Just Do It, Now.

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Just Do It, Now.

Easier said than done. You see life has a tipping point, a place where you've pushed so far it has no choice but to react. That's right, life will respond to you when you become assertive and focused. You won't always know what to do, that is fine, keep failing forward.

"I post daily but don't get noticed or rewarded" - This type of mindset will never get one ahead. The truth is life is not fair, it's a capitalistic setup, the flower that grows the highest receives the sunlight, the rest can die in darkness for all nature cares. I shifted my focus long ago from what I got out of something to what I can put into something.

You see, when I first started producing content, when it went unnoticed I didn't quit. I harnessed whatever emotion I had to make stronger material. This was my conveyor belt to success, no money needed, only recycled emotion and a will to not settle for being average.

I'm the type to keep punching the wall until it breaks or I break, either way, something is going to give. Life simply can't stop us, we have infinite awareness and the ability to bring out our natural superhero. The power of consistency, the skill of showing up, the mentality of "bring it on." Enjoying the process, not worried what the house will eventually look like, but appreciating every wall built.

Be what you want to see in the world. Do what you want to be done by others. Be the light when everything else is dark. The butter to Steem's toast is content creators. Not everyone has an awareness of persistence, some hit the wall once, feel some pain, and stay trapped forever within those walls. People sometimes just need a door installed and shown the way out. - I don't ask why others do this or that, I fucking step up, and I show up.

There is no reason why every badass "introduce yourself" post shouldn't have at least a few bucks in upvotes. For every new person with a good experience is a trail of hundreds. It starts with the roots, the good experiences.

Our innate nature to survive, to cling. We must understand giving is receiving. The more you give, the more you get in return. Nowhere in this world do we have the power to give without actually having to lose, except here. It's interesting to see human nature, and how some hoard, some abuse, but then some empower, some give more then they receive. I am no saint and would want to be the last person to give anyone advice on anything. I'm speaking my mind, and for those that can relate, cool beans.

We have to have a bit of backbone and keep on walking even when it's challenging. Monopolies are forming all around us, and people tend to think freedom is something that is a guaranteed right. Wake up! There're powers out there that don't have our best interest in mind; this isn't about your bloody self-upvote mates, this is about the future of humanity!

The centralization of power has never been higher, we thought the internet would free us, but it has only allowed big corporations to monopolize every aspect of our daily lives. Love him or hate him but @Dan built a safe haven, and although it isn't perfect, it's what we have. If you think breaking Steem down and redoing it will change anything, no, it won't.

For the most part, humans are pretty fucking greedy, scared of pain, afraid to speak up for what they believe in. We'll always see whales that only upvote themselves, people selling bids on the open market, downvote wars, and piss fights.

We will always have sheep that follow the wolves to slaughter. Steemit is just another example of human nature. But guess what? You can't silence me on here, you can't ban my account. Downvote me to hell, I don't care.
People that want to read my writing or watch my videos will come to find me wherever it is. Uncollapsing an answer isn't hard, but banning my account, now that is the dagger in the heart. When you censor people by banning them, it's game over.

The point I am trying to make is, this isn't a time to take things for granted, get lackadaisical and sit back until it feels convenient. Steem is ahead of the game, in before anyone else, the Facebook and Youtube's of the world. We have a fighting chance to come together as a community and really make a difference. Remember, giving is better than receiving. Go upvote some new content, give to an upvote bot that really cares about our platform and performs rigorous whitelisting to assure great content is being seen and appreciated. We all don't have time to effectively use our steempower to ensure it goes to good and not bad (sitting on the sidelines is as good as bad). We just need to make sure these powerful upvote bots are helping find deserving content, this is a massive win for everyone.

I don't know about you, but this is a website I take pride in, a place I can hang my hat and call home. I plan to bring many projects to SMT's and helping spread awareness to more prominent investors. This is a living ecosystem, and passive investors that lock up a lot of Steem in steempower can really help stabilize the economy, it's just up to us as a community to make sure the ones that wield the most influence are being held accountable. Having a ton of steempower is one thing, but reputation is long lasting, and no amount of money can buy one's respect.

