The mute feature. Does it fix anything?

in #steemit7 years ago

Some of you may not even know there is a mute feature on steemit. It doesn't really do much other than make it so you stop seeing posts, comments, replies, etc from a specific user. It is like putting a filter in your eyes that to YOU makes that person cease to exist as far as you are concerned.

If you were choosing to mute them due to bad behavior of theirs it will make you stop seeing what you are considering bad behavior. It will also make it so you never see if they have a realization and change their ways.

In fact it won't do anything to really change anything other than what you personally see.

I've used mute on a very few occasions. In all of those occasions it was apparent the person had an attraction for belittling, ad hominem attacks, name calling, trolling, etc. I'd try to reason with them on that first. If that failed I muted them. I realized I didn't actually change anything other than the temptation seeing their writing would inspire in me to be tempted to respond to them. That is one of the only activities I consider a waste of my time. Responding to people that have no interest in what I say and only want to call people names, troll them, or get belligerent with anyone who disagrees with them.

Now having stated that I want you to consider that some people use the mute for anyone they disagree with. I've actually been muted by someone on steemit that I like simply because I disagreed with something he was commenting on my post. I didn't disagree really, it is just what he was commenting actually didn't actually change what I wrote about. It was a side track. It also assumed I said things that I did not. I pointed this out. I do think I got harsh, but not insulting at one point, and instead this person muted me. I was following this person as I enjoyed a lot of his posts. I stopped following the person, I stopped up voting their posts which I had been doing pretty regularly, etc. I figure why follow someone who I can never engage with?

So this is a word of caution for how you use the mute. It doesn't necessarily fix things. It can instead just turn the environment into a fantasy land where reality is filtered and you only see what you want to hear. In other words, it gradually morphs your reality into what is sometimes called an echo chamber, a circle jerk, or a "yes man" convention.

I knew the person that muted me liked to use the mute. He is very open about it. I still see his "I mute you" or similar comments to other people. I see him proposing muting as solutions to other people.

It should be noted muting doesn't improve steemit. It doesn't actually make a change to the community. It just makes it so you are oblivious to the things that are going on. It is much like a little kid sticking their fingers in their ears and saying "Nah, nah, nah I can't hear you".

It is there and in some cases it is beneficial. If you know you'll be tempted to feed an obvious troll then it is useful for that, but it is more about keeping yourself in check then than intentionally blinding yourself to reality.

Instead of mute I am going to simply stop following people I see that are putting self interest ahead of the good of the platform and the community. I will encourage my followers to do the same if I notice it. This at least leaves the room that if the person CHANGES later that I can reengage with them when they've learned from mistakes. Mute removes that possibility.

I've said this before and I'd like to close out this post with this. Disagreement is a good thing. If you can have a discussion with someone that disagrees with you that is a tremendous opportunity for both of you to learn new things. In fact, the odds of that happening are much higher due to different information than if you simply speak with people who know the same things and agree with you all the time. It is thus important to remember that being frustrated because you cannot get someone to agree does not mean that person is trolling you. It is also very rare for agreement to occur instantly. This is especially true for complex topics. It generally takes a person going off and thinking for some time. I often describe these things as planting seeds in the minds of others and they in turn planting seeds in my mind. We should not assume because the person did not agree with us that the dialog was a waste of time, a loss, or a failure. Most major mind changes take time, introspection, and time for those seeds to find purchase and grow.

I've had debates with someone in person that was emotional and angry and very much disagreeing with my point I was trying to make. A year or so later I walked into a room to see that person having a similar debate with someone else. This time the person who previously disagreed with me was using my words. He eventually understood what I was trying to explain, and he likely did not even remember the conversation with me. Mental change is typically slow unless it is backed by some traumatic event.


I've used the mute button a few times. I'm not here for the trolls, so when one rears its ugly head, the mute button becomes my way of removing them from my Steemit experience. My only gripe is that I wish it made me invisible to them just as it does the reverse. Facebook has this feature down, I think. When one person blocks another, they're both invisible to each other, even if one specifically tries going to the other's profile.

Yes, trolls are an important reason for the mute. Honestly, once they are muted I don't care if they can see me or not. I don't believe I should be able to control what they see. I simply don't want to interact with them.

I make damned sure they are a troll and not sure they are simply disagreeing with me before I reach for the mute. Even then they have to be calling me names, belittling me, and ad hominem attacking for me to say "Okay this person is going to be a time sink and will waste a ton of my time if I keep seeing their posts and being tempted to respond".

Useful as always @dwinblood

My perspective (across the web as a whole) is that we all must play an active role in curation, and yes, that includes people. People and the value they offer us change, so we have to prune them just as we would the overgrown hedges.

