Witness Eye at Surabaya Church Explosion Sit

in #steemit6 years ago


Surabaya people were shocked by the explosion of bombs, which reportedly occurred in 4 locations on Sunday (13/05/2018) morning. The first suicide bomb exploded in the Church of the Immaculate Mary at Ngagel Street.

Followed by a bomb explosion occurred at Gang Jalan Raya Diponegoro, on Jalan Arjuno. Last reportedly occurred in the area Pagesangan. In the event also caused a number of Surabaya residents were killed.
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According to one eyewitness, Melly, as he passed near the Santa Maria Catholic Church, Ngagel Madya Street came a very loud explosion. Then there was the fire and the dense smoke at the location.

"At first I did not know if the explosion came from a bomb, I think the explosion came from another object, but it turned out to be from a bomb," explained Melly.
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According to Melly, many people died, but the exact number did not know. Also found a number of body parts on the road.
"I think the victim is a lot due to this bomb explosion," I said

Masyarakat Surabaya dikejutkan dengan ledakan bom, yang kabarnya terjadi di 4 lokasi pada Minggu (13/05/2018) pagi. Bom bunuh diri pertama meledak di Gereja Maria Tak Bernoda di Jalan Ngagel. Diikuti oleh ledakan bom yang terjadi di Gang Jalan Raya Diponegoro, di Jalan Arjuno. Terakhir dilaporkan terjadi di daerah Pagesangan. Dalam peristiwa itu juga menyebabkan sejumlah warga Surabaya terbunuh. (Baca juga:) Menurut salah seorang saksi mata, Melly, ketika ia melewati dekat Gereja Katolik Santa Maria, Jalan Ngagel Madya datang dengan ledakan yang sangat keras. Lalu ada api dan asap tebal di lokasi. "Awalnya saya tidak tahu apakah ledakan itu berasal dari bom, saya kira ledakan itu berasal dari benda lain, tetapi ternyata berasal dari bom," jelas Melly. . (Juga baca:) Menurut Melly, banyak orang meninggal, tetapi angka pastinya tidak diketahui. Juga menemukan sejumlah bagian tubuh di jalan. "Kurasa korban banyak karena ledakan bom ini," kataku


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