Steemit Is A Scam! How Bernie Sanders Screwed Me!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

What a whirlwind my first week on Steemit has been.

I went from not knowing what it was, to making my first post and making nearly $15,000, to making a few more posts which made another $15,000.

I posted yesterday and within 2 hours I had 500+ upvotes and it had made over $2,000. I was well on my way to becoming a steemillionaire!

I asked my assistant to dial up the local yacht dealership to purchase a new yacht, when... all of a sudden it had only made $1,000.

I motioned to my assistant to tell them I'd call them back.

"Why?" she asked.

"I seem to be losing Steem," I said as I squinted at my 65" monitor.

"What's Steem?" she asked.

"Don't ask questions, worker!  I own you!" I snapped back.

The rest of the night I pondered on what was going on.  I also began to realize why anarcho-communists hate us capitalists so much.

But, then, I woke up the next morning and WHAM!

My last post was down to $122.04!  I checked the upvotes and I had 762 upvotes.

My mind raced.

"I've been robbed," I screamed at my assistant, nearly knocking over my Grey Goose dirty martini.

She didn't respond, she knows better.

"120 dollars?" I shrieked, "That'll barely pay a day's wage for my chef, driver, gardener, maid and bodyguard!"

Someone forwarded me this article, "Berwicks Last Stand".

I quickly read through it as my whole Steem world was falling apart.

He posted this screenshot:

My jaw dropped.  Bernie Sanders!  Of all the people, I should've known!

Apparently, @berniesanders, is a whale on Steemit and, inline with his philosophy, he took dictatorial control to censor me!

And, like the communist he is, he quickly absconded with my hard earned Steem and shared the wealth with others!

Now, impoverished by communism, I am wondering where my next 7 course meal will come from!

And, I'm left wondering, if we can't have a blockchain based social network free of the right of private individuals like Bernie Sanders to make personal decisions about who receives Steem then what do we have left?

What, I ask you!

I will continue on here at Steem, answering the question, "Would Jeff Berwick post here if he wasn't making millions of dollars?"

The answer, for now, is yes.  I still believe in this thing goddammit.

My workers, of course, will have to take a pay cut though, of course.  Caviar isn't cheap.

I just hope that Bernie Sanders can now see how his communist wealth sharing policies really hurts the little man, and woman.

"Maria?  Tell my child labor slaves to make up a new batch of silk tissues, I feel a tear coming on."

Just kidding, I am a narcissistic capitalist.  I don't cry.

[*Edit: Unbelievably, a few people thought this post was serious (Like this guy!! It was sarcasm and creative writing. @berniesanders has the right to do whatever he wants in a free market. I have no problem at all with it and find it fascinating to see how Steemit evolves and how things like whales evolve to adapt to content. It's an experiment in the free market on the blockchain. It's beautiful. What Bernie did, though, could spark a discussion about the role of whales and the usage of the "flagging" option which is a healthy discussion, one that I'll likely delve into in future.]

let's just agree that all of us here @berniesanders @dollarvigilante are trying to make Steem a better platform. There is no right and wrong, and what's done cannot be undone. A lot of people think that bernie was right, a lot think dollarvigilante is right. A few bucks won't hurt either of you, and I a sure none of your attacks towards each other were personal. Good luck, both of you. May the best content on Steem win lol

Yes you are right @kudgar. The few bucks that don't hurt either one are essentially a gift from @ned and @dan.

None of us deserve any sort of reward. A place to voice our opinions without censorship of ideas by a large entity it a reward in itself. Yes whales can make content less visible, but they do not erase it.

Whales votes are like giving some people a megaphone and others laryngitis. Most people will hear what people are saying on the megaphones, but if you listen closely you can make out what those with laryngitis are whispering.

The money we get for content is a simple bonus on top of this and people shouldn't feel enraged to "lose" money that wasn't theirs to begin with.

The payout system could change tomorrow and posts could be capped at $5. Some would leave and take content elsewhere, but many would stay. If steemit were solely about making as much money as possible by any means, it will become corrupt and cliques and groups will form that attempt to destroy one another.

So far the developers and those heavily invested have shown that they care about their userbase and rely on us to continue to create content and generously reward us all for doing this.

I have no complaints from earning over $1,500 on a $0 investment. My total time on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube has left me with my initial investment of $0 for as many hundreds of hours I have spent there making the founders rich.

