[Proposal] Equalize Author and Curation rewards instead of current 75/25 ratio

in #steemit7 years ago

As @codebreaker wrote in his post currently we have here on Steemit a situation where self-voting is more profitable model of behaviour then curating.

And here goes my simple proposal to:

Equalize (make 50/50) Author and Curation rewards instead of current 75/25 ratio.

What do you guys think about it?

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Let's see.. I put the time, effort and creativity into creating the content and then split it evenly with the guy(s) who comes along soon enough to claim curation rewards? I don't think so. A curation reward is like a finders fee, 25% is plenty to get of my time, effort and creativity.

While I don't agree with those who upvote their own work and rarely, if ever vote on other people's. I think that for the most part, those who upvote their own work, also upvote others so, I really see this as a non-issue. Deal with the abusers and leave others alone.

I agree with you completely

I am so confused that I do not know what is best. It seems that some say to upvote your own stuff and others say never upvote yourself. This causes me to be unsure of best way to handle rewards.

50/50 is a good start. Possibly even up to 90% to curators because at most 1 in 10 people are content creators.

I'm much more a content creator rather than a curator, but I think this makes a lot of sense.

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А как работает ваш сервис с апвотами? мне рекомендовали... и не могу найти пост с правилами

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yes its mostly true @everythink voting is more profitable model

And THAT is the reason why we see so many bots voting for content everywhere! You are more profitable just by voting than by spending the time and energy to create good content that may or may not be noticed.

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