dMania owner zombee is abusing steemit delegation with multiple accounts, stealing users chances of getting rewards and censors them

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

intro meme final.jpg

You can't cure human greed ! You can just expose it whenever you have the chance and fight against it.

I think that it is very important for the integrity of STEEM's social media platforms that this issues should be addressed and be solved. The only way for doing that is by making the information available to the community. Only by making this kind of information public, other abusers will think twice before making moves. Also the community needs to raise their opinions on this kind of matters, no matter what decisions will be made. I want to protect my investment in STEEM and all of you should do that also. Making things right will not only increase the price of STEEM longterm, but will also create a pleasant environment on the STEEM's social media platforms.

Regarding the starting meme, you will soon find out what he choose.



In february I decided to start posting memes and gifs on the dMania platform. I was working 3-4 hours/day learning to make gifs with photoshop like this one here: , only to realize that people would just copy paste the first meme that they see on 9gag or other sources, post it here and upvote it through bid bots so that they can get the dMania bot up vote. This were the rules then : if you managed to stay aproximately 8-10 hours in the trending section on dMania you would have got the vote from the bot. You can read about the rules from back then here.

I started to realize soon that there where plenty of abuses going on the platform by people who where using multiple accounts, some of them with 10 different accounts. So I decided to gather the info and send it to zombee, who is the dMania owner and a hyprocrite (you will see later in this post why), and send that info to him in order to get those users blacklisted as they should.

But zombee didn't blacklist all of them and was delaying every blacklist even tough the proof was solid : transfers between accounts visible on steemdb, promoting the post from one account with SBD from another account through bid bots and so on... I thought he was focusing on improving the algorithm at first and I hoped the quality will improve after some changes.

Some abuse that I have reported to him : One guy with at least 11 accounts who received a lot of rewards and was at that time ranked 3 in rewards/year : discord message zombee + another one with at least 5 accounts : discord message zombee. For this ones it took him like 2-3 days to blacklist them, even with the solid proof.

His reply : discord message zombee

So I said ok, he wants to improve the algorithm, but it felt strange when he said this with the 3 accounts thing : discord message zombee and last week he said this : general section dMania discord - this was the moment when I started looking for solid proof against him . I suspected he was up to something but it didn't crossed my mind to search him at that point. You will soon see what in the next chapter, clear crystal proof.

Another key abuse that I have reported to him and that he took one month to blacklist, after I messaged him 2 times and finally posted the proof in the dMania discord general section to force his hand to blacklist this user :

droucil creates account -----> gobble ( creates account ----> japper (

droucil creates account ----> gametube ( creates account ---> kingmeme ( + real-reality ( ;

droucil --- > low-high (anonsteem) transfers with the same bittrex account code as droucil ( ; creates accounts ----> zeonair + lion1 + bitbong (anonsteem) : (lion1+bitbong) ; (zeonair)

Press ctrl+f on anonsteem pages and search the names and you will see who sent the money and which accounts where created

You can check all accounts here : (main account , didn't post on dMania)

Clear proof, still @droucil managed to get rich by getting daily upvotes from dMania. In most cases 5 votes/day. I later understood that @zombee was up voting this guys accounts with his main account and with the accounts that we will talk in the following section even if the info about him was already sent. This guy was probably a friend or a guy who he made a deal with as I didn't find direct connection. If that is the case I invite @droucil to make it clear for us and maybe he can have a second chance. If not I invite @steemcleaners and whoever can to take care of him.

This are only 2 months rewards that droucil got with those accounts and it doesn't show all of them, because it's a top 23 or something :


source :


What happened after the dMania bot V3 upgrade and how @zombee abused the delegation from steemit inc. , not only at this point, but also in the past .... @ned

On the 1st of march, @zombee released the dMania Bot v3 - Curation by dMania supporters . This update put the users who delegated to dMania in power, meaning that users who delegated would decide which post will get the upvote. So if one user delegated let's say 10000-20000 STEEM POWER at that point, then he could control all the upvotes that the bot does, because how much you delegated counted also. There was no reason that he would expect that everyone will play fair and circlejerking won't occur.

In the article he says this : "Excluding abusive supporters. If supporters upvote only themselves or a few selected users, their votes will be excluded from the selection process. Only supporters who regularly upvote other authors on dMania will be able to steer the upvotes of the bot.
That should prevent almost all abuse. If someone wants to abuse the dMania upvotes as a supporter, their upvotes will just be ignored." - That's funny because no one got excluded even tough there where strong evidence of circlejerking which I sent to him and could be easily tracked on the vote diversity graph here :, so it was just smoke and mirrors, he was enjoying the delegations coming in...

Now the most important part of the article and what everyone was waiting for and is related to dMania Bot v3 upgrade :

september 30 2017 : zombee creates account @meme-maniac


source : ; press ctrl+f and search for meme-maniac

He used this account to get a lot of upvotes from the bot back in the day :)

Now the most important part :

september 21 2017 - zombee creates account @garanger :


source : press ctrl+f and search for garanger

march 1st 2018 - zombee announces dMania bot v3 Curation by supporters

march 2 2018 and march 10 2018 - Zombee creates 6 more accounts through account @garanger : ; , press ctrl+f and search for garanger

This 6 accounts as you can see in the links above are : @coindeluxe; @sinsister ; @puppet-master ; @terimar ; @ready-player-one ; @tank-girl

He even sends with @zombee account to @garanger the necesarry steem for that :


March 2 2018 is the date when he created 3 of the accounts with account garanger : : (you will have to look the pages manually as a lot of transfers are made and it can be on another page now) zombee transfers 1000 STEEM to bittrex, which is splitted between this 3 accounts : @coindeluxe , @sinsister, @puppet-master . Keep in mind that this happened one day after he introduced the supporter curation for the bot, so he knew what he was doing with the new update.





799.99 + 99.99 + 99.99 + 0.03 (fees) = 1000 STEEM

March 10 2018 is the date when he created the other 3 accounts with account garanger : ((you will have to look the pages manually as a lot of transfers are made and it can be on another page now)) : zombee transfers from the @dmania account 1500 STEEM to bittrex, which is splitted between 4 accounts : @sinsister (to improve delegation); @terimar ; @tank-girl ; @ready-player-one






1454.99 + 14.99 + 14.99 + 14.99 + 0.04(fees) = 1500 STEEM

He even delegates with this accounts to @dmania, not that he needed it, as his main account @zombee has over 5000 SP delegated and could overpass every up vote of other users, but he wanted to be sure and also increase his chance of being selected as a chosen one and collect rewards from the "chosen one system" (this is the system on how you get rewards from delegating on dMania besides the power of upvotes). This also means that was stealing other users chances, that delegated to dMania, to get selected as a chosen one on posts.



He did this with his other acounts also.

All accounts where posting in dMania, he was using 100% strength to upvote this accounts, while using 10-50% to vote for other people.

He was planing to use account @sinsister as top delegation one along his main account zombee that has 5000 SP delegated to vote for the other ones, which he did successfully for a time, but got stopped in delegating more.

March 10-11 can't remember exactly when, a friend of mine which I told him that it's possible that those are his accounts (I only knew about the first 3 accounts then and didn't had a direct connection to him), sends this meme to him from a different discord channel :


He wanted to let him know that we know what he is doing and to stop this bullshit and put his shit together. This friend also found out that he created 3 more. All accounts didn't post anymore after this. The meme stopped his plan of rapping the rewards, ain't that an irony ? :)

What I also found funny is that after that he started flagging posts from coindeluxe and sinsister with the puppet-master account, in his mind probably he was probably thinking that this is the best way to cover his tracks. A lesson should be that you can't cover anything on the steem blockchain, it's all there. If you made a mistake, you are busted and he made it from the begining.

Flagging accounts and upvoting accounts

Upvoting accounts

There are lots of posts you can check for upvotes from zombee, sinsister, etc... You can always see this on , you can see all history. Also if he removes votes you can see them on what he did in the last days or when he did it.

He probably will remove the votes or has removed most of them, but that's easy to track, not that we need more evidence than him creating the accounts, making an bot algorithm that favors his plan and vote for them...