Sounds like the definition of a Feudal system. So does everybody basically have to blow @berniesanders on a regular basis to make any money on here? I have to say I am very dis-enchanted with what I've seen on Steemit. If this is the future of crypto, ugghhh.. We've replaced a handful of oligarchs who own the real political-economy with a handful of obligarchs who own the crypto economy. They set the rules. They shut people down. How is this different form the default world? It appears worse to me because there is ZERO accountability and they are totally anonymous.

Its ironic that he goes by the name bernie sanders, a socialist, when sounds like he is promoting tyranny.

Spread the positivity :)

Indeed. @dollarvigilante is helping this community to grow and @berniesanders is doing the same. Both of them want to see steemit successful and growing in the long run and lets not forget that lots of people joined steemit because of @dollarvigilante so yeah, he is a legend here so far. There are few things on which I strongly disagree with @dollarvigilante but that doesn't means that I dislike him or something. I also want to see steem community as a successful community and social media.

I like the humorous way you have put this. I would be very very annoyed if this happened to me.

I don't agree with the precedent that this sets.

I think with your humorous tone you are pointing out that you will be OK but this sets a bad example which will lead to the little guys getting screwed as always.

Seems disliking a post or not agreeing it or thinking that it repeats previous information is now a reason for downvoting.

This is not what I understood downvoting to be about. The whole point was to reduce visibility of content that is fraudulent, steals others work or is is otherwise scamming and harming the community.

The example that is being set is terrible. Like it or not the minnows follow the example of the whales.

I do hope that the whale in question gives this more thought.

Yes, this event should create a conversation on downvoting and the role of the whales... that's a good thing. Steem is new and we all need to figure out the best way to make it work.

True. It certainly has people talking. These are teething troubles and I suspect most of these things will be sorted out before the masses get onboard. If they don't something else will come along that does solve these issues and does it better. It's how the market works. In the heyday of Myspace nobody thought it could be replace until it was by Facebook.

Those conversations took place even before you got here. Just sayin.

Yet, they fell on deaf ears a lot of the time.

Hi @dollarvigilante! I understand you are creating quite a controversy here on Steemit. I'm located in Buenos Aires and trying to promote Steemit, I actually think am the first person over here that put the Steemit logo on the streets of Buenos Aires. However the response of Steemit community to my efforts has been far from "massive" so far. So I understand why some people would be mad at you, but I wouldn't blame you for this. I think we are all learning how to best contribute to this platform. Everything is brand new here on Steemit so we just need to keep learning.


You've made ~$32,000 from this platform - please give us something of substance to show for it.

If u could, you would do it too. I do agree with you but your tone sounds a bit like "you're rich. Where's my piece of your pie." Even though this is probably not completely your attitude. I does sort of sound like it.

People who use the flag because that is all they know
Bringing their baggage from other places to this show
They know not that this weapon can be used on them as well
An endless war of flags to make this place hell

Attacking anyone that speaks with whom they disagree
I wonder next if the person they attack will be me
If someone with power would abuse it this way
Then why would any but the circle jerks choose to stay

This is a problem there is no doubt this I say
Socialist view redistribution and unfairness as the way
Never seeing that who decides what is fair
One day to them their gaze my stare

Endorsing harm for people of a different mind
I care not for they are not people I consider kind

EDIT: this comment was made prematurely. I'm an idiot and didn't see much past the clickbaity title. I didn't realize it would result in such a huge backlash. Sorry guys, won't happen again.

Yeah. I know. This whole fiasco of a comment just became a huge lesson on why one should not try to read a post and then comment on it while doing other shit. I down voted my own fucking post because this is ridiculous. I'm sorry everyone. Jesus.

ok, lets not be so hard on yourself now lol

lol they doin shame on u lool

You could use a better title. Steemit is a Scam! is probably not a good phrase to be shown on the front page of a 7 week old groundbreaking project. Everyone does NOT read the full body of a post, nor do all of them understand sarcasm.

People don't dump their STEEM load from titles dude...just saying.

Perhaps you should have tagged it 'satire'. You can't shout FIRE in a theater and just say, sorry, that was sarcastic. Nor should you go to dinner and say to your host, this whole meal is shit! I've been poisoned! It was your wife, Amelia! ackk ackk. And then be like, hey, I was just being sarcastic, there was just a bone in my filet. Anyway, you're a bright fellow, you should be able to communicate your points without resorting to such heavy handed tactics, one would think. People are understandably sensitive about protecting this fledgling network from slurs of various sorts.

