Three Tips For Little Fish In A Big Pond

in #steemit8 years ago

"Nothing liberates your greatness
like the desire to help, the desire to serve." (Marianne Williamson)

My last post, "An African Sex Technique Where Men Get To Worship At The Throne Of Vagina, And Bow Before The Queen, Clitoris" was upvoted by a Steemit founder (thanks @dantheman), and also inspired many private messages thanking me for sharing such startling and welcomed information.

Despite that, as well as many hours of preparation, it earned about $11 (which is really about $5 if cashed out, as I understand it). Hmmmm....

Because Steemit has attracted so many smart and talented creators, there is a ton of excellent content not earning its reasonable worth. As the saying goes, "Your network determines your net worth." That seems especially true at Steemit.

So what happens if you aren't naturally a social butterfly or media maven? What if you've been holed up somewhere developing your craft, moreso than developing your community? Since the platform is built on content, isn't the merit of the content itself worth as much reward as received by master networkers?

Perhaps. But that's not how this game is played.

Great content does NOT magically rise to the top. In fact, there is so much good stuff that quickly and obscurely sinks to the bottom of the pond, that some Steemsters -- like @dragonslayer109 -- make a daily point of scouting out the gems among newbies, and featuring them for greater visibility. (I'm grateful to him for having given me such a boost.)

So, how can innovative minnows improve our situation?

I've been thinking about this a lot, because I love the Steemit platform, but do not love my ROI of time, thus far. If you want to succeed at something, it helps to study the actions of others similar to you who have found their stride. They don't know it, but observing two of my favorite creators on Steemit -- @kaylinart and @lesliestarrohara -- helped me come up with this simple plan to (hopefully) improve connections, and earnings.

1. Perceive what you can do differently, such as consider:

  • Timing of Post: Am I likely to catch as many eyeballs at 1:00am, as I would at 1:00pm? (I tried this before. The answer is "no," lol.)
  • Topic of Post: Is it pure self-indulgence, or am I considering the needs and interests of my reader?
  • Tone of Post: Am I being a Debbie Downer, full of complaints, with no offered solutions?
  • Touch: Am I REACHING OUT (upvoting and commenting on others' work), as much as I'm WRITING DOWN?

2. Persist in posting.

Creators must create. It's a weird mashup between identity and function (that's my experience, anyway). And I have finally understood that unless I create, I am just plain agitated! So may as well -- at least for a determined length of time -- direct those creative energies toward a single, fixed point, like Steemit. Build heat, momentum and traction by showing your followers "Hey, there's PUH-LENTY MO' where that came from! Hop onboard, so you don't miss out." Steady drops of water, over time, create grooves even in something as hard as stone. Drip, drip, post, post.

3. Perfect YOUR superpower.

I wish I could write as humorously as Starr, or create visual art like Kaylin. But neither of those are my gifts. Or my voice. Freeform blogging is freeing. It opens something up in you. It lets you better know your own thoughts. And talents. Be attentive. To your pacing. Your passion. Your personal style. Basically, BE YOU... to the fullest degree that you can. This creates a polarizing effect that will repel the wrong folks, and attract the right ones. If ever you feel you don't know your way (as I did, when I started this very post), you can write to find your way. And as you do, guess what? You will see that you're not little at all. YOU determine your size. Like everything else, you first make it on the inside... and then get the goodies on the outside.

What's missing? This post is incomplete without your thoughts and ideas, so please add 'em in the comments.

P.S. Two weeks ago, in my introductory post, I promised to serve up "Life!... Six Months After An Ayahuasca Ceremony In Acapulco At An Anarchist Conference." It's taking a little longer than I anticipated, but it is coming... Stay tuned. Stay bright.

Follow me at @erikaharris. Now living in Acapulco, via Chicago, I write about the cultivated inner life + liberated outer life. I also advocate the (re)joining of plants + people, because green minds grok better.


Thank you for this, Erika. You hit the nail on the head about success here being largely dependent upon ones existing network/audience coming in. I have been critical of the way this system is set up but I realize it's only for me insomuch as a tool to encourage me develop a voice - something I have been procrastinating for a long time but was inspired to pursue because of Steemit. So far that's been it's only value to me, but that's OK, too!

I appreciate your learned insight into how to best "game" the game.

(I also had NO idea you are an Acapulco expat by way of Chicago! Just another reason why you're such an inspiration to me I can't wait to meet you - hopefully at Anarchapulco!)

I feel you, @jaimejean. It's great that you've found a good use for the platform. Developing our voice is a true game-changer, and never a waste of time or energy. Come to Anarchapulco, and we will enjoy more writerly chats. Will be wonderful to meet you!

