Steem (STEEM) continue its nose dive in August 2019
Will Steem ever recover from its plunging descent in 2019?
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It will recover from its plunging descent. However the plunging descent is still ongoing.
If it continues to .0032 then rises to .012, that as a percentage would be a significant recovery.
The price of most anything is relevant to the value it was acquired.
Posted using Partiko Android
You are absolutely correct
Posted using Partiko Android
Amigos, sé que Steem no es tan alto como a todos nos gustaría que fuera, pero piensen por un momento. Steem está a 16 centavos que cualquiera puede pagar y es el mejor momento para comprar Steem especialmente para aquellos que no pueden pagar mucho. Este es el momento perfecto para invertir en Steem.