The problem with that is it assumes people are forever damned and cannot learn from their mistakes and learn. Most of us would have been pruned if the entire world took that perspective, because we've all been asses and stupid in our lives. If there is no redemption why have rehab, AAA, prisons, etc. Seems like if people cannot change they'd just be killed off... yes I am being extreme here. It was more to make a point. I know we're not killing anyone, but we are damning people to a place from where there is no redemption... for how can you see the change if you have made them invisible in your world?

I never MUTED someone, since I have the same opinion like you have. It doesn't make the community better. But even more important for me is: I want to interact with people with a different opinions. I therefore will never MUTE someone because that account/user has a different opinion. Conversing with people with different opinions enriches my mind. It supports to get a better 360 degrees view on things.

I did notice the mute option but wasn't sure what it did. I agree with you and will unfollow anyone I would consider muting. Great post and thank you for this useful information.

You may run into a troll or someone following you and bashing you on your own posts. In those cases mute might be the only thing left to protect your sanity. It does have it's place.

There you go again making me uncomfortable by reminding me of things I've done that I regret.

And now I can't even mute you.

Stupid Steemit. ;-)

Thanks for the seeds, I'm still trying to wrap my mind around follow/following and muting those spammers who follow me.

Just removing the entire list of people I'm following and starting over with the goal of being much more selective is something I'm considering. But I can't stop those who follow me from following me. Follow? (rhetorical q)

I'm not adverse to debate and I have come to feel less inclined to worry who's following me and then un-following me. It's more about figuring a way to follow those who's work I'm interested in.

The ability to organize content and content creators here leaves much to be desired.

Yes I'm aware this post is from "last month". Just thought I'd mention how I've discovered your work through my feed surfing and how appreciative I am of much your prolific list of offerings.

I also want to see how far back we can actually add to the chain.


I don't mind people responding to my older posts at all. Sure we all make money on this platform, and there are some people that think a post doesn't matter after 7 days due to no payout. I am not one of those. I am storing myself, and my ideas on the blockchain as well and as time passes those will have a longer term importance than funds.

I rarely use the mute feature and it's mostly to counteract extremely toxic trolling. I have ran into issues in the past where people simply like to argue for arguments sake and while I can inherently refuse to argue, acknowledge their points, and establish my own beliefs over and over again in a non-hostile way, some people simply refuse to accept that. In those situations it turns into countless comments and replies of me not answering questions that I feel people have to answer for themselves and me trying to explain that I can't define someone else's beliefs or feelings about something, but only share my own. Generally it's best just to stop wasting my time and theirs after countless comments and replies trying to establish a basis of communication.

The point here is that you put forth an effort. You didn't do it simply over disagreement. The person that muted me (there have been a few, but only one really mattered to me) is someone I had some cool conversations with and we agreed on a lot of things. I didn't agree in this one case and that was enough to be muted. He also frequently recommends mute to other people.

I thought I'd write this post so people might give a little more thought when considering mute.

There are definitely times to use it. I've had to use it myself.

I like this perspective! It's always a bit sad to me to feel that there is no ability to communicate and to have to approach things from that direction, but it isn't something I do lightly. Hopefully with higher awareness we can give people some new perspective!

Is there a way you can see who muted you?

You have to find it someway using I happened to look at the time I was muted, so I noticed the event. Actually, it was @thatgermandude who kindly pointed out that yes indeed I had been muted. It was a sad thing. I was actually a little sad as I think the guy is pretty neat. He just has zero tolerance for disagreement with his world view. is a good tool to see who have muted you.

Thanks that is useful. I won't look there too often. Don't want to be depressed over who may or may not unfollow me. :) If I need to know mutes though it is a good way.

Use it when you need it :)

This tool ( shows the account that did MUTE you (type in your username at the field to the left of the screen.

I used it once and the persons comment disappeared from my post lol I guess it only disappeared from my account though!

Yes it just makes anything they write invisible to you. Everyone else can still see it.

I once defined hiding posts on FB but staying someone's friend about the same as I would using mute here... A brilliant example of human arrogance. It's like having a conversation with someone and just ignoring everything they say to talk about yourself so.e more. Super arrogant.

It is arrogant to assume because someone doesn't agree with you that they are not worth your time. The arrogance is in assuming we are right, have all the answers, and anyone that disagrees is a fool.

they have to be intentionally calling me names, belittling me, and pretty much obviously not listening to anything I am saying for me to mute them. It becomes a point where I realize I'll see them saying these things and feel tempted to respond and get them to realize that calling names and such is a waste of time. I actually try that once or twice then I realize it is actually me who is wasting time. So mute for me, is more about keeping myself in CHECK. I do not like wasting my time. I had one guy almost a year ago following me from post to post intentionally trolling all of my comments. That was the first person I muted. I believe I've used it 2 or 3 times since then.

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