Erica, Really great POST ! /bow ... M'Lady
"I also advocate the (re)joining of plants + people, because green minds grok better."
Is "grok" from Stranger in a strange land, Heinlein Robert ? That caught me off guard ... A word and a philosophy I have embraced since I was a kid ... I grew up reading Heinlein, so I look at and think about life and relationships a LOT differently than most. I just discovered you about 2 hours ago, I see so much of that love sharing, peaceful inner self, Philosophic Anarchist in you, that I so much admire in all "Humanes" ...
The story of the Chocolate drink in the heat, with the drums, YA BABY it was a "Back seat moment" (LMAO) I shared with you, that was awesome ... the drums .. the heat, wow (Thank YOU, I needed that) And I def am following you, a sincere free spirit, damn I like that ... Brains, Heart, Soul AND a Beauty ! ...
I'm an old guy, trying to escape this hellish life in the USA, and when I do get there, I would like to meet you .. At 55, starting a new life ... I have finally decided on Acapulco after researching for a couple years. I need peace, the ocean, sunsets and the mountains and a slower more "Inner me" way of life, I think I can find that there ... (Not to mention the great food, and all fresh food too, good for the soul !) Will be a while yet, but I'm working on it !
Wow, didn't mean to just spill my heart out like that, forgive me .. ... I guess I am just impressed !
/bow /cheers !

Yes, Heinlein's grok! Using the word is effective at signaling to, and calling forth, other weirdos. Seems it worked with you, @jtstreetman! ;-) Thanks for your very kind words. And for sharing your dreams. I add my agreement to them, for what it's worth. Come to Acapulco. The community is warm, vibrant, and we'd love to welcome you, friend!

Wow, actually speechless ... You groc fully ... "and calling forth, other weirdos. " ? most people i see I call weirdos, us that are Heinlein fans are "weirdos" in the sense that we grew up believing in a philosophy of sexual freedom and loving and "real" clan families that believe that sex is love and just good fun at the same time, such a loving, caring relationships are "weird to the weirdos". i read 1984 @ 14 and Time Enough for Love about the same time ... both changed my life ... and has finally led me to where I am now .. living in a world and a society that grocs nothing and can't even smile at each other ... I have not stopped smiling since i discovered you on steemit ....
And your article "An African Sex Technique Where Men Get To Worship At The Throne Of Vagina, And Bow Before The Queen, Clitoris" I was like OMG (SMILE) ...(SHE KNOWS !!!!) Starting at 15 I have lived with 2 woman, 3 times in my life ... so yeah .. some men are trained and have shared this with others ... Have worn out my copies "The Kama Sutra" and "The Joy of Sex" ... sharing the love !
thank you so much for your kind words .. The thing is, if you (They) don't grow up reading all of Heinlein's books, they just don't understand .. "love", friend, family ..caring and sharing, peace and FREEDOM !
again ..speechless to have met someone that groks fully ... wow in my 55 yrs .. YOU are the 1st ...
"I add my agreement to them, for what it's worth." .... NOW ... your words are words that have very much weight and "worth" in my book !
thank you again, you are a light in the lonely night !
/bow /hug /dance /cheer !

Yet another awesome post, Erika. Coming into this thing with a few friends on Steemit, but no "following", I definitely attribute part of my moderate success thus far to Persistence in Posting. And that has been a challenge, because I'm already a BUSY LADY without writing a Steemit post every day. Luckily, I had a few pieces filed away that I could post with little to no revision necessary. I try to stay ahead by supplementing these already-written pieces in among the fresh new-new pieces. That gives me a little more time to work on stuff.

Also, I've found that commenting on other posts I've enjoyed has gotten me some followers here on Steemit--followers who, presumably, see my posts in their feeds and, hopefully, click on them.

But honestly, it's the whale votes that bring you the Steem love. My first post that made more than $20 was upvoted by @Stellabelle, and then my three posts so far that made $100 or more were upvoted by @berniesanders. I don't know these people, but apparently something in my writing speaks to them, which is pretty cool.

I think the main takeaway, for me, from my Steemit experience so far is that it has to be about the content and the community, and not about the money. Because if it's about the money, I will be all sad and disappointed when a post doesn't do as well as I'd hoped. But if it's about the content and the community, I'm happy that a few people read and enjoyed my work, and I'm more likely to reach out an engage with those people, thus building more community and inspiring more good content.

Thanks for the additional tips and pointers, @lesliestarrohara. And most especially for inspiring by example :-)

Indeed a most inspiring post! I am a writer at heart with so much in my head that I don't know where to begin. Thanks to Steemit, however, I am now willing to enter that door and brave a new adventure. We'll just wait and see what happens!

Kudos, @areynolds, for your willingness to enter! That might be the hardest part... walking on through. You say you've got, "so much in my head that I don't know where to begin" See if this helps:

Great post, I'm really enjoying your insight and all your content so far! Looking forward to the next installment. :)

That's so sweet of you to say, @runaway-psyche. Thank you! :-)

Thanks for the info

Thank you Erika... another great article.. Brave lady that you are.

I appreciate that, @peoplepower66 :-)

Thank you for the post Erika. I try to teach everyone that their personal brand should be their top priority. Platforms come and go but our brands and networks persist.

Excellent advice, @hilarski. Thanks!

Thank you for sharing this material, I like what you posted.

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