I thought I could tell there was some sarcasm in there, but what I really heard was that you still don't get it. Quality content is not writing about how much money you make. This post is not quality content either because it is just you, learning to use the platform. On the other hand, all of the dollars you are waving around will attract some users, some of those are probably users with good content. I also support the Whales ability to upvote you at first. They want to encourage you, which makes perfect sense. You are encouraged with dollars. However, they can also discourage. IMO, you need to start writing content instead of bragging about how much money you make or how much you didnt make. Let's get on with the show folks!

BTW, one more post like this and I will Mute you in my feeds.

Are you kidding? Or have you been living under a rock for the last few days? Did you watch his interview of Dan and Ned? Did you watch the national radio show during which he spent 2 hours discussing steem and doing quite an admirable job answering questions and explaining steem despite only starting to take a look at it a couple of days prior?

And how many users do you imagine he is attracting to the platform? How much do you think his followers appreciate the informative posts he has made so far?

In just a matter of days, this guy has ALREADY done orders of magnitude more for steem than you could possibly do if you never slept another wink and spent every remaining moment of your life devoted to the advancement of steem. Yet you bash him and call him a braggard for sharing his experience with steem?

Are you really so insecure? Why don't you try checking your inferiority complex at the door?

you have definitely got a point there - with all his followers, he can be a huge advantage for steemit.
I'm also currently in the process of promoting steemit to my 50k followers, to try to get them here and make an account.
Dollarvigilante has gotten an incredible amount of attention, I've never seen so many upvotes on consecutive posts on steemit, and I'm sure he could do lots of good things for steemit's future!

We should focus on growing together, instead of fighting and putting each other down. Especially the ones who want to do good! I mean, you could always warn someone before flagging them. Sometimes that can be a bit harsh. We don't want to kill his motivation, right

I did not see the interview. But I am sure that Dan and Ned appreciate the title of this post. Especially the part about Steemit being a scam. See how sarcasm doesn't hide my true feelings?

I have nothing LOL. You guys are too much. LOL.

Putting aside for a second that the flagging is not there to measure quality (that's what votes are for) - it was a JOKE. If you can't recognise it when it is staring you in the face then I don't know what to suggest.

You cannot hide behind sarcasm just to save face now. If I don't buy it, who cares? Just imagine what berniesanders thinks when he sees this title. This topic of Steemit being a scam is not cool, hence the flag.

OK, I had to laugh at this. LOL

Not trying to be anal, but this report needs to add a "not sure" option to the tears question.

You are right! I will start a petition immediately with the White House to have the Federal Department of Butthurt get on this post haste.

@dollarvigilante some people simply have not the ability to understand sarcasm. Its not that they dont want, its just they are technically not able to. Therefore we all should better mark such texts as sarcasm, so that also people with this inability have a chance to understand what is going on.
Otherwise, well done post! Yea we truly need a discussing when to flag and what to flag. I also think just downvoting because you think the person gets too much should not be the same as flagging. Its questionable if we ever should downvote somebody just we think that the person gets too much.
I think mainly this has to do with using an exponential payout algorithm. If you simply could distribute your own money, then nobody would question why you spent your money for this person. Spending his own money would be similar like using an linear payout algorithm.

In the following post i summarized why it could be good to use a more linear payout algorithm.
I hope this can enrich the discussion about ¨down¨ voting:

Sarcasm relies on tone of voice, and tone of voice does not attach itself to text.

EDIT: And without making it past the title and first 2 or 3 lines, it looked like a rant. I shoulda hung in there and read the rest of it.
Paid the price.
Now tending to all these pitchfork wounds.

Now, impoverished by communism, I am wondering where my next 7 course meal will come from!

A line like that should allow you to work it out. Practically every line is cartoonishly absurd.

I'm with you Jeff, have faith in, not so much in the users here. The majority seem to be like reddit users, they are often not the most complete thinkers. Its why reddit is so full of nonsense.
Too much idiocy to weed through to get to anything of value.
Like I said on FTL, spread the love man!!
Its a community after all. And when people see that dollarvigilante had upvoted them, your reputation will rise. You'll find fewer detractors. :^)

Let me put it this way: If your post was meant to incite interaction: mission accomplished. ;-)

I didn't read the whole thing. Your title made me grumble and I read about the first paragraph.
My bad? Whatever.

