Do You Even Read!?

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


< rant >

Fucking dumb illiterate bastards!

And no, I am not talking about reading Tolstoi and discussing how the social standing of women in feudal society is represented in Anna Karenina, but the ability to read a simple fucking blog post and understand the main point in it. I’m getting sick and tired of all the down right stupid comments people make because they haven't read the post they comment on.

I get that some of the comments are made by bots, and some people have trouble with the English language (which btw is not my mother tongue either), but it’s quite clear when you are not even trying. Sometimes it even looks like a person fell onto the keyboard, and I’m pretty sure Google Translate didn’t suggest that.

I don’t mind if someone comes to see my posts just for the pictures, but don’t start asking questions before you read the post, there might already be an answer there! Most often I clearly state camera details and in what country the pictures are taken, so look for those before you ask, I don’t intentionally hide the facts.

Why are you asking about something that is clearly statet in the post itself? Are you even gonna read my answer to you? Most platant examples are when what ever someone is asking is literally already typed as the title of the post, or is one of three sentences in the whole post. I know we live in a world of fast-everything, and everything in social media needs to be easily digested, but I’m not writing 10000 word articles.

Let me give you a few examples:

Post title: SUNSET
Comment 1: Is this a sunrise, i love sunrise, new day.
Comment 2: Is this the moon?


Only sentence in my self portrait post: Me shot by me with the Nikon D7200.
Comment 1: Who is the model? She pretty.
Comment 2: Who takes your pictures? He is good.
Comment 3: What camera you use?

I wish these were exaggerated examples but no such luck, people are really this dumb and these are all recurring comments.

Another thing that makes me mad is taking things out of context. This happens every other day. A person reads half a sentence from the post, or even just one word, crabs on to that and ignores everything else, completely missing the main point. For example, my post about procrastinating about good things, where most of the comments were just talking about procrastination when avoiding unpleasant tasks, which was pretty much the opposite of what I was talking about. I’m also quite astonished by the lack of understanding when it comes to sarcasm, irony and humour. Are you all three-year-olds!?

I get quite a good amount of comments and I hate wasting my time going through all the shit to get to the real comments. I don't understand what you gain from commenting something totally irrelevant or trying to promote your own shit in my post. That just gets you either ignored or flagged.

Stop wasting MY TIME!

</ rant>


Why are some people so fucking retarded.

Please flag me so I can get some attention spamming your comment section.

Nice post dear, love the focus of your energy and the no bullshit approach you take with users.

Have a nice day, follow 4 follow?

You are doing a very good job and I will vote you as witness as you requested.

Thank you for your support.

As a Jehova's Witness?

I'd be really bad because I would never visit anyones house.

The amount of bots posting has become annoying, however just down vote them so they don't get rewarded for posting. Peace and keep up the good work.

Don't have to tell me twice on the flag part... but somehow they get mad at me for doing so🤔

hi dear
great phapography
I like read
follow my back, it's kinda itchy

I know what you feel.
Under my post about that fire incident we had a couple months ago, some guy commented "nice". Really? Nice?! Oh boy, how nice it is to breathe in toxic gases and be in a state of panic, worry and confusion for a couple of hours straight, followed by a headache that lasts for at least until the next evening and anxiety that won't end even after 2 months. Just splendid!

See you in two weeks and I'll scratch your back!

Clearly someone read your post and thought that fire spices up your life!

😂😂 this is so true. There is so much more engagement here, than say Facebook, but some (many?) of the comments I get too are not real gems of quality. PREACH sister! ✊🏽😘

(Cutest damn picture you chose for your rant)

🤗 Yes, it's still a lot better in here, even with the spam and shit.

Don't call me cute when I try to look scary!😅😈

GOoD lUcK mR, yOu MaKe A g0oD pOsT oR aRtIcLe I lIkE iT, I'Ve BeEn UpVoTe AnD ReBlOg 4 YoUr ArTiClEs Or PoStS...
pLaSe ViSiT mY bLoG

Interesting article followed & upvoted

Have you ever thought that maybe they are charmed by your beauty and they loose their minds and can not think normal!😉

I really really wish that would be the case but I highly doubt it!

HAhahha. Isn't that what it's all about? Writing shit comments without reading to get upvotes. lol

Awhile back I saw somewhere two spammers commenting back and forth of someones post. You would have loved that. They weren't even making sense to each other just upvoting their own comments every time hahaha

Argh, what a waste of good space in the blockchain!

You tell them girl! I've been following you for some time but just finally set up my account so I wanted to finally tell you how much I enjoy reading your posts and I absolutely LOVE that you are sharing sexual freedom, it's something that's very true to my heart! All in all another great post and I look forward to reading more! ❤️❤️❤️

Awww that is so sweet, thank you! Welcome to Steemit🤗

Thanx so much! Thrilled to be here!

Your expectations may be too high. Read, understand, and write something intelligent or thought-provoking. ..."Common sense is not so common" - Voltaire

Keep posting great content (and rants too). Many of us enjoy it and will work harder to provide more value-add comments. ...btw, it is great that you respond to the comments.

They are not, but I'm still always disappointed when I notice people being so fucking dumb.

It's funny that I often get the best response on my rants 😅

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