Before my friend sent the meme he contacted @okean123 which is allegedly a 'sensei' - admin on the discord channel. There is a high probability that his guy is actually zombee as he always turns out when problems occur and he knew stuff that only zombee would know. Take a look at this :



I invite @okean123 to prove how he knew about this and also how he had access to the dMania bot (probably steem keys or access to the code) and I suggest other people should ask about this. I believe that this account belongs to zombee also, but I may be wrong. Even so, if it doesn't belong to him, this guy did some bad stuff covering for him as he knew about the accounts and also had access to the bot account and giving upvotes by himself.

I also invite @kid4life who is a friend of zombee's and knew about the sinsister account and what zombee was doing. Zombee always upvoted him on his posts with his main account and also with his alt accounts, especially with @sinsister. You can check that out on steemd to see that he got many upvotes from this accounts. I found this message on sinsister account from a transfer after zombee was forced to stop his abuse :


I also invite @droucil again to come clean and tell us what really happened between him and zombee (the guy with 7 accounts created through anonsteem that we talked in the beginning, who got a lot of upvotes from zombee and especially from his alt account @sinsister). Remember that it took him 1 month after many users reported this to him to blacklist droucil and his alt accounts. Eventually I was forced to press zombee to blacklist him by posting 2 times the info in the discord general section, so people will get angry and that he won't have any choice besides blacklisting him. Probably had a deal going on with him and this is how it probably went through :) :


BaraGalbena.png domain running mining scripts situation and why I do think zombee did that to his own users ...

You can find the article here. The vulnerability was found by @sircork. Many thanks for protecting me and other users from this kind of unpleasant situations. He later edit his article, as soon as the problem was fixed by zombee and did updates on the situation.

Based on the proof that I just showed you earlier in the article, there is no reason for me to think that he wasn't involved in this also. You would say like I did back then, when I found out about the situation : "Why would he put all the project and his reputation at risk by doing this? He won't earn to much money by doing that, even to the traffic is fairly good." Now ask yourself : Why would he create so many accounts to get rewards from the bot by abusing his steem delegation and put his entire project at risk for that kind of money? The answer is simple : Human greed has no limits

I am not 100% sure about this thing, like we are now about the multiple accounts based on the clear proof, but I strongly suggest that someone who has the necessary skills for digging deeper on this, to find out if this was done by him or it was just a coincidence. If he did it and this is true there must be some consequences. I don't know to much about running mining scripts, if it breaks the laws, or it just is unethical behaviour, but we should do something if that is the case. I think steemit inc. should investigate this further or other people that want to help. If this is true who knows what other things he did. I suggest everyone that used dMania to change their keys, just in case, even tough the login is through steemconnect, I don't want to risk it.


Other interesting moments from my time spent posting on dMania and how I found the direct connection to @garanger account

In the beginning zombee probably tried to remove me from the bot selection algorithm to not get any more up votes. I was making to much waves and he probably didn't liked it. He probably thought that if I don't get the bot up vote for some time, I will quit and don't bother him anymore. He said that he was a mistake and some users where left out from the last update. Possible, but now that I think this back, it don't buy that :


After seeing that he doesn't care to much about quality and blacklists I created a contest to reward dMania users and curate original or very funny memes with my vote , which gave them a high chance for the bot upvote also. You can find the first week of the contest here. The contest lasted for 5 weeks and it helped a lot of users. It also increased the platforms overall quality. @lifeaef gave me the idea and he also was doing curation on his own, which helped a lot on making users work on their memes and gifs and increase the quality of the platform. Great job man, I hope you become a curator for a decent platform :).

There was one little problem with curating and still being a green supporter. Once zombee released dMania Bot v.3.1 - Vote distribution check for supporters he basically made it impossible to curate and keep your vote distribution high, as there weren't so many users that where posting original or at least copied funny memes and gifs. You couldn't upvote an user to many times even if he made great memes. I found out that other many authorized supporters where removing votes from older users posts to keep their vote distribution and I decided to use this also of course. It was an exploit on his bot algorithm that he didn't think about and it was the perfect solution for me, to be able to curate and still be an authorized supporter . Some of them where removing votes for circlejerking, others to do the same thing that I did.

On the 22 of april he finds out about this and he instantly blacklists almost all users that were doing this, including me. I bet he was waiting for this, to blacklist all users that where making problems for him and didn't let him do his abuses. Attention, he didn't blacklist all users that were doing it. When I found out, I immediately went to discord and explained the situation : that there was no such rule that it wasn't allowed and that was the only way you can keep your vote distribution high and not be forced to up vote shitty memes. And at worse he could give a warning first about this matter. I said to him that I could have easily go to the new section and upvote random posts without looking at them and be ok, but I wanted to improve the quality of the platform. This is what a top supporter did : @datapotomus , he was bassically upvoting 20 posts in 2 minute everyday, probably not looking at them and zombee was saying in the chat that this is how supporters should act... I didn't get any reply and was immediately banned out of the discord channel, my messages where removed. All other users that where asking questions where kicked like I was and their messages where removed, messages like this one :


I didn't manage to make a screenshot for what I wrote, because I was the first to act and didn't thought that he will do that and have that attitude as the owner of the platform.

Somebody sent me was going on the discord channel after I was kicked. He was keeping only the ass kissers in the channel and one guy that probably had good intentions (sanmi). Okean and him where liking their own comments :)) :

7ea6bac9f7ebeab6298579809d7a1816 (1).png



"One guy" raises a good point and he gets kicked of course. But it was funny :) :


Zombee also removes invite links. All invite links are expired so no one can join the channel. Censorship at it's best against steem users. Nicely done !

At this point I was pretty sure I will find something that will link him to the 6 accounts so I started digging along with a friend. I took it from examining his account from the start and it didn't took to much time to find out that the account @garanger who created the 6 accounts with the sole purpose of abusing rewards was in fact his account like I proved in the second section of the article.

Last but not least after he blacklisted me and the other many users, the second day he said that he will remove the blacklist after 2 weeks and also released a new update that who knows how it will benefit him to continue his abuse without no one bothering him. It was a good timing :)


His giving us a chance :)))) I'll ask you one question : "How does it feel when you look at yourself in the mirror?"

Conclusion : I could have done the same thing and create multiple accounts after this update or in the past and make gains, without carrying to much as I had more SP delegated than most of them and also the necessary skills to pull it off (it crossed my mind to be honest), but I choose to create a dMania contest instead and reward users for original or very good memes and also encourage them with my up votes which gave them a high chance on receiving the bot up vote. I also wasted a lot of my time and energy researching and reporting abuse when in fact, the greater abuser was the owner of the platform himself.

By the way this guy calls himself the godfather on the discord channel. Probably the godfather of abuse.


All I can say to you @zombee is that :


It could have been a great platform...

30 minutes ago a "friend" of mine contacted him on discord . He wanted some money for "his" research, time wasted, stress and for zombee's missleading him to waste his energy on a platform that was abused by the owner himself. And also award some of the money for the best meme about zombee in the comments bellow :) "He" will had awarded a total of 200 SBD's for this , but zombee just blocked him. It was a nice try tough, trying to scam the scammer. Some of you will consider this not ethical, but this is what they deserve, the money that he has was stolen money from other users. This post would have been posted in either cases, I worked for 3 days on the post, he couldn't have escaped so easily. Just that some money sent from my "friend" to me (as he promised) would have been nice on top for all my research and time wasted. And also some awards for the community from his money made by him through abuse, would have been even nicer, no?



I hope @misterdelegation and steemit inc. will do the right thing

I hope you will remove the delegation and also hold him responsible for the earnings he made through abuse. I also hope the mining problem on the domain will be investigated properly. He must have a signed contract with you or at least you know his true identity in case he needs to be held legally responsible if he had any part in that.

I am looking for my investment and I want STEEM to grow like I said in the introduction part. I also want to know if my computer resources where used for somebody else financial benefit without my consent. And I think all users want to make that situation as clear as possible after I released the abuses that he made.

I am waiting for the opinions of the community regarding this matter in the comments section. I also want to say to those who still benefit from the dMania platform and don't want the platform hurt because of financial interest, to abstain from making me the villain in the comments or who knows what... But it will be interesting if you can't do that, I will have some fun. The proof is there, you can't deny it as much as you want to.

Till next time...


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I didn't really follow the whole explanation but to me the main issue here is not whatever dmania and/or zombee are doing but the Steemit delegation to a few favored third party devs.

Not only does it put the Steem dev team (aka Steemit) team in a position of picking favorites and represent an illegitimate use of the ninja-mine (which was supposed to be for funding purposes and not be used for stake voting except in cases of emergency) but when things inevitably goes wrong (this isn't the first time and it won't be the last) it blows back on them, and therefore onto Steem.

If Steemit weren't involved and dmania were doing these things with its own money, it might be a case of abuse (not even actively doubting it, just using uncertain terms here because I didn't analyze the 'proof' carefully), but it would just be one other user, of many, who should be perhaps be downvoted (whether that actually happens enough and what should be done about it is a discussion for another day).

The devs should dev, stay neutral, and stay above the fray. Stop raiding the cookie jar of free stake. I know it is tempting to use it but exercise some self-control please.

...and represent an illegitimate use of the ninja-mine (which was supposed to be for funding purposes and not be used for stake voting except in cases of emergency)...

I recall this argument being made many times in the past when STINC did similar things with their stake. Since HF18, they have added several millions of SP into the daily voting pool from their ninja-mined stake via delegation and other transfers to delegating accounts. Every instance of this translates into more dilution of influence for actual investors.

But it isn’t enough to dilute all other investor influence - they also pick and choose “winners and losers.” And it seems that more often than not, they make terrible decisions regarding where the SP is delegated. How many times have we seen things mentioned in this OP play out...starting with Steem Guild in the fall of 2016?

Despite the frequency and/or severity of the abuses, these mistakes continue.

This delegation nonsense really needs to stop - especially from STINC...and especially because of how it was acquired and how they are perceived as the “leadership” of what’s billed as a decentralized blockchain.

What are your thoughts on delegation overall and the idea of eliminating it altogether?

I would vehemently oppose eliminating delegation.

I think it helps add value to the platform. I think delegation helped create some things like dtube dlive etc. Plus it can be used as a revenue stream for investors which for some reason seem to be in short supply. In addition I feel it has been beneficial to me. I am very bullish and very dedicated to this platform so hopefully I can help move us forward in part thanks to delegation.

Would not bother me to eliminate it, but that's kind of focusing on the mechanism.

The original guild stuff, which as you say was the same sort of mess, was done with bots. That was devs using their own accounts (though still filled entirely with ninja-mine stake). But when delegation came along that became a sort of loophole/excuse to weasel out of 'non-voting', not only on individual dev team accounts, but on the whole steemit account as well. Obviously this made matters worse, but the real problem to my point of view is the weaseling and the bad judgment. I don't think you can fix that with a protocol change, unfortunately.

Well said.

The context of this specific stake (and its blurry justification) is a key factor in why it shouldn't be used for purposes like this. I'm sure there are some similarities that could be drawn between this usage of the stake and the dev-originating witness voting of the past, both which go against the devs ability to stay a neutral party.

Wow super upvote 153.97 congratulations

Great point you bring up there...

The truth is that I totally get that we as a community, as the people who participate of this blockchain should not feel powerless, should not feel like we can't create initiatives, apps or what have you to boost and protect our investment on this platform. I know that to some of Steem Inc Staffers, us complaining seems annoying and completely counter productive... I get all that...

But my point, the reason why this is upsetting becomes, if we(the users) are in charge of the future of this blockchain then why don't we know.. and I mean clearly know the rules of the game we are participating in?

It's great that you bring up one of these "game rules" to light....

"Ninja mine is supposed to be used for funding, not for voting.. except in emergencies."

First I hear of this, but I clearly remember this delegations being given to users with no projects/apps running on this platform. So even this original game rule needed a revision from the start.

"Ninja mine is supposed to be used for funding, not for voting.. except in emergencies... or... when it is used for voting because it was given to someone with a blog about food and traveling"

Again, I'm not trying to start a fight... I just would like to understand what the game plan is, if its a business, because it is... then the finances, the resources, should not be used like a the drawer of a mom and pop bakery....

I can't wait for the same issues to happen on eos , people think the pre Ninja mining really matters that much. There will always be whales. Mute function works wonders.

I think the difference with EOS it that the sale is longer(it took months) and there are more people interested in cryptos now, which is going to make the coins more distributed... Still, i can see where you are going with that, and even though i'm very bullish on EOS i don't think it's going to be the "king"! We are evolving very rapidly, something new and better is going to appear, something revolutionary! Something that even Satoshi Nakamoto would say: "DAMN! I'm a pleb compared to the guy that developed this!"

Yes there will always be whales but with EOS I have committed what I could and had a year to do so. That wasn't the case with STEEM. I like STEEM and have invested a lot of time and Money into it but in the end the distribution was messed up and that is why it isn't in the top 10 on CoinMarketCap at this point. With EOS building off of the capabilities of BitShares and STEEM and having the ability to run things like that on top of it there will be many real world use cases for it that will drive demand.

The demand that is driven here is to become more powerful against people who spent $500 and ended up with a million worth of STEEM. So it makes it tough for anyone else to catch up and gain influence. It is like you are racing against Usain Bolt and guess what...... we aren't giving you starting blocks and we are going to have you go barefooted as well. Good luck!

well i can't say, everything and anything is possible but it's hardly difficult to really state one's opinion because there are more powerful people here,
however we all know the right thing and we should adhere to it


Am I his friend now? I've not once spoke with the dude.

I've sent that to @sinister wallet yes. As always, when somebody votes on my post and then takes the vote back.I think that's trippin..

Anyways, that's pretty awful and my opinion there are less and less honest people around here running shit. No way in hell i'll be a part of this drama, if this is all true what your saying of course. I enjoy making memes, thats it. Where did you see @zombee upvoting ALL my posts? Wrong, plus if you took the time and checked who upvotes my memes, you would see that just a few people have me on autovote, 20 votes per post on avrg. If I'm not wrong, you earned more money from Dmania than I did, correct? So how am I in any way connected to this? I mean, if I was be sure Id earned more $$$ than I did so far. I see some solid points in ur post tho, but putting me into the story was a kick in the dark.

Otherwise, a great investigation by you, putting in the time, that MEME almost killed me until I saw my name in the post :)

Please edit the part about me, I ain't gonna be seen as some villain. Thank you.


Exactly !! just because they got blacklisted they now cry like babies and throw everyone under the bus !!

How convenient for you, getting those zombee green supporter upvotes, which gave you a lot of rewards. I don't get why you people that have financial interest keep attacking me , I think you you people like being exposed for that and you also don't have any kind of logic in your claims.


Ain't getting those dMania rewards anymore, ain't you? You must be pissed, keep projecting your emotions on me and others that where actually helping users and keep bragging about your 70 REP and how you help the community, when you upvote your alt account @momskitchen comment to the top of the page talking to yourself :


What is that shit? Looks like multiple personalities to me. You could instead upvote other users that engage with you, that's how you help the community.

Regarding the blacklist, I've probably explained this like 5 times already, even tough it's in the post, but you might use those glasses from your avatar. Also all of you zombee supporters look like a broken record, you found a little thing that doesn't even make sense and you hang on to it :). Yes I got blacklisted among many users (for trying to improve dMania quality, because his algorithm was flawed), but could have easily return to dMania the next day after, after zombee said that he will remove the blacklist in 2 weeks or sooner :


So I think the cry baby is actually you. We had another dispute at some point and you have a very bad attitude, even tough I talked very nicely in the beginning : ;

By the way, your memes and gifs suck hard :) But it's just my opinion and we know zombee didn't care to much about curation.

Everyone obviously liked my memes more then yours which is why you never ranked anywhere near what i did nor will ever come close to upvoting as many people as i do !! your such a Loser , Get A Life !! Jealousy will get no where !!! Muting !!


