Features that should be added to Steemit!
Things that should be added!

Steemit is already an amazing platform but some things should be added to make the experience even better!
1. Refund button
This hasn’t happened to me but if you would ever sent a wrong amount to a person than a refund button would be really helpful.
The way it would work (that I made up) is that perhaps next to every transaction there is a refund button, if you press it you get a little message box that gives you the oppurtunity to write a reason. Once you click refund the person who recieved the money gets the message you send and he can confirm the refund by also clicking the button.
Like I already stated this would be really helpful if you ever sent a wrong transaction, that way the person who recieved it doesn’t have to transfer it back manually. Just to eliminate the amount of errors that could be made!
2. A private message service

The only way you can send people a message at this moment if by transfering money and typing it in the memo. A message service would be a really good addition. To prevent spam, you can make it that you have to pay a small amount before you can use it. That way bots won’t be able to spam you with messages.
3. Live market prices
A little page where we could follow the rates of SteemPower and SteemDollars would be a nice addition to the platform. It isn’t necessary but it would make the experience that little bit easier! Give it a nice lay-out and BOOM, another cool feature on Steemit.
There are probably a lot more cool features that could be added, that is why I want you guys to leave some ideas in the comments and get this post on trending, maybe we can make Steemit a better place!