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RE: Thanks To Steemit, My Dad Is Very Proud Of Me!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Isn't that the best!! I was a punk growing up, put my pops threw some shit cause I was always getting in trouble and looking for ways to go against the grain. Now that I am grown and I take life more seriously, I seek the approval of my father, and it feels great! As I'm sure the same feeling goes for you, cause I can feel it within your pops is a good man, and I can only wish to be half the man he is.
Thanks for sharing this post. I am glad you had this moment! I hope for many more to come for you!


From your reply I can see that we feel the same way. You understand the emotions behind those words.

Years ago, if this happened in a movie or a story, I'd have laughed it off as being fake but the emotions/powers behind this feeling are as real as they get!

I hope for many more to come for you!

I wish you the same.