HAHAHAHAHAHAAH, good answer bro.

You got a 11.67% upvote from @brandonfrye courtesy of @equ1l1br1um!

Check out this awesome video in support of zombee ! it really explains a lot !

No I won't remove anything for now. My main concern was that you sent that message, then I found out that zombee was actually voting for you a lot of times (which is ok because you are making very good memes, beyond average), but he also upvoted you with his alt account @sinsister.

I've sent that to @sinister wallet yes. As always, when somebody votes on my post and then takes the vote back.I think that's trippin..

You say that you are sending transfer messages to some people that unvote you. I would love to see a different case. A picture from steemdb or wallet with a message to a person that remove a vote should be sufficient to prove that you are doing that like you said in your reply earlier.

Another thing that doesn't have any sense, is that you sent the transfer message before he un-voted you, like it's shown here :


Could you please explain this? Because you said earlier that you sent this transfers with messages to people that un-vote you, but the un-vote was made before you sent the message as it is shown here. So what you wrote earlier doesn't make sense.

You know what doesn't make any sense? YOUR RIDING MY DICK BETTER THAN MY EX. Starting to hurt, get off it...

I've sent that to @sinister after he unvoted, why would I send it earlier? If you think logically, check if he voted on another post of mine and unvoted, before I've sent him that... Lets see...


hmmm... how butthurt and stupid do you feel now??!?? How do those lemon taste?


I will post some previous "attack" on people who unvote me, just to clear my name. One name does pop to my mind, @warrkin, check on and find the "unvote wallet msg" , somewhere at the end of last year... ain't got time for this shit to be honest. You wanna be Sherlock, go for it.


You're trying to discredit my name in the most shitty way possible. SUCK MY DICK ASSHOLE & have a nice day!

i TOOK MY 100% VOTE BACK AND DOWNVOTED YOUR COMMENT INSTEAD, makes more sense now smuck?

Hahah ! good one @kid4life ! this guy and his alternate account curtainwitcher / bum buddy that upvotes all his stupid nonsense comments and posts because hes such a follower and has no idea how to think on his own he believes everything he hears !!! Such bullshit going on here , Im on my way to mute them now because bull shit is just to deep for me and I have better things to do with my life but these witch hunters aparently have nothing better to do because they dont have a life !!! 😠

Alternate account @curtaintwitcher or buddy? Make up your mind. You can seem him play games on dlive, also you can see my introduction post where I verified myself, plus that his account is probably older than mines. Yes, he is a friend, we got along because he doesn't stand for bullshiters like you and has great ethics. We actually worked together in exposing this.

Btw there are another 585 people that think different than you, besides curtaintwitcher. And some of them know way more things that you do about the steem blockchain

Keep talking to yourself on your posts with your altaccount @momskitchen, which you aknowdlege :))) , and don't forget to upvote it to the top of the page like always :


And keep pretending that you don't have financial interest in saying this stuff about me. You should learn to back claims by proof, it speaks louder than cheap words. As you can see the delegation was removed : Did you even wondered why? Or are you saying that people that run steemit believed me based on just words? Wtf is "witch hunting"? It's that a new internet term used by deceivers like you against people like me for speaking the truth?

I am actually breading so I still have a life, still I don't talk to myself through different accounts to prove that I have a life :))) Cool down your ego, you have the most horrible attitude that I have encountered and you always offend people that you don't agree with, even tough they talk nicely to you. So you deserve the same thing at some point.


You can clearly see that he upvoted , un-voted and upvoted again, before you said that. And he un-voted one more time after you said that. Stop it, why are you doing this to yourself ? Flagging my comment won't don't it tough :))) I was sure I will have some fun with you guys, thanks for that :)

I can't discredit your name , it's kid4life your birth name ? Go crazy one more time


I gave you all the facts...



You got caught up in your own pooh! End of story... Join some conspiracy theories channel in Discord

The term of conspiracy theory was invented by the CIA, to be used against people that told the truth, in order to make them look crazy. Check it out, it's an official document

Now why are you omitting in the picture that he upvoted the same post before you sent the message ?


I don't care if you deny that you knew about him, but I don't care about you, will just leave you in the post. Don't worry, I will make the comments that you flagged visible again so people can see it and will stop replying to you kid.


I provided FACTS.

WHEN I USE STEEMIT, I USE ALWAYS! When I see this type of actions like @sinister did I act on it. Thats normal in my opinion, to ask someone why is he doing that? Trippin... I think I made it very clear and you still try to eat my nuts...

Sorry if I don't remember every moron around here in the past year since I've been here and what was going on every moment in my 10K plus posts on Steemit. But I'll def remember you and this post, be sure I will always flag not just your comments but also your post because you're trying too hard to make me look like some fucking liar. Ask @neoxian if he thinks I'm not an honest person. Do you want to have fun with me right? Here we go... I can care less if you leave me in the post at this point. Lots of smart people around here who will have a good laugh after reading your stupid replies... Now fuck off my dick, PLEASE!

I suggest you think it through. Why would you flag comments, if you are telling the truth?

Also before starting a flag war, you should know that you need the right tools to do that.

You have 5013 SP delegated from fbslo, probably to use in a different way than flagging, maybe by helping the community and not starting flagging people because you have a large ego. --> delegations in

Secondly, I have can always buy some more SBD to upvote the comments that you flag with bots. And flag you at the same time. So I suggest you think it through and stop at round 1.

I dont like dmania... the payout is too high for deligators and actual author payout is low...

Thanks for the info.

Excellent detective work... I will give this a resteem too.. this is complete BS ... I suspect you we will get a half baked excuse before the end of the day, but the evidence is not refutable.

"I created that account for a friend and he then created the other accounts"

Yes... I thought of that one... here is my other logical contortion... let's see who wins Fraud Bingo.

"I have a few admins with my keys, I was not aware of.... "

Lets place some bets... I'll self flag full 100% if he says anything that makes sense.

i flagged myself once, it was cool :D

Hahahahaha lmfao xD

He couldnt go with that one cause you took it. So he said he created the accounts and they were all for good reasons. Close, still gets my vote

There was some dude yesterday on dMania with like 7 accounts, two of them created through anonsteem. His explanation was : "one is my mothers account (old lady posting in dMania with bidbots, imagine that), one was my cousin account, one is my sister account, one is my brother account, one is my second cousin's account, one is my brother in law account ... but they don't have the necessary knowledge to withdraw their own money" So how the fuck are they able to make memes and use bidbots ? :))) I will try to post the screenshots later, it was fun.

I am the dude he is talking about and I have made this post so that you can see that your accusations about me are false.
Oh I guess you missed the part where you were trying to extort money from me?
Here it is for everyone to see.
Screenshot (22).png

As you see my name isn't bonjour, even tough I like french... And you don't make so much money to make it worth it for me to try to scam a scammer, by taking his money and posting him anyways. I liked what he tried tough. Scammers should be scammed, to know how it feels when they are doing the same thing to others in different ways.

But I have screenshots of your conversation from the discord channel sent to me. The user who talked to you was only throwing bait to see what they would do after the information provided, he didn't only send info about you, but also clear info about an user who was using 4 accounts to post on dMania even if that wasn't allowed. Of course , nothing happened to you or him as always.

As for your explanation, I will never buy that in a million years. All accounts are sending money to you. 2 accounts are made through anonsteem, at least 2-3 of them would have had an exchange account and your mother posting in dMania with bidbots :))) Come on man. You basically said here that you where doing all the stuff in her place (transfers,posting,sending money to bidbots). What makes it "her" account then? Just the name? If you do all the operations on "her" account, then it makes it your account.

I love it when abusers try to be slick, but I will never understand your logic. I even think you have the same patterns :

  1. Get caught, first play the victim role --- Which doesn't make sense
  2. If that doesn't work , blame other people

Your explanation :



Good luck, won't waste my time replying to you anymore

I never said I post from her account. If you compare my posts and my mother's posts, you can see that they are very distinguishable from each and clearly not written by the same author.

