Quick Tip: You Succeed When Your Followers Succeed - Why Steemit Is Different

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

The Zero-Sum Game Of Life: "Givers" vs. "Takers"

Most of the time, in the world we live in, when somebody wins another one loses. In fact I've noticed you can generally classify people as either "givers" or "takers". Some would even argue life is a zero-sum game, where for every person who wins something, then others must lose that exact amount.

I would say that for the most part this has been true. Of course as society has "evolved" and increased efficiency through say technology, the day to day life is better than it used to be for many. But don't kid yourself, the people that control things still have their control. They still "take" like they've always done, they just let you keep a little more so you don't complain about it (or revolt). This is true all over the world.

Why Steemit Is Different

Steemit is designed and supported to provide a completely different dynamic. Its a social network yes, but its also much much more. Everyone knows what everybody else is doing because its transparent, and this transparency enables so many "good things" to happen here every day.

There is a natural incentive to be "good" and provide good content (not just in posts, but also in the comments, resteeming, and upvoting processes). And also there's a punishment system which causes "bad" things to wither away too. Its a "virtuous circle system" or a virtuous perpetual loop.

Here's the secret formula so be sure to write it down ;)

Doing something good for someone = getting better = doing more good = getting even better ... repeat and repeat until you're a big gigantic whale!

To Succeed You Need Your Followers To Succeed

If you help your followers to succeed, then you will succeed. Its as simple as that.

While this seems like a "mushy rah-rah" slogan, its not. If you realize that your followers are the ones that cast their future upvotes on your posts and comments, and also send your articles soaring by resteeming, then making those "followers" strong only increases the "value" of their votes and the "power" of their resteems. It behooves you to see them get bigger.

(source: gstatic.com)

My Experience

I have been blown away at the number of friends I've made in my short 23 day life here in steemland. But even though I now have over 2100 followers, I sometimes don't get much in payouts because my followers are many many newbies (with little to no voting power). As an example, I got one vote yesterday from @surpassinggoogle that equaled a weeks worth of posts and comments I've made. But I don't care one bit and I'm certainly thankful to have so many "little" followers... in fact I'm happy to have so many connections because I know the "good" followers will eventually grow up. Its not about what you make today, its what you build for tomorrow. Always keep this perspective in your mind

And hint hint... here's a secret that I want EVERYONE to know: I'm going to help my followers to grow up because it helps them and it helps me (we both speed our path to success together). ;)

Use My Activity To Remind You

So when you see me helping others (and you will ;) ), I want you to think about this single post. And then I want you to remember that YOU TOO CAN DO THIS. You can encourage your followers to be better, you can give them tips (like how to use @originalworks or @resteemable). You can find new ways to work together or new ideas of increasing their power (like @bumper for those that pay attention). You can offer to help someone who doesn't understand, and you can also greet a newbie in #introduceyourself. You can do this, I know you can.

So if your goal is to succeed here, I've just given you a "Quick Tip" to help remind you of how to make that happen. Its not hard to do, plus its easy to understand the logic. Now its up to you, you alone determine your path in life. I hope to work with you and will do my best to help you grow too. After all...

I succeed when you succeed, so... how can I help you in the future? ;)

As always be humble and...


I like it. Well said.

I agree with the central message—a do unto others as you would have them do unto you kind of deal with the added reassurance that eventually many of them will do unto you as you have done unto them.

That's why I don't really mind the 80-90% inactivity here. While I suppose some of them could be people who just couldn't hold out long enough for the good things to come, (those I hold true empathy for) too many others came here for the quick buck. When they see there's more to it then just posting, and more effort required then just showing up, they move on to someone else's greener-looking pasture.

As long as the remaining 10-20% that remain aren't mostly spambots, I'll be okay. :()

I knew you would get it @glenalbrethsen... I have looked at your profile and saw that you made all your money from the comments (if I remember right you don't post at all, you just comment)... I'm impressed by that and you validated what was happening to me. I post to get the messages out, but I get far more upvotes when I go talk to others and "chime in" to their posts.

