Steemit - Why was I flagged???

in #steemit8 years ago

I joined Steemit 2 days ago and had one of my story posts 'flagged' yesterday. 😕 Not too sure who flagged me and why.

My post was about the Dangers of Vaccines. I know it's a touchy topic for people who 'love' vaccines. As the post was really a #repot from the well known website for all news about natural remedies and stories, I just wanted to 'share' a story.

I copied and pasted the story and reference the source giving them the credit also stating that the content did not belong to me then 'boom', I was 'flagged'.

At the same time as was voted ⬇️ Down 😔 by somebody so I do know whether it was because of the way I tried to share a story by posting up the actual direct link or was it a person who loves vaccines and didn't like the opposing idea???

I searched around and kinda know who down voted me but not sure if that person actually 'flagged' my content ...

Okay, if I broke some rule while posting on story, please do not flag my stuff, just be kind enough to explain to me what I did wrong so that I will not make the same mistake. But if you disagree with the 'idea' in my content and are feeling a little finger trigger happy, then that's bad censoring.

I believe that the person who voted me down belongs to a group who purposely 'votes down' writers who they believe writes stuff to hurt the Steemit community. Then please tell me, how is reposting an article about the 'truth about vaccines' and how dangerous they are to the human body and the fact that almost all studies proving vaccines are safe is down by the vaccine manufacturer? I really don't understand, the fact that a write is laying out the facts so that people in the community know another part of vaccine truth is 'bad' for the Steemit community. How??

If some Steemers that have been here longer than I, please explain to me what I did wrong it would be greatly appreciated.

How on earth can I repost an article from another site? Aren't I suppose to post the direct link or does that break Steemit rules. Help ... Someone, please explain to this newbie.

Sincerely Confused and saddened ...


On facebook, everyone copies and reposts something they went to share, and everyone likes.

steemit isn't facebook, and when you repost something here, NO ONE likes.

The reason is simple. You are getting paid to create "new" stories and content that you made. That's what makes steemit special. We have new unique content here, that the rest of the internet doesn't have.

If you want to use a reference, while you are talking about something, then yes.. you can link to it, or embed it.

For instance, in your downvoted article, what you might have done, is pull a few excerpts from it. Talk about why you think it's a good article. Explain why people should go read it. Then give a link to the article without copy/pasting the whole thing here.

This way when Google comes along, they see "hey! Unique content from exoexo.. this person talked about the article and linked to it. I want to index and save everything he/she said, because it's unique".

@intelliguy You are right Steemit is very unique platform. It has a little bit of everything added it. Extremely easy to use. Having users be helpers is very interesting. I must thank you very your very in depth explaination and will try to find the linking thing you spoke of. Another lesson learn, thanks to you. By the way, are you one of those 'good bots' that another user spoke of that is watching over our community? Enjoy your day, sir. 🐳

No, I'm real. :)

Since you're new:

  1. A flag IS a down vote. (Whoever flagged your post is the same person who down voted it, its the same thing)
  2. The @cheetah account is a set of "Good Bot's" that find plagiarism, etc.
  3. If you want to copy/paste someone else's stuff, use proper citations. (Use the 'Link' button when writing an article.)

Someone probably just didn't like your article. Its not a big deal unless you have dozens of flags.

I don't agree with your vaccine article but people should only flag content that is someone else's work or illegal. I think the posting of new articles is fine so long you leave the source. It would be wise to even comment on it. We need clarification on conduct.

@cryptobarry Hello there, thank you for replying to my post. I've kinda got the photos & videos portion of uploading but still a little unsure about posting links, still, call me slow. But since you commented on the vaccines thingy, I will post 2 links below for you to look into if you like. Would it be possible for you to tell me if I did it correctly as I don't want to get in trouble or flagged again? 😔

Okay, here goes:

The free Vaccines Summit where doctors confirm that vaccines cause Autism.

The website that post ms the truth about all things medical and healthy, the truth about Vaccines included, THE LINK

I hope I posted correctly. Please be sure to visit those links if you like to further your knowledge on the dangers of Vaccines. Good Day 🌴

ok have a look at your flagged post i sent you a message there

@dragonslayer109 Message received. Thank you for your reply.

Flagging sucks. It's like getting stoned to death.

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