She posts and I help her with the bid bots and transfers. What is wrong with that?

If you go through this post you can see clear evidence that whatever you're talking about is bullshit.

If I had anything to hide, why would I make it public on my profile that @thedanklad is my second account.
If I had to hide the fact that I created 2 accounts through anonsteem(which I did for 2 members of my family as the steemit registration process was taking too long) don't you think I would have used another cryptocurrency to make it completely anonymous?
Use your brain here. There is plenty of evidence in my post to support my claim.



Moral Contortionists at its best... they have always been around, they will always be around...

Chisos 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 and one's my auntys sister grandpas late sister account 😂😂 MOTHERFUCKER! @zombee 😂

Thank you. Yeah, but I am here, going nowhere, I am expecting a lot of things now, which I prepared for :)

So I'm now going to chronologically give (or try to give) answers to all of your points that your raised here. , only to realize that people would just copy paste the first meme that they see on 9gag or other sources, post it here and upvote it through bid bots

Why are you complaining? You used bid bots yourself.

But zombee didn't blacklist all of them and was delaying every blacklist even tough the proof was solid

Some days there were dozens of people reported to me or zombee. It takes time to check all the account, also he's a human and has a real life you know?

About the thing with droucil: I don't know why zombee took so long to blacklist him or why he was upvoting him as you say.

Now let's get to the thing with 'your friend'. First, why are you censoring his name but not mine. So here's the uncensored screenshot:
pac, something wrong on dmania.png

which is allegedly a 'sensei' - admin

Sensei is just a rank zombee has given me because I helped new users when they came to dMania, I get many messages a day from people that have questions about dMania and you are accusing me that I want to hurt someone?


And you know why I 'knew stuff that only zombee would know'? Because your friend PAC wasn't the first one to send me those names!
only you, sinister coindeluxe message.png

And I did not take any action because what was I able to change anyway? Onlyyou has sent me those two names without any proofs or evidences and your friend PAC didn't answer me after I messaged him. As I said there were people everyday saying that dMania is unfair just because they didn't received the vote. These two messages were nothing more than conspiracy-theories to me!

I invite @okean123 to prove how he knew about this and also how he had access to the dMania bot (probably steem keys or access to the code)

I had acces to the bot? How cool would that be. I said

I (My account okean123)

can upvote something for you. As you can read in the screenshot his post was upvoted by the bot then, but not by me, that's why I wrote 'what a coincidence'.

Btw. the user in this screenshot is @curtaintwitcher he has reported many abusers to me.

some bad stuff covering for him as he knew about the accounts

I covered up nothing. But I already said something about this before.

By the way, it's really strange that you posted on dMania for weeks, receiving the upvote every couple days and now that you are blacklisted you make this post here? - But, no front. domain running mining scripts situation

Can't say anything about that

In the beginning zombee probably tried to remove me from the bot selection algorithm to not get any more up votes.

Honestly, I also had the feeling, but I just thought you were very unlucky.

I bet he was waiting for this, to blacklist all users that where making problems for him and didn't let him do his abuses.

Don't exaggerate, you sound like a paranoid.

When I found out, I immediately went to discord and explained the situation : that there was no such rule that it wasn't allowed and that was the only way you can keep your vote distribution high and not be forced to up vote shitty memes

I did not read this messagee, apparently they were deleted before I could read them. Also not the one from steemitup

And at worse he could give a warning first about this matter.

It's common sense that you can be punished for exploiting something. 'That rule', guys this is pathetic.

Okean and him where liking their own comments :)) :

We were not.

Your friend is not very smart sending me a message and giving me an one hour time frame to answer, isn't he?

That's what he wrote to me on Discord:

Let zombee know or let you know, probably you are the same dude... That he has an important message from me on discord and he only has 1 hour at his disposal starting now. It it related to accounts sinsister, coindeluxe, puppet-master , etc....

I read the message some hours later, congratulations!

I even tried to unban you, because I thought it was a mistake that zombee banned you, and you, you are accusing me of this whole shit!!
sensei lounge.png

I must admit I wondered about his answer, but I didn't asked further questions, because you know, it's zombee's project.

There is a high probability that his guy is actually zombee as he always turns out when problems occur and he knew stuff that only zombee would know.

And by the way your are thinking that I'm zombee because I know more stuff than some others? You have actually answered your question yourself: Because 'he always turns out when problems occur' zombee created a special channel for me, @theuberman (Not sure about his Steem name) and @aranda ( Of course he sometimes shared information there e.g. about abusers. I'm with dMania since one of the first days, that's why of course know very much about it. So why not help users with a project I want (and still want) to succed?

If you still think I have done something bad and then we can discuss it here, on Steemit without any time limits or such bullshit!

Edit: I upvoted this comment for visibility

who has reported many abusers...
who spent lots of his hours to do this...

and who was blacklisted because of that silly unvoting thing...
who was blocked from discord in seconds.

Zombee said "abuser" to us because of that silly algorithm...
So, it was our turn.

@curtaintwitcher was the friend that I was talking about in the post. We worked together on finding evidence all the time for like 2 months now. He is a great guy and he wasted his time and energy, like I did reporting abusers to you and zombee. We couldn't understand what's going on and we where becoming stressed at some points.

I hope you didn't had any involvement, which I doubt it, based on the fact that you where always covering for him in the discord general section, keeping things cool all the time, even tough abuse was presented you were dismising them all the time. It's really hard for me now to believe you, based on the fact that you didn't do nothing to prevent abuse, even if people reported to you many times a lot of info. Those screenshots that I presented looked very suspicious also.

Also you guys keep playing the same broken record with : "Why did you post this now exactly after you were blacklisted ?" I already explained this in the post and two more times in the comments, but I get it, it's the only thing you guys can say anymore. To bad it doesn't make any sense. But I will explain it one more time.

I found the connection between account garanger and zombee after the blacklists, as I got really angry and investigated zombee's account from the beginning on Your question is dismissed also by the fact that the next day I could have easily return to posting on dMania, as zombee said this :


So I wasn't blacklisted anymore or could have return to normal in maximum 2 weeks. So this clearly wasn't the reason that I posted here. But I get it, you want to hang on to this little things, that doesn't even make sense. And yes the blacklist sucked hard, as I was curating quality content and you couldn't keep your vote distribution high if you didn't unvoted some posts, but I also wrote this in the post.

You say that zombee created a special channel for you and aranda, where you were talking about abusers. What's the point talking about abusers, if they don't get blacklisted ? And they also get upvoted by the owner and his "test" account? What was to talk about some abusers that many users sent clear proof against them? Cut the bullshit.

It's common sense that you can be punished for exploiting something. 'That rule', guys this is pathetic.

So why didn't you guys banned circlejerkers after the dmania bot v3 upgrade, when zombee clearly stated that the ones who upvote only themselves will be removed ? This is in the post also if you read it carefully.

I even tried to unban you, because I thought it was a mistake that zombee banned you, and you, you are accusing me of this whole shit!!

yeah, right...


yeah, right...

Just look at the screenshot I posted below.

even tough abuse was presented you were dismising them all the time.

What should have I done in your opinion? You can ask your friend CurtainTwitcher I always forwarded all abusers reported to me to zombee. I forward all messages to him.
I have never seen the blacklist so why do you even think I was ignoring these messages? Zombee was the only one that could edit the blacklist so we (Aranda and me) told him all abusers we could find via the Sensei-Lounge-channel, because writing their names in public channels wouldn't be very smart since they could just create new accounts.

So why didn't you guys banned circlejerkers

As said above I didn't have any acces to the blacklist. I believed zombee was blacklisting these abusers and most of the time he did it pretty fast.

Another day, another shit storm for dMania. The stuff you have to deal with here on the platform as a developer :(

Yeah I have created those accounts: @coindeluxe; @sinsister ; @puppet-master ; @terimar ; @ready-player-one ; @tank-girl, but not to abuse the system. I wanted to test another curation system for dMania similar to DLive.