I'm glad you are planning on sticking around too... I also have that plan. While its still really early in the life of a social network, the potential to be much larger is exciting... And I'll be okay with just meeting people like you. I see you're a smart guy with good insight. (and lol, that's not just because you commented here either) ;)

For the first part of last week I was only making comments and trying to curate. One because I needed to get the lay of the land and two, bandwidth.

Then I realized there was an #introduceyourself tag and so I actually did that on Thursday.

This week, I've been posting twice a day, once in the morning and one in the evening. Still commenting and curating as much as I can.

I think I officially turn 11-days-old in Steemit time in less than an hour, so I haven't been around long enough to give up hope yet. I have a friend @bbrewer who introduced me to Steemit and he let me know more or less what to expect (he didn't want to have me turn tail over the rest—actually, though, there's plenty here you just need to experience and figure out for yourself).

That said, I'm not rushing out to endorse the place to anyone who isn't already here, but I also have hope that Steemit and anything else it inspires to be built upon its blockchain and basic principles will reach its great potential.

You've been really kind to me, too. Everything you've said about me I say back to you.

I agree with so much of what you said (especially about me being kind, lol jk)... seriously I think you are very smart and a good thinker and I'm looking forward to discovering things with you together in the future.

ps you were an inspiration to me when I saw you doing it different, I tried to figure it out and you were a spark that made me think about just commenting sincerely and engaging as being a solution on how to prosper here.

And I was just following some advice I'd ran across a couple of times and have then stumbled into more since, so hey, maybe following rules that make sense does have its advantages! I guess we'll find out when we've graduated from Plankton to Minnow and onward and upward after that!

lol... yeah I just got my SP to above where a newbie starts with the delegation. I will rise up from plankton one day, I'm sure of it! hahaha

ps and following rules helps for sure, it at a minimum shows you read the whole post.

It’s that personal touch that grabbed you so many followers @davemccoy. Those that connect with others and know their audience on a personal level, well enough to remember who they are and how they interact. I hope these followers will grow along with you and everyone will continue to support each other.

Thank you to my favorite username friend... I knew we were going to hit it off when I saw your one of a kind cool name and I see your nice smile in the little pic by your name :) You are unforgettable to me now ;) ...

I hope we all grow and learn and share together. There is something special here and I can just feel it is real. I'm super glad that you connected to me and please let me know if I can help you out with anything beeyou :)

I am relatively new here and have also noticed that my money comes from the comments I make and not necessarily my posts. I guess it's just a matter of getting a following so to speak and getting to know others here!

I think that's the best strategy right now. Comment as often as possible on higher profile posts and upvote at least the poster and their comments, keep track on the followers and upvote, resteem and comment on their posts and comments as much as SP and VP will allow, and then venture out into the tags in categories I like/know something about/would like to learn more, and look for more content.

As far as posting goes, I think trying to be a part of the general Steemit conversation helps for now, while beginning to write the kinds of posts you really like in a more gradual way.

That is, unless you're @davemccoy, then you just post what you want and run contests from the get go! 😃

hahaha that's awesome! @davemccoy is amazing!! Thanks for the response. I will continue to comment on others posts and see where it goes!

Great post once again @davemccoy, the (near)future is bright for you because you do work this way!
I found this post on the steemfollower program. What is that all about? Ask @davemccoy.

This is what everyone should be familiar with.

Thank you very much @sajan.rai... spread the word!!!

I've been a member of steemit less than two weeks. I made some bad mistakes looking for easy votes. Since, I'm trying to carve my niche in this budding community. I plan on growing my steem power and content. This been made easier by the supportive community.

The good think about this place is we actually do care that you succeed. Its pretty cool and I personally love it. I have no idea what mistakes you made, but I guarantee you they aren't important to you achieving success. Mistakes made are by definition in the past, and the past is irrelevant to what lies ahead.

Glad to see you here @unicornvomit and I'm happy we maintain communication and a connection. I'm always here to help you too (and I would imaging you would be there for me too).