So didn't get a new yacht?

Oh try not to be so hard on them if you can. I'm OUT. This was funny.

waw. Or maybe you lost your sense of humour?

ALso, how broken is the flagging system? I flagged ur comment for being just plain wrong and it vanishes it from the feed? Broken.

I unflagged it cuz even wrong opinions should be visible for others to laugh at.


I hope they are working on a fix to that too. The recent update yesterday fixed a similar issue but with entire posts being greyed out in category feeds due to a single flag.

The "Steemit is a scam" part should have tipped you off.

That's a very limited, and ultimately false, interpretation of how sarcasm works.

Doesn't Poe's law belong somewhere in this discussion?

dude, seriously?
did you read it throughout, or simply JUDGE.

@winstonwolfe <gaffaw!> I call bs! Just admit you jumped to a wrong conclusion - it's the only way to stop digging the hole deeper. :D

I'm pretty sure I did admit that.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!.....the fun we have here :D

Even the part about being a narcissistic capitalist?

I'll classify myself as a victim of a clickbaity title.

No that was my question to the dollar vigilante fellow -- he said the whole post was sarcasm, which I guess means he thinks he's NOT a narcissistic capitalist.

Ah, Winston, you disappoint me, my man. Always good to read the whole thing, sometimes over and over again before commenting and correcting someone. Best you can do is own it and say "Yeah, I criticized too quickly and apologize." Having followed Jeff for a bit, this post doesn't surprise me at all. It's some funny creative writing indeed.

Absolutely my fault. I'm at work, didn't have much more than a few seconds to read into his post, and I jumped the gun. I kind of wish everybody would stop replying so that I had to continue replying back. This is turning into me looking like I'm fishing for votes. Totally not the case. In the meantime, I'll be sure to not reply until I know I have enough time to really soak in what I'm looking at. I know his post from yesterday left a somewhat sour taste in people's mouths, and I think I based my comment off of that.

No, I don't see myself as being a narcissist (although no narcissist thinks they are). If you click the hyperlink you'll see someone claimed I was. I was making fun of that.

@daollarvigilante Not exactly what I meant when I said highlight some folks you think are doing good work, but well played.

FYI the reason you made less, had less to do with your downvote from @berniesanders and more to do with the fact that there is a fixed liquidity pool with only so much to go around each day. The act of any up or down vote is just someone saying they think you are entitled to a greater or lesser share of the pool that day for that post.

Your screen shot shows you already had a trending post that day. So basically you damaged your earnings on that post, more than anyone else, because you had multiple posts up at the same time. :)

Yes many people think you are a narcissist, myself included. Most of us don't care, several including myself view that as an asset. The whales supporting you right now are doing so for the PT Barnum effect. You are bringing people in the door and raising the profile of the site. Some folks have taken to calling you P.T. Berwick (you're welcome). All that matters at this stage of the game is metcalf's law.

Users especially whales are concerned with the value of steem in the 2 year range because that's when they will be cashing out and they will need people to sell to. More subscribers means less steem to go around and more people jockeying for the power that being a whale provides. Hence upward pressure on the price.

Fair price for steem right now is around $6.70 if you're selling it for less you need your head examined. Imagine what happens when we get to 1 million steemians.

Keep showing personal growth like this (by highlighting content you think is worth looking at) and you may win new followers.

And if you look carefully you'll see what I was making fun of.

Evidently not!

I am really enjoying this First Stemmit Civil war. Yall can find toolbox of solutions in #bitnation .

Oh the entire thing was? LOL nicely played.

Initially I thought you were actually kind of serious (though bringing up some interesting things for the community to sort through).

Holy shit, you made 20 bucks on a comment and my post on Market Cycles made a measly 4 cents! I hate you Jeff Berwick! It's your fault!

Hey @dollarvigilante you should take part and let your followers know about the Steemit thunderclap about to happen, it's already surpassed it's goal but the more the merrier

He also didn't notice you tagged the post in #whyistilllovesteemit

I came here because of you, Jeff! I kept going back up to the top to make sure it was actually WRITTEN by Dollar Vigilante- I thought your account had been hacked!! P.S. Haha! Grey Goose dirty martinis- YUM!!!!!

it may not be new to you but the 10,000 new users who came in may not agree since we don't have a good archive he presented it in a very funny manner with all sorts of analogy. The quality of the post was not the question but more of a "crab bucket" phenomena, people don't like seeing people getting out of the bucket. Same thing happened with @heidatravel and others who were having phenomenal success.

