture, particularly if the reputation is above 60.
It is true, however, that many people are clicking simply in the hope of getting lucky and picking up a few extra dollars through a chance connection with a posting that turns out to be popular. And of course some people have assigned their voting to others, or to robots in the hope of picking up some small change. This type of automatic voting was foreseen in the Steemit White Paper. Over time the automatic voting will cancel itself out, as they spread their voting over a much weaker range of quality content. Manual, carefully consider voting on the other hand will be focused on high quality content, and thus draw a disproportionate share of the curration rewards.
ColdMonkey mines Gridcoin through generating BOINC computations for science...