I would love to spread the love round more but the trouble is we have to keep the voting power & the bandwidth up at the moment I get to cast about 6 votes out a day between 125 followers that means 119 miss out or get nil value on the vote. Commenting works well as it gets you noticed people are more likely to visit your blog if you give good comments & after 10 good comments my bandwidth is caned. It's certainly a game of patience for the plankton's & minnows.

it happens to me too professor, it is nothing to do with you and how many comments or upvotes you do. The system is straining because of all the new people and at certain times of the day it is unusable for the low bandwidth people like us (i'm usually down 8 hrs a day)... The good thing is that it seems to work in the evening very fast (I'm in NC), so I prepare my post for the day while its down and then do other things. Then when it come back on, then I get back on it... You can check the meter to see your bandwidth at www.steemd.com/@professorhobo ... Try to hang in there and not get too frustrated because you are not alone in the frustration. I hear about it from many, but I always tell people to look at the bigger picture.

That was a good link you sent me yesterday, thanks!

No worries Dave I'm here for the long haul. North Carolina eh that's a big ole place are you in the city or the country, I wouldn't mind a trip up blue ridge.

Mountains, right on the hikers trail in that exact mountain range. Beautiful country

You will have to post some photos

will do ... I am waiting for another snow, I wasn't on here last time we got a good one.

I want to see them in any weather, Johnny Denver sold them to me lol

You truly are an inspiration @davemccoy. Congratulations on having so many followers, you deserve every single one of them. @originalworks

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Thank you so much my friend :) That is sweet... I love talking to you every day too... Especially your commentary about John ... lol

and ps... good job on the @originalworks ... I speak about it often but hardly anyone ever does it for me lol... I notice who my good teammates are ;)

Alas, they never listen. 😜. I hope that no matter how busy we get, we'll always find time to touch base.

same here... and I will never be too busy to chat with you, the only problem I will have is finding the messages in these threads ;)

I know, I don't know if you managed to find my last comment about having RSI from all the scrolling. 😆

lol... I'm doing my best, but we gotta pretty thick web here lol

It a repetitive strain injury. 😉

Yes. This post needs to be read. Upvoted and resteemed! I don't have the time to read a lot every day because my 9 to 5 job. But posts like this are worth while! I learned from others, like @charles1 and @kenhudoy how to get started here. That you find more interesting Steemian on discord. Also there are groups who helps eacht other. Like resteem to steemit. So if you have time read my post and give comment please do. Thanks for your post


I appreciate that @futuredigicoin that is a very cool comment you made. I'm glad you liked it and explained your situation. I will go read you post right now so I don't forget, but thank you again for the validation and passing along other information that you find useful. That's what I'm trying to get people to do btw... Cheers

Another great post Dave, I really enjoyed the read and will take to heart the message. Once again, great job!

Thanks Todd, I always like to hear from you... And I know you are one of the ones that actually read it... In a sense you are the guy I have in my head when I write because I truly think you will "get" the message. Thanks again and lets keep moving forward one step at a time!

As always, another great post @davemccoy. I see you’re using the bee art from @keeperofthewoods. That’s awesome.

haha yes I have, I was so happy that she took the time to do that for me... and thank you so much beeyou... I love your name, its so true :) ... thanks for the compliment and just having you stop by and comment is awesome! have a wonderful day!!!

This is a good article. I've been noticing this as well. I read the articles of someone on Steem who constantly upvotes their own articles and own comments, but rarely anyone else's comments. I don't only comment for the upvote on it, but it's nice to know that someone isn't just looking out for himself. If they care about their followers I'm more likely to upvote them as eventually it'll get back around to me (even if it's not always my turn).

I look forward to reading more of what you have to say.

And I like the reference to Tim McGraw at the end.

Thank you so much for such a great comment that gives me a lot of understanding into who you are and what you stand for. I completely agree with you and encourage you to make your own post about topics like this because you simply understand it. A lot of people take for granted that everyone understand what they themselves understand, but that is simple not the case. I can see you are going to do real well here and I think you are one of the "good" ones that will rise. I look forward to working with you and I hope you stay in touch!

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