It just rubbed me the wrong way I think.

I think you read the title and skipped straight to the comment section.

I really did too. He got me.

So you agreed that you didn't read the whole post, that you didn't get his sarcasm, and your only defense is "at least it wasn't as bad as that post."

And then spending all the time replying to every comment in his post, its starting to sound either like trolling or fishing for votes now.

Please don't make it out to be that way. That was not my intention at all.

Agreed, although I don't know a heidatravel : P

We are going to have thousands of new people coming in and they are going to look for information of how Steemit works which mean those type of post are going to constantly rise. Why are you mad at people who are providing that information? It's what the people want at that moment and that's what this site about, catering to what people want at the moment. It's the whole reason for voting.

I don't disagree, the archiving system needs some work. If we had a way of categorizing the more popular "Steemit How-To" posts, I think this may alleviate that issue to a large degree.

For the record, I wrote that post because thousands came in through me and they were all asking the same questions... I sent it out over all my networks and received hundreds of "thank yous" from people who didn't understand how to post properly and get good results on Steemit.

I'm glad that I wasn't the only one who saw the satire in this post. I love @berniesanders and I appreciate what you are doing here as well.

I won't say I speak for @berniesanders, but I do understand how the same type of content being repeated, even though I feel your motives are good may hurt steemit long term.

You already have plenty of users following you and looking to you for your future posts. You have covered your background (fascinating!) and some general tips that should help new users.

I think it may be time for you to hold a creative contest giving back to the community that blessed you with thousands of dollars of support. You now have the platform to make new dolphins and by doing so you will further yourself as someone who brings long term value to steemit.

You could create a contest that hasn't been done before, but I think the expectations are so high right now that anything less than a completely unique post may have people divided and believing you are driving content more on status and less on content. (whether or not this is fair is another question, but that seems to be the vibe I have been seeing).

Also perfecting the flagging system / moderation is important. It would be nice to see why the 30 people above flagged your post without some hiding behind anonymity. They have the right to flag, but should have to give the reason why so others can understand not just on this post, but every post.

Anyone is free to weigh in with their 2 cents New Content Flagging System With Feedback


They are not anonymous in the blockchain. Take the URL for this article and change in it to and you can see the name of every person that voted, flagged, etc.

I do agree with your image though. People are referring to it as a down vote. It is not. It is a flag. Even other sites that have both upvote and downvote have a FLAG which means something different.

I understand that you can see who upvoted and who flagged, but the issue is that it is not mandatory to give a reason why a post or comment was flagged. While I would get my reputation destroyed if I went through and flagged all of a new users post I didn't like, if I had to say why I did each flag, users could see that my flags were not applicable to what was being flagged.

I actually called out the user who flagged my content about flagging (kind of funny) but he she could just not like me, disagree, have hit the button by accident, but I have no way to contact or dispute the flag.

I feel that needs to addressed and you are a user I respect @dwinblood so I would love to have you in the comments on the post.

berniesanders What he did was nothing less than flag abuse. The devs need to update the flag programing to quickly get this problem under control

@james212 No it's appropriate use of flagging for a whale to do this. They are pulling momentum out of a post and then spreading it around. Agreed about the devs making this more granular.
What impacted his per post earnings was too many posts that day. He still pulled in multiple kilobucks, but he had to work harder for it because of all his posts were in competition for the same limited supply of money.

@wlliambanks. If it is appropriate for a whale, then it is appropriate for any member to do this. I think it is better idea to address the issue by tweaking the programing. I seems that the up-vote/value allocation logarithm is not tweaked sufficiently to deal with highly popular posters likes like @Dollarvigilante or others that are sure to come.

@james212 I think we're both right. My point was that as a whale, bernie had a duty to push down content he didn't feel was appropriate. 1000 minow downvotes couldn't have had the same effect as a single bernie vote, and so you're right too.
There needs to be more granular options available.
"Flag for abuse" vs "I downvote"

The first rule of steemit is do not lose your password!

There are no written rules for the use of flagging apart from individual interpretation. Lots of steemers have declared their views on what appropriate flagging is but people are still free to flag how they want.

I don't agree with berniesanders reason for flagging, but I am glad that he and the rest of us are free to decide what we believe to be appropriate flagging!

