
in #steemit7 years ago

In case you didn't catch it yesterday, this is why I am no longer on Twitter. Maybe you'll consider joining me in this exodus. #deletetwitter

▶️ DTube

"Like a bathroom graffiti that millions of people can see.", that cracked me up lol.

I follow and today it's easy, because they just locked my account for not being okay about how israel is behaving ...

Israel behaves only one way.

I never understood Twitter. It just seemed like another time waster to me.

Hi James. Thank you for fact checking Newsbud's 'Syria Under Siege' propaganda piece and setting the record straight on Sibel Edmonds and her lackey Spiro. I worked at Newsbud around this time last year, and left last August because of similar dishonest, self-destructive behavior from those two. You mentioned my show 'Mind Hack'on one of your episodes around that time, I think #145.

Anyway, just wanted to connect with you and let you know I appreciate your work. If you and Broc ever need extra help w/ video post-production, now you know where to find me! :)

I wonder if George Orwell would have been on Twitter, were he here today...

No doubt, he'd have beaten 1984 followers!

weaponisation and draconian censorship aside...

Yes you are right, as far as actual engagement goes, it's a lovely idea, but doesn't actually exist...follow me...follow you...rage-tweets...nonsenical movements, and YES you nailed it...


Lemmings stumble off the edge of that particular precipice daily in ever increasing, exponential numbers. I wholeheartedly support what you are doing and shall be joining the movement to, armed with a #hashtag and a condensed, simple explanation of decentralised, blockchain technology.

You, sir, will be a greater loss to them than they to you.

Thankyou, thankyou, thank YOU!

This has needed to be a forefront agenda for some time.

I know I have found my home and my people, time to unpack and roll up my metaphorical battle-sleeves.

Images courtesy of the AWESOMETASTICAL Pixabay.

I've been thinking this over since I saw this same excerpt in your larger podcast about the beef your fact-checking. I only use Twitter to send out my links to the BitCoin faucets I hope to gain referrals for. I looked it up & I haven't gotten one referral from Twitter so..... Byby Twitter!

There is always the ALTERNATIVE TO TWITTER -ZAPPL https://zappl.com
Zappl is a micro-blogging site that runs on decentralized technology but average joe is better off without any of them if possible.

So i guess you #deleteFacebook wouldnt have worked on you....
Really no fb....you are a great person..
Addiction to twitter and you are deleting it...you really have a great will power...i guess weponization of social media is working ....great ..really appreciated...
I will tweet it that, they have lost a gem person and he aint coming back..

I deleted one of my Twitter accounts, three of my Facebook pages and one of my Reddit accounts two weeks ago, but not the ones for my business. Still deciding if I can - and want to - disconnect that aspect of my life from these large networks.

I still believe Steem - or something like it - will be the future / model for our social networks. User controlled, funded and encrypted from soup to nuts!

I hate Twitter!. I'm still there, but I rarely even look at my page anymore. I've had some really hateful comments, too and I am a nobody channel! I lean toward conservative, libertarian values and I feel vastly outnumbered there. I like how you coined the term "ThemTube" for youtube. I feel the same thing there. It is a hard left leaning organization and the censorship is getting to be insane.

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