I wanted to test if I could drop the beneficiaries rewards on dMania and create a team of curators who upvote content on dMania. I wanted to test if I could fund the project similar to dLive, a team curates and the team gets upvotes from time to time to fund the project.
So I created some accounts, gave the keys to some people I personally knew to curate content. I did a test run for one week and it didn't work out. There are too many posts to curate on dMania only by a few users. The upvotes would also be very biased, because everyone has a different sense of humor.

That's why I decided to drop the idea and work on a curation system by the community.
Why didn't I make it public and created the accounts anonymously? Because I just wanted to test it, I didn't know if it would work. I didn't want something like this post happens.... Making a big deal out of nothing. If I would have gotten along with the idea, I would have made it public.

The accounts were active for like a week and got something like 10 upvotes during testing. That was over two months ago. The accounts weren't used since then. The bot has given thousands of upvotes to thousands of users, so I don't think the 10 upvotes are a big deal.

Here comes @equ1l1br1um and makes up some elaborate conspiracy theory. I haven't made any deals with @okean123, @droucil or any other user. I have never given special treatment to any user. @equ1l1br1um just got blacklisted a while ago because he tried to abuse the system. Now he is angry and wants revenge....

Since I joined Steem I believed in the idea of spreading your votes and rewarding the community. I have always voted with my account as many and reward as many as I could. I have created dMania on the idea to reward the meme community. A community that before dMania got very little rewards. I wanted to bring a totally new user group to Steem, the meme culture. There are hundreds of millions of meme lovers worldwide.

Since the beginning of dMania I got attacked by many users for creating it. I was attacked and insulted by Steemians and other developers.
That's what you get when you work as developer on Steem and try to bring value to the community, a lot of shit thrown into your face.

While dMania rewards thousands of users, a large part of the Steem community upvotes only themselves or sells all their votes. They have way more SP than dMania and only reward themselves. Of course nobody talks about that, because they control Steem.
@freedom makes 5 million USD a year with vote selling. One single user who has never posted anything or engaged in the community. Many whales do the same and the community is ok with it.
More than 30% of the reward pool is already sold, soon it will be 50%.

I don't think I want to keep working in a community like that any longer. There is almost no support by the larger community for apps on Steem. Very few really support apps on Steem. All they care about is vote bots and how they can sell their votes. Maybe I will just shut dMania down, so I don't have to deal with shit like that anymore.

Your memes are very shitty actually.... LOL

But they are well placed so upvote you I must.

I think you also forgotten with which accounts you are writing in the discord section, you must be dizzy. This was posted in the discord before you commented here, zombee or okean or whoever you are :


Ok, playing the victim role, that should work with some people, but if they scroll through the post they can clearly see that the reason why you stopped posting with those account where that you where discovered, here's another one to make it clear :


10th of march, when you were warned for using those multiple accounts... So, when you used those accounts last time... But you probably planned to use them for a long time for much $$$ if you were not warned.

You immediately stopped posting at that point.

What about account @meme-maniac, was the reason with posting with that? You used this one also for testing and kept the rewards ? :)


Regarding me doing this because you blacklisted me, do you even remember that you posted this the next day :


That proves that I could have keep posting in dMania and getting rewards. Kind of contradictory no?

Regarding how dMania rewards thousands of users :

'While dMania rewards thousands of users, a large part of the Steem community upvotes only themselves or sells all their votes'


There are aproximately 220 users getting the votes in the last month, most of them going to a few select people which delegated. I was one of them also and could continue to be one of them, based on the proof that I showed you earlier. And this vote distribution has improved from the past a little bit, as some abusers where blacklisted because me and other people sent the info to zombee. You can check that in my post also. In the past months they were rewarding like max 100-150 users/month.

Also you good damn right I am real angry because you blacklisted me , an user that was doing curation and improved the quality of dMania along other users like @lifeaef who you never appreciated. But you could vote for abusers with your account and "test" accounts, even tough they were reported to you long time before by many users, right? You probably gave me a single upvote for the time I stayed in dMania, even tough in the beginning I was working 2-3 hours on a gif, but you upvoted abusers and shitposters all the time.

Blaming your shit on other shit that his happening on the steem blockchain doesn't help, maybe everything will be taken care of, if everyone decides to be more fair and help other people. I strongly believe in "Give and you shall receive". You are a very good developer, but not a great human in this time of your life, change your thinking and think longterm and maybe one day you will be both and make something great.

Until then :


I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with you on this matter as I personally do not give a shit about dmania.

However, I think you probably should have left this part out

You probably gave me a single upvote for the time I stayed in dMania, even tough in the beginning I was working 2-3 hours on a gif, but you upvoted abusers and shitposters all the time.

It makes it seem like you're just upset that you didn't receive more upvotes for your work and doesn't help your case at all.

Actually I was one of the most rewarded users in my time spent there and could have continued to be one, you can see that in the post also (those two pictures at the begining next to each other, search my name, that's only for february and march).

I was just high lighting the fact that he didn't care about users that wanted to improve the platform. I didn't need his vote to get the bot upvote, as I was getting that with my delegation.

Next time, take all the conclusion from all the conversation and the post, before highlighting certain passages. Cheers !

I read through and took in quite a bit of the comments. I was just pointing out that the particular excerpt I quoted does not help your case as I expected people to try and use your words against you there by saying you're complaining about it.

Also, totally missed that this post was ~4 days old as I came here from the current post about this on the trending page. My mistake as I noticed no one was even doing what I thought they would. Whoops.

Yeah, you are right, they can and there will be always people that try to attack you for telling the truth or by the simple fact that they don't agree with you. And I'm fine with that, it's a part of life.

And yes, focus is somewhere else it seems. Good luck

@zombee please tell me before you go,
How old are you?
I really wonder that.
You blocked me from discord channel because i asked your age.


hahahahahah that speaks volumes!

Lol man is it really true?


In my opinion, the problem with Dmania is that it rewards dubious quality memes with high rewards.


Get photo

Add two sentences to the meme generator

Get 65 dollars from Dmania!

This is the reason why I created a bot for Dmania (detection of plagiarisms). People do not want to create memes of their own, they will take graphics from Google, add a sentence and get an upvote. In the worst case, they will take a meme from dmania, which appeared, for example, the day before and they will throw it again.

There are practically no author's jobs in most projects.

This was one of the main problems. Curating didn't exist at any point. I suggested a wall-of-shame to zombee for people to flag, he implemented after I asked him like 3 times. There was no success for that.

@lifeaef proposed manual curation only to be ignored at any point by zombee

I started a contest to reward quality content with my supporter votes and prizes and @lifeaef started curating on his own for free. This wasn't appreciated at any point by him. @curtaintwicher, @steemitci and @pikacu35 donated to the contest.

Instead he decided to blacklist me for keeping my vote distribution high in order to do proper curation. The level of plagiarism and not even funny memes was to high in order to keep your vote distribution high and still able to curate quality content, because most the quality content was done by few users.

Not only he didn't hire manual curators to pay them for this purpose with the huge delegation. But he blacklisted the people who did that for free, from their time and money, for a flaw in his algorithm. This rule of unvoting didn't even exist anyways but he was quick in blacklisted people.

He wasn't to quick in blacklisting abusers tough. And he never blacklisted circlejerkers , even tough there was a rule for that after the dMania bot v3 update made by him. Full proof sent by me and other users, that there where circlejerkers only upvoting themselves , which got ignored. But still he was very fast in blacklisting people for a rule that didn't even exist. :) That's because he was the godfather (like he likes to call himself on discord) of abuse, which was proven in this post.

hopefully everyone calms down I enjoy posting memes when I have the time and I think its a great platform! thanks.

You can continue doing that, the platform hasn't been closed, just that there is no delegation anymore. There are also other platform on the steem blockchain like @decentmemes, @memeit. There's also comedy open mic, which I don't know if it is platform or not, but will look into it.

