For the love of God, clean up steemit chat

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Slime illustrated

I've been watching a trainwreck lately on I would particularly like to draw attention to the #general channel. The amount of smut and blatant disrespect for others in the community is getting out of hand.

Let's keep this a professional platform and maintain some dignity. For the influx of newcomers, instead of offering a welcoