An Atheist on a Mission From God (TM): What the hell I'm up to, and why it matters

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

The Only Thing That Matters Is Making It To "Star Trek"


Absolutely everything else is at best a trivial distraction, and at worst a sickening waste of resources that should be otherwise allocated


People who give a fuck, who want to matter with respect to the quality of human existence, should choose a piece of the journey to "Star Trek" and push for it with all they've got.


Yes, I'm talking about the TV show. And no, I'm not talking about the fights with aliens, and planet-hopping, or even warp drive. I'm talking about a world with limitless economic potential. And... while you've been propaganized not to believe this for your entire life and we're conditioned by both our biology and our society to think in a scarcity mindset, we are SO FUCKING CLOSE. My mental arithmeatic on this topic goes like this:

(Technology Development A) * (Technology Development B) = Technology Development C-E
C * A = 1-50
C * B = 51-100
D * C = 101-150
E * A = 151-200

Now, it doesn't actually work like that. In fact, we've entered an era where discoveries don't really stand on their own-- each individual new technology or discovery rests upon literally hundreds of others and very often opens the door to thousands of others subsequently.


That's the holy thing going on there at Steemit, by the way-- independent actors are getting money to pursue their little piece of the future. I don't want to get freaky here but it's perfectly possible that Steemit will one day be in history books because it is indeed a totally new type of economy. I know that every day, a little birdie in my brain goes "holy shit, I should thank @officialfuzzy" for introducing me to steemit! Then I realize I've already done that about ten times. Folks, here we get paid directly for ideas, and we don't have to bend over backwards for the privilege. This is NOT like previous centuries. This is something totally new and of course that's why it is so infectious.

How I got started on such a crazy mission

Really, it all started because I gave a shit. It was nothing more or less than that. Specifically, I gave a shit about a really special class of students that I taught. For whatever reason, they got me thinking about the future, and frequently, I liked to imagine that it was a really great future. One day, I stumbled upon Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds, and it changed my life. I still remember clearly, running through the entire 123 pages entirely rapt.

The document begins:

Four overarching megatrends

Then goes on to catalog key risks:


Discusses all of the most influential trends


Shows us points of leverage


Gives realistic assessments of future economic parity


Almost predicts steemit in several places, this being just one of them....


Then gives us best and worst case scenarios for our global challenges


Gets into scenarios about future conflict


Notes the reality of more, smaller wars


Looks at water scarcity


Oh, look it's steemit again... (Pay attention)





All of the technologies in the four images above need to have sex in order for us to win. Lots, and lots of kinky stechnology-sex, and if they don't have this sex,we all lose. The remainder of my disucssion of this document has to do with Just how much we have to lose. Folks, it is EVERYTHING.

There are motherfuckers stopping technology from having sex!

....and so begins my mission. My mission, and the mission of many others, many far more impact than me, is nothing more than the complete elimination of intellectual property regulation as a moral imperative for the world. Now, as an #anarchist, I surely don't think that governments should force anyone to reveal their technological secrets. Thing is, they should not be getting help from the governments, either. Good governments will do everything they can to encourage technological sex, because lots, and lots of technological sex is the only thing that can save us and lead us to Star Trek, where we are capable of creating a world without scarcity economics. Personally, I believe that without a war, we are just ten years from such a feat.


This is unacceptable:

People who have consciences, and governments that want to be on the right side of history will do all they can to reduce this number to zero, unless we encounter unfriendly aliens.


The four scenarios that changed my life forever



Fusion: This is what we are fighting for. Nothing more or less.




A few words on the Authors of this document


The National Intelligence Council is just about the most somber group of analysts that the United States has. One of the things I found refreshing about this document was the way it considered the state of the entire world, and did not position the United States as savior. Because of this, I keep an eye open for their publications. Their next report will be released in Deceber 2016, and you can be assured I'll read every word. Of course I'm not saying that we should trust them, the US intelligence apparatus has proven not to be worthy of any trust at all. With that said, I don't see any propaganda value in misstating this information, so I am overall inclined to take it at face value.

The Personal Impact of reading Alternate Worlds: 2030

  • I quit my job because it didn't improve the world enough
  • I moved From Shanghai to Shenzhen, to Ho Chi Minh City to Da Nang and finally to Hanoi
  • I have a mission in life
  • I have a framework for making impact in a scary, yet hopeful world.

Of course, I sincerely hope it impacts you in the same ways.

So basically....

I'm on a mission to open source everything. By the way, I think I've identified a key building block of a better world, and I want to get your opinions and support building it. Actually the final form of this thing owes a great deal to @rampant, who had the prescient realization that it should look like a gameboy cartridge, or a little bit smaller. What is it?

it's a computer!


How does a tiny gameboy cartridge sized computer help technologies have sex?

  • Distributed Computing
  • IoT
  • Scientific Computing
  • Waste Prevention
  • Design efficency
  • Faster software development cycles
  • Open Source Standard that can be implemented by anyone in an ecosystem of compatible products

What kinds of things could a Compute Cartridge be used in?

  • Laptops
  • Desktops
  • Servers
  • Datacenters
  • Mobile Phones
  • Tablet PCs
  • Televisions
  • Cars
  • Motorcycles
  • Musical Gear

The point is that the user is not limited in any way. If a device has the correct interface, its computer innards can be swapped out at will.

What is the planned spec?

CPUIntel x86Atom (4-8 cores, 1.6 ghz) Celeron (4 cores 1.6Ghz ) or Pentium (4 cores, 2GHZ)I plan to use Intel processors, but if I cannot get needed assistance from Intel, I will use AMD, and if not AMD, then AMLOGIC or Mediatek. Really this depends on funding and/or design assistance from the CPU manufacturer, and in the end it is likely we will go with whichever manufacturer helps us the most, the fastest. All of the CPUs under consideration are 100% compatible with Linux-Mainline, but it is notable that Intel has by far the best graphics driver support. If Intel is helpful and cooperative, we will surely choose Intel for this reason. Their Open souce drivers greatly reduce developer pain.
RAMDDR42, 4 or 8GB
StorageMicroSD1-256GBSD Slot located at the top of the cartridge. If SD boot fails, device falls back to a PXE boot mode. Datacenter devices will not be designed for SD card boot in most cases, because PXE will be more effective in that environment.


As soon as humanly possible.

How can I help?

I'll gladly accept donations, and upvoting this story is likely to help, too.

"I have an EE background and I want to help you!"

Well then! Let's work out a mutually agreeable arrangement so that we can help each other!

I have questions

  • reply to this post
  • +84 096 111 3075

Star Trek?

Yes, star trek. Remember, this is just my piece of the puzzle. You can and should choose one that you like, and work on it till it is done. Create technology that disrupts the balance of power between governments, MNCs and individuals. That's almost certain to improve the world.


Oh, you know, I think I should post photos of early prototypes:


And if you liked the post & the thinking behind it, follow @faddat for more!

I will follow you for sure :D i like Star Trek... and i like open source too. Good luck!

I just started to toy around with Adruino and also have a Cubietech.

Awesome! Hey, here's a post about how I got started down this particular path:

Very similar to how you're getting started.

This is the most fucking punk post I have ever read in my entire life. I want everyone to read this! Keep going as hard as I think that you are going!

wow, your post @faddat man. One of the deepest articles I've read lately. It's great that you have a life mission. I have a few things I focus on right now and maybe that's the issue, one getting distracted by the other.

How does your device differ from RPi or any of the others?

PS. Totally see #technologysex as a trending tag.


Gonna get rolling with some #technologysex in coming days, hope you enjoy :D.

Looking forward to it :)

like what you are writing about faddat and will follow you
Regards @xpilar

The real question is: will we innovate ourselves into extinction?

A third world war is in my mind a much larger threat. If we take the view that wars are caused by scarcity, then our first priority should be fighting scarcity by any means necessary.

After that, we can ponder weather or not we will innovate ourselves into extinction, and weather or not that extinction actually qualifies as extinction.

What an awesome, incredibly researched article and a noble mission. Inspirational stuff.

I am starting to use the programming "classes" I have had sitting on some site for years now that I have spare time, perhaps I can one day put such knowledge to good use.

I have always wanted to try my hand at building robots but just so that I could battle them. ( ._.)


You might be surprised just how approachable robotics can be. The toughest thing is the difficulty that the Compute Cartridge is designed to address: The operating system. These cartridges will be entirely Linux-Mainline compliant out the door, meaning that people who put software on them will not need to deal with the incredible hurdles that developers face today.

Furthermore, hells yeah to you for learning to code. Believe it or not, I'm still learning myself. I've got more of a sysadmin background. Programming is challenging and satisfying, and truly a difficult thing to learn :). Maybe one of those.... easy to do, very difficult to do well kinds of things....

Interesting. I do tend to like a challenge and get really absorbed in tech stuff. Like I keep all my old broken computers so I can tinker and fix them and I enjoy getting viruses off of computers. Though I don't generally get viruses these days I have helped people remove some nasty ones. I alsoused to get super absorbed in to website design as a teen, and then got pretty into 3d modeling as an adult. So, I think programming is really right up my alley and possibly even robotics in the future. I just never previously had the time to invest.

You post has definitely inspired me though. :D

I am following you now to read about technology and maybe help you decide on your lunch some day.

If you're feeling up to it, a really great starting point is running linux on your main computer. Linux is interesting from a number of standpoints:

  • It runs on phones, servers, cars, and embedded devices
  • It's developed by thousands of independent developers as well as corporations
  • It's distributed in "distributions" which are curated collections of code
    • There are literally hundreds of these distributions

Another interesting linux excercise is certainly flashing old Android smartphones. You can update their software in myriad interesting ways. I have a little tinkering going on, working to get full Linux (not android) onto an a33 tablet. Hopefully I can get a distributable ROM put together for it :).

I dont know if I would want to commit to linux until I have another laptop. I do use it on my thinkpad that I use to create my coloring books and digital art with. So, I am familiar with linux somewhat.

If you have a 2nd machine with linux, good enough! What distro do you use?

Great post Jacob !


Nice one i like your attitude ;)

Absolutely amazing post that elaborates on stuff that @xtester and I have been writing about. Great job!

Glad to see I am not the only sick to death of the scarcity and competition model our stupid economy is built on. Keep it up.

You are not! The bigger question is: How do we fight this? How do we expose the fact that scarcity in today's world is almost entirely artificial?

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