Im on your side @zombee , thanks for posting your awesome comment ! hopefully this shit storm blows over , dMania Stays i just love it it always cheers me up and makes me happy on bad days ! please dont leave , I sugest you do a post explaining , similar to your comment here for all your followers ! Keep up the great work !👍👍👍😀

you defend him because you always get upvote from dmania. you say prefer meme because you don't like in writing. I know it. And you have multiple account @mmckersie @gavinthegreat
Just you to know blacklist user small mistake is not good decision!
I wonder why some user still get upvote from dmania after unvote many post ? Can you clarification this ? @zombee

Do your homework before you start cutting down innocent people !!! Do you know how many family memebers @gringalicious has on steemit !!?? at least 15 and they all upvote each other all the time and make hundreds of dollars a post , are you going to go tell her also that all those people are not her family and are all her alternate accounts !?!? and thats just to name one out of hundreds !!
And if you think i dont post other stuff , heres a link to my Food post from @momskitchen i made tonight Chicken Dinner !! you dont get a level 70 reputation for doing nothing and just making memes !!

I've known who Karen is since I was a minnow and I remember when her boys joined.

These "Detectives" are kind of missing something about being detectives. Like facts over assumptions. This like a pitchfork carrying mob.

Thank you for your support , you are so right , its very typical of Witch Hunters !! and this guy is just a follower because he cant think for himself and doesnt bother to check his facts before saying something !😠

As an outsider... IT'S ALL IN A FUCKEN MESS.

Your justification of

they are all family members so they vote each other and make hundres per week

is also just as broken in my view. Can't stop family looking after each other though... shit, a kid got to eat and college isn't cheap!

The whole system is a joke though.

Watching Humans attack each other is entertaining though, in a morbid way as it is also very educational and reveals much about our Existence. It is what it is.

This here (steemit) might one day be studied as there are multiple factors of it's existence which reflect back onto society.

oh and just in case you think this is an attack.. know that I actually like seen you here and there.. your image always gives me a chuckle.. like.. "the glasses are coming down.. shit!! watch out.. here comes trouble!"

Anyway... carry on Humans... the comment of whatsup was also true. Pitchforks before reasoning. Herd mentality.

Zombee let the shit get out of hand though.

First , the whole point of family members to join or anyone for that matter is that its always good for the platform to bring more people on to steemit including all your friends! and have more people contributing and buying steem to the platform which is why @ned delegated steem to dmania because it brought in a lot of new people to steemit as well , the more the merrier for all of us ! Thanks !👌👍✌💕
Heres a great video by @fruitdaddy you really should check out ! it explains a lot , theres another video to also check out that follows this one !

This is exactly what he is accusing me of too!

Him and @curtainwitcher are Witch Hunters and get off on pissing people off because they have no life and nothing better to do thanks for your support , I have now muted both of them because I actually have a life !!😠

Excuse me but if you follow the rules properly and how to distribute your votes properly you will also get upvoted by dMania , plus I dont upvote myself ! in answer to your other question those are not my accounts !! like many other people here on steemit my 2 sons @mmckersie and @gavinthegreat later joined steemit after I did !! all you have to do is go their sites and clearly see its them and not me , I also talk them all the time and everyone on steemit that has known me for 2 years now knows they are my sons !! I only have one other account that everyone also knows about and I advertise it right on my home screen and thats @momskitchen that i use for blogging about food And i have never once posted a meme or even gone on dMania useing that account !! I have upvoted your stuff in the past at 100% but I wont any longer !!

Maybe there are your sons accounts, that's not the problem. Let's see how much you back zombee after the delegation has been removed. That move bassically proved my point. Denying 100% proof of abuse doesn't make it right.

Excuse me but if you follow the rules properly and how to distribute your votes properly you will also get upvoted by dMania , plus I dont upvote myself !

You have no reason to upvote yourself, you don't have power, neither delegation to dMania so your vote will count in the bot algorithm. But you like those zombee upvotes, don't you? :) You do upvote your alt account @momskitchen to the top of the comment section by talking to yourself :)))) :


A message to all meme shitposters.gif

Did you even read @zombee s comment !?!? and why do you stand by people that abuse the system and are black listed for doing so !? is it because your one of them !?

I have a video for you to watch if you want to hear the real truth about whats going on here !

Yeah, and after you watch it, check the comments to see when the original poster apologies for calling me a scammer, after I showed him evidence.

If you are just "testing" Why are you accepting the rewards? Are you gonna be testing forever dude?

He "tested" with @meme-maniac also from summer last year till february-march :)))

You got to check out this awesome video @zombee ! @fruitdaddy did an awesome job , I really hope @ned sees it and redelagates bck to you , he really explained all of this well !💕🐝👍

I didn't even watch the video. Coz title has "conspiracy" word.
There is no conspiracy!
or other bullshits!

zombee created at least 6-7 accounts to exploit dmania bot.
and he used some of them and received lots of rewards.
how? he was posting memes with those accounts and voting those memes with zombee account which has 5000SP delegated. (See supporter curation system)

he used those accounts until my warning (10th March 2018)

That's all!
No more or no less!

nobody can lie on blockchain.
and nothing can hide.

You can say "Why didn't you tell this before you were blacklisted"

We loved dMania! not zombee...
We wanted let dMania live long. Let things go well.. But they didn't.

He changed algorithm for many times... Too many times...
He never asked us for our opinions.
Changed... Changed.... Changed....
Vote-diversities... Gini-simpsons... Things... Things... And then it goofed up!

Then finally he called us as "abuser" because of his wrong & too complex algorithms.

And believe me, if an abuser calls you as "abuser" unrightly, it's being so galling!

Although everything, i was trying to be quiet but my friend @equ1l1br1um did the right thing!

That's all...

By the way...

Look at dmania discord channel...
People are wondering if zombee will continue to dmania, or he will shut down it...
But zombee never says anything... He never makes an announcements...Or never replies users.
Because he never cared his members, his users... He is still not caring about them.... He was just caring about his income....The income which was $15.000/month until undelegation... And he didn't deserve it...With his unfair behaviours and his low communication skills.

There is a few platform more on blockchain.
Dlive, dtube, dsound or so...
They have moderators, admins.

But none of them blocks you from their discord channel in seconds without any answer.
None of them blocks you because you wroted something in private...

P.S. I used "he" for zombee but i'm not sure its "sex" and i was also wondering his/her age but he/she blocked me from discord after i asked his/her age.

P.S.2: Please never mention me again unless i say you something.
Continue to speak with yourself with your multiple accounts.

Downvoted because I don't believe that whining, rationalizing, whataboutisms, and rage quitting should be rewarded.

Agreed, rage quitting is the worst part.

Do not worry zombee! We (the main part of the community) trust you and we are with you !!! Do not listen to anyone and continue to make the best project! Thank you!

This information should be echoed to everyone for all of us to be aware of the consequences for being abusive.

That's my point, there's a reason you can track everything on the steem blockchain, it should be used properly. Sure, mistakes can happen, but not one after another. I don't understand how steemit doesn't have payed skilled people to do this and also fight spammers, like every big company (facebook...). But maybe they have, I don't know... People do this for free here, but to few people and I don't blaim them. You know how much time it takes to check transactions and other stuff? If they want the price to move up and to keep the platforms clean, then something must be done.

You should also post about all the whales that abuse the system into the millions of dollars worth !!!

Why don't you post about them ? Do some research for 1-2 months for free and make a post. I also answered to you in this post where you made that claim about me getting blacklisted. I recommend reading this post one more time to see that what you are saying doesn't make any sense, like all other people that had financial interest to back up zombee.


I've been trying to understand all this,but your comment is one that makes sense to me. I fear there is serious unfairness going on, but can't expose what is only a gut feeling at this time.

I agree that if such a wonderful concept is to progress then it not only has to be fair but seen to be fair.

You should read the comment left by zombee it explains his side of the story at least . and you know theres always two sides to every story ! thanks , im glad you liked my comment !👍👍👍

Thank you. I agree that others will see it differently,And I haven't read the originator Zombees view. Where do I find that ?

I went by as I said by an instinct that something seems seriously unfair,and by the weight of critical comments. Will be happy to be shown that my fears are misplaced.