Flag abuse 1% mentality. I've already made several comments on this idea of "Quality Content" being a strange concept for a site that states it wants to be a platform for Free Speech and a big Social Media site. Everyone wants to share their point of view, but not everyone wants to be a technical writer or an Author.

Based on one day only and still with an open mind, I am not disappointed there are whales, I am disappointed at the difference between the Whales and the Minnows. (CEO with stock options asking the Janitor to write content)

However, I find the whole experiment entertaining and interesting.

Oh, and one last thought on the voting power. My voting power only helps me if I vote for my own articles, otherwise it just gives me power to influence others. I don't totally "get it" yet.

I made the mistake of calling him out for being an arbitrary, vindictive envy-monger. He flagged this post and it hammered my rep 6 points and took a $260 post down to $33 that was something he hadn't even seen.

I have seen others posting to the effect that when Bernie notices you, suddenly all these bots upvote you as well. In my opinion he is gaming the system. I am sure the devs will figure out what it is he is doing and close the gate.

I actually think a how to post in Steem it post from dollar vigilante would get a lot more attention then one of the long time authors. I am glad he posted it. He helped all the newbies that read it and learned to post better. Glad to hear you are staying on. It certainly is an interesting expiriment

Don't worry, we all make mistakes. Those who own up to their mistakes are the better men.

Absolutely correct. The dollar makes everyone excited and over night dollars that's large in sum makes many overly excited and our judgment can be a little off. Keep banging out post and do you. The way you are got me following you years ago, you change I might change and i'm not in the mood for all these changes.

I agree. Tensions are high at the moment being a promising new platform where there is money to be made.

I dknow in theory that is what he did. I don;t know that I agree with the reasons for it. Rather, I agree with the reasons for it, but if it not always done, should it have been done in this case? He is high profile, and possibly was targeted for it as such. Lots of unoriginal material has been posted and made some money. Also, why should one vote have the power to knock out half the rewards from other votes?

I doubt that berniesanders' concience would be completely clear if he was asked if his downvote was free of jealousy or feeling threatened.

I vote for your humility my friend

It was jokingly written. He ( @dollarvigilante ) will not be hurt by this so much but it sets a precedent which could punish the minnows quite harshly.

I don't know what you said before the EDIT (but I can infer the gist from the replies).

It's refreshing to see someone own a mistake and admit it, not just dig in and double down. This is the path to real discourse and it should be encouraged. Lesson learned and all that...


Hey there, winstonwolfe. This was clearly sarcasm and it was great. I am daunted as to how it was not obvious.

Probably because I'm at work, and I really should not be on steemit when I'm working. My bad.


@onceuponatime wrote a post 3 days ago about "Flagging Etiquette and Practice", I believe it to be very relevant now and I invite you all to read it:

Me right now lol

Pass the popcorn... lol!

me too, but look at what i posted.......down below a few, with the male makeup....

Full post now here:


I've been thinking about your situation all morning while writing my dense article about how I was crushed as a sensitive 18 year-old and I am happy to proclaim that I have a solution for your unique problem of coming across as an entitled and arrogant individual. Now, I have never met you so I cannot say for certain that this is true, however your latest clickbait title would indicate something along those lines. But it's just a hunch, nothing concrete.
Anyway, the minnows and some whales are feeling a bit hesitant so far to embrace your particular form of re-hashed, self-expression so I believe this is the solution that would make you popular here on the Steemit platform. You should do a Second Male Makeup Tutorial. This would garner you lots of votes and even from your most bitter enemies. They would soften when they'd watch you apply the rosy-hued tints to your nicely shaped cheeks. I was going to provide you with a solid outline, and non-click baity title for you to use, but maybe you can generate those yourself. Here's a potential model for your to follow, as the male makeup tutorials have followed this particular style since the first month of Steemit:

If you were to take me up on this proposal, there would never be any need for any of us to go to mainstream media, ever again.


Take notes to create the second male makeup tutorial:

Actually Snapchat makes this very easy to do. (Snapchat: vigilantexxx)

OMG when did Paul Stanley arrive on steemit? Also did he bring along Gene Simmons and the rest of KISS? I am SUCH a huge fan!

I might actually watch that makeup tutorial.

God, I know!!!!!! I would totally watch it!

@stellabelle I think I might have something for your secret-writer thing. Pretty sure I dated that gal for awhile.