I know many have put in years of work for this platform. Given way more then they have received. To those people, I say thank you. I show my appreciation with my vote if you're a witness, or my upvote if you're a content producer.

To bring this to a close. Give more then you receive. Be grateful every day. Awareness is power. Compassion is a strength. It's not what you do when the sun shines that matters, but what value you can provide during harsh times. Reap what you sow; we have a real chance here to change the world. What are you going to do about it?



You hit the nail on the head here!!

"I post daily but don't get noticed or rewarded" - This type of mindset will never get one ahead. The truth is life is not fair, it's a capitalistic setup, the flower that grows the highest receives the sunlight, the rest can die in darkness for all nature cares. I shifted my focus long ago from what I got out of something to what I can put into something.

I hear from people each week saying, "Why should I stay if I'm not getting noticed or being rewarded". Well, you gotta work for that lol!

Like you said, if people would focus more on what they can give to something rather than get out of it, they'd be much better off. In fact, the entire world would be better off. Thanks for a great article man!

(Resteemed and upvote on the way)

Spoken like the true entrepreneur 💪🏼🙌🏼💯

You speak my mind @dhenz!

I’m super happy that you’re here with Steem and I’m gonna really enjoy reading and watching your content.

Have a wonderful weekend my friend:)

Even though I agree with everything you write there is a part where I disagree. But that’s what makes Steemit great. That as you mentioned everyone should feel free to speak their mind.

And that part is this

Go upvote some new content, give to an upvote bot that really cares about our platform and performs rigorous whitelisting to assure great content is being seen and appreciated. We all don't have time to effectively use our steempower to ensure it goes to good and not bad (sitting on the sidelines is as good as dangerous). We just need to make sure these powerful upvote bots are helping find deserving content, this is a massive win for everyone.

Although I feel that delegating to a bot is probably the most profitable solution for an investor which is fine by me, And even though every now and then I spend a fee dollars to promote my writings if I think they worth to be read, I am pretty sure that bots don’t search to find valuable content. It’s people who search for bots and usually we end up with a shitty trending page.

I know that time is a valuable thing and people with high stakes probably have lots of obligations too, therefore no time to curate. In my humble opinion it is way better to delegate to 2 /3 /10 people of whom you are certain that they will produce something valuable and that they will also help others to grow.

But that’s just me...And by know I assume you know that I enjoy your writings and your vlogs too. Happy steeming man

I was conflicted about bots for a long time. The fact that they are here and does not look like will be going away is something that weighed heavily in my thinking. That is where the community needs to step up and make sure if a person is running a bot, that they are putting in a lot of work to make sure that the steem is going to the right people, aka good content creators. Now, if big whales sit back and do not delegate or make use of their SP (and I like your idea of delegating to even single people who are just regular users) then the steempower can be going to greedy whales who don't share. I look at it like a war, if the steem isn't used for good then it is used potentially for bad. I plan to hodl upvote bots accountable to the highest standard, I am still new to this aspect but will be growing my awareness and asking questions. But I completely understand your view, and honestly I still don't know a perfect solution.

The truth is that since bots are here, and are not going to go away, there is not a perfect solution. And everyone is free to use his stake the way he wants. I just think it is kinda weird to view post with potential payouts 1500$ just because of bots. I mean wtf when steem climbs to 10$ these posts will have payouts at 15K. I would love to see a post with such a payout but only because community voted massively and not because some people have money to spend. Anyway it is very controversial... I am totally sure that you’ll use your stake wisely even though you don’t really have to explain yourself to anyone. And that’s because it is non of our business.