Heres a link someone did to a video you should watch ! also if you just go through the comments in this post you will find zombees comment ! thanks !👍👍👍

Yeah, there is people like you who have financial interest on keeping the platform going on and don't care about abuse and there's people like me. To bad the proof was to solid :) Don't turn this is a shit show and don't try to move the focus on something else, like other people that you think they are doing abuses. Will stop replying to you, 3rd comment made and I already know your attitude from way back.

I really wonder why you decided to post this after you blacklisted ? Can't you spread this information a little earlier and prevent the abuse ?

I think you read the part where I said that I didn't find direct connection before I was blacklisted, but you have different reasons to provoke me and make me look like a villain. Don't worry will discuss about that in a bit, but first let me explain it one more time to you :

I knew they where his accounts but couldn't put him in direct connection with account @garanger untill then. So I started investigating his account from the beginning, when I found that zombee created the account garanger as you can clearly see in the post, on : press ctrl+f and search for garanger ; and in this image :


I also said that the next day zombee said that he will remove the blacklists (you can see that in the post with proof). So the point that you are making isn't valid, because I could have easily returned on dMania and continue making memes and gifs. The blacklist was stupid also as I have explained in the post, you couldn't keep your gini index high and curate good posts, but you weren't doing that, I was doing it, curating, so you can't understand, but we will discuss this soon.

You know this already, that zombee removed the blacklist the next day and gave a chance to all users that were unvoting posts to receive bot upvotes again. So the point that you made in your comment doesn't make sense. I could have returned whenever I pleased.

Let's not forget that you have financial interest to say this kind of things, you are probably getting the most upvotes from the dMania bot, in march you were first and in february you were second. Probably this month you will be first also along your friend kalvas.


Just wanted to make it clear for other people who may think otherwise, not for you, for you I have something special.

Ok. You asked for it, I even put a warning that all dMania users that have personal financial incentive from dMania to provoke me should abstain. And also that if they do it, I will have some fun.

I've been waiting for this for a long time circlejerker

@steeminator3000 was a manual curator for some time ago. But he was removed from because he was circlejerking by abusing the bot upvote in order to upvote his gang of circlejerkers (@kalvas @vitruvianman @zuma and probably many more) from their turkish discord channel . Yes they have a discord channel where they openly share links and probably make strategies. They are shaming other serious turkish communities from the steem blockchain by doing so and probably don't like them.

After they couldn't get no more rewards from dtube, they moved their focus on dMania and some of them on dsound. On dMania the bot v3 update gave them the perfect opportunity to circlejerk. This update didn't had any gini index vote distribution metric, only delegations where necessary. Even tough zombee clearly said in this article here that he will ban people that are circlejerking, he never did it even with solid proof sent by me and other users that this turkish group where only upvoting themselves.

I will also dedicate my time on building a post about this matter in the near future and giving solid proof, like I did in this post, so you guys can't say I'm "speculating".

Until then, maybe @heimindanger (I think he is the owner of dtube) can release this info, if he has the pleasure in doing so.

I also invite other people that know about this is to raise their opinions.

Till then to steeminator3000 :


I can confirm steeminator was a curator for dtube in the early days (he is a irl friend and I personally recruited him here). He wasn't a good fit for the job. A lot of subjective voting.

I don't really understand how you want me to confirm anything else than that in your wall of text? DTube isn't at all involved with DMania affairs. I believe it shows in the way it is run. If you are trying to create negative connections between dtube and dmania or whatever with this long comment, then I need to stop you now.

Never, I would never try to do that, especially because I like dTube. I only wanted people to know his true colors of circlejerking, because he tried to mislead people as he and his friend have financial incentive by getting the rewards from dMania .

I want to make this clear for everybody :

Thanks for confirming this. @dtube is a great platform and I would never try to create negative connections, I'm sorry if it sounded like that, but I am pretty sure it didn't. This actually strengthens the fact that dTube is run by people that don't accept this kind of behaviour and has a great future ahead on the long term.

Thank you again for confirming that he was doing subjective voting and you had to release him from his job as a curator.

please sir see my introducing post.

A Threaten from Discord , after crying about censorship in your post , I just don't beleive your sincerity in your post because right after blacklist you decided to write this one now you try to attack me quite decent move ! Goodjob.

Threatening happens when you have something to gain or are afraid of something. I just said what I will do. Why don't you post the entire conversation? Here it is, you are fake as money :) :



Oh, sorry, thought you were talking about for a second there, good thing I didn't mix it up as that place where some of the higher-ups happen to be from one country and just happen to vote on people from that country disproportionately and also had to recently have their hand forced in reducing their levels of self-voting behavior. Oops.

Good point buddy ;) but one thing is very strange for me with all that dmania, a lot of fucked up not funny copy paste stolen memes get big votes and some really good new ones get nothing WTF???
Sometimes I have the feeling that the curators at Dmania are just 13 years old kids sorry just saying what I thinking

Check my comments bro. This is getting insane

I tell you bro just give a shit and only do your thing there are a lot of crazy people on steemit and it will just get you on your nuts and stress you. C ya tomorrow I need a day rest I am good in hangover lol

DMANIA curators!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is absolutely disgusting behavior.

I hoped to see you here too... we do need to make some noise.. bring this to the attention of the ethic whales and orcas of this platform.

@ausbitbank @aggroed @teamsteem @neoxian @drakos

Sorry to tag you guys... but I know you would want to know..

They'll get to know about it alright, we have tried to discuss things with him often - the main thing being the curation of memes. He always behaved like a spoiled teenager calling us for "haters" and saying that he knows best how to evolve his curation bot. There have been a lot of controversial things about dmania in the past, with this added on top of that I don't think it will go well this time around. It's a pity really.

Being found as an abuser now and resorting to censorship is as low as you can go.

Agreed 100% I don't usually get worked up like this... I want to keep a level head on the subject, but I also don't want to feel powerless to this abuse.

I sincerely hope that @ned steps up and does the right thing. This can't be a slap in the hand and a "Ok, don't do it again..."

The message has to be clear, we have so many steemians that complain about reward pool rape, some of the arguments are debatable, but this... there is nothing to discuss.

It's hard to keep a level-headed discussion at this point. But we can take a deep breath and hope for the best. If it will be just only a slap, well life sucks, will concentrate my time on more positive things.

Thanks for taking attitude against this issue.

I too learned new photoshop skills because of dmania. And now your petty shit has cost me and others the oportunity to earn good rewards. So selfish of you.

Don't worry, I learned photoshop and other skills for building memes and gifs from the beginning, when you could have easily copy pasted any shit if you used bitbots or had delegation to dMania, like we both had delegations to it. So you learned a skill, you should be happy about that, you will earn many rewards on dMania or somewhere else. Just don't count to much on skill for dMania, they don't like quality memes and gifs.

Regarding curation, did you see good memes and gifs getting many upvotes? The only time that I saw that improving was after @lifeaef started curating for free with his delegation and after I made the contest. Remember that I tried that with the contest and it improved the quality. I am sorry you feel that way, but I could have continued posting, making some multiple accounts after I found out about this and earn rewards. I choose instead to make it public, so now you are mad that you think that you can't earn anymore because of me? What about the hundreds of users that didn't have a delegation and were missing chances because of abusers? Isn't that selfish of you actually and you are just projecting your selfishness on me ?


"What about the hundreds of users that didn't have a delegation and were missing chances because of abusers?"

The system wasn't perfect but some of them got through. And for most even one dmania bot upvote is more than they will ever earn on Steemit. In 5 years that could have been hundreds, thousands users and now it might all shut down.

Whatever. What's done is done.

Oh and right back at you.

He behaved with me like that also whenever I was trying to report more abusers. Actually he said one time : "I don't have time to check my PM's". Even tough he knew I was always reporting this kind of things to him and didn't bothered him for stupid reasons.

I bet he knew the best away to evolve his curation bot : Curating himself and top delegators from dMania like me with who he was making money out of it anyways :))) Now you know why he didn't want you guys involved.

Power Corrupts.


Dmania is out of controlllllllll in my opinion and I hope that is taking over because.... think people ;)

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