PS I like the fact that you also make a discussion through your comment section. It is great and I keep doing the same since the way things are it is the only way to interact with your audience

I agree with you. I have the confidence that when more people join the payouts won't be concentrated in that form, and if they are, we should all start throwing tomatoes at the upvote bots in charge. It is incentives, upvote bots only make money if the price of steem doesn't go to zero. They are sorta of like miners in this sense, instead of producing blocks, there are allocating steem to the people in need. If they fuck this up and just give to crap content, I would assume, and hope, that people would stop using that service. Obviously, the best answer is to manually upvote as much as possible on content you genuinely like. But there are also investors who don't have much time but believe in the project, these people need an outlet for their steem. I guess we could just burn the steem that would have been allocated to that person, instead of it being socialized. Right now, IMO, it is better to give to a trusted party that will use your steem for good, then it simply not use it at all. The reason is that it is socialized allocation, and if you don't use yours, someone else will and that someone may be using it in a way that is a detriment to steem. This is what ultimately made up my mind, but I was on the fence for a while with it, still kinda am TBH.

@dhenz, thank you for deciding to invest in Steem and ultimately also choosing to invest your stake partly with Smartsteem.

I've been really enjoying your positive and honest posts over the last few days as you're covering topics which are rare on Steem.

Now, it's currently 3am for me, my eyes are burning after a day of coding and I've been pondering a bit of time about how I can best answer to your post & comments and I came to the following conclusion:

Supporting and incentivizing investors is an important priority for every business, especially Smartsteem. And making sure that the Steem-ecosystem isn't neglected and quality content & creators being uplifted is important as well.

Obviously, quality is always subjective and it's very difficult to find an absolute way to judge it.

However, even if there is no perfect way, there is always room for improvements.

So I wanted to let you know that the Smartsteem team and I are working very hard on doing exactly that.

And the goal for Smartsteem was never to be a simple votingbot or promotion-service, but to create an ecosystem of its own and to improve Steem.

There are a lot of ideas and passion we have for and towards Steem.

And your support is helping us achieve exactly that!

Again, thank you for investing in Steem, because Steem needs investors like you!

I like what I see so far, keep up the good work.

Consider a program like @curie, which has a wide net of top curators and a literal spiderweb of 'feeder' curators. They really do the work to make sure the top content is upvoted, but they do not charge anyone for that.

There are many good programs. I look forward to hearing your impressions as you continue to learn more about what we have all been building around here! If I may ask, what sold you on @smartsteem? That's one that I do not know much about....

I (as part of Smartsteem) also think that @curie is doing an amazing job of finding top quality content. That's why we're working on something very, very important which fits exactly into that area. But more on that when the time is right.

Thanks, will check out curie

@curie is one of the few orca sized accounts that have been curating good content from the beginning I think. And from what I have seen @curie has been doing an excellent job. It doesn't have any whales delegating to it though which is a shame.

I believe @curie also has curators that get paid in STEEM by @curie if they find posts that meet @curie's criteria of a good post. It's an interesting concept.

The best motivation of the week right here 💪🏼🙌🏼💯

Posted using Partiko iOS

That last paragraph nailed it. I really think posts like this are key to giving that extra push to keep people on the platform. In the darkness, every little light counts.

Great stuff man! Very inspirational and uplifting as well as useful! Keep it up!

Wow!!! @dhenz. This is a powerful message you have preached.

give more than you receive.

Is what I have been trying to practice on steemit and in my life generally and I intend to continue it.

Thanks for the share. It has encouraged me more to do the things you said.

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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

Great stuff man

The truth is life is not fair, it's a capitalistic setup,...

Market is not fair either. If it could, it would take all your money and wouldn’t feel a bit sorry for you. That’s why we can’t feel sorry for market either when we get to beat him. But to do that, we have to do our homework and be patient. That’s basically what our life is all about. Inpatient people or quitters never get anywhere. One thing I’ve learned from my past experience. When you feel you are going to break, that’s exactly the breaking point. If you cross it, you win. If you give up...

Give more then you receive.

No one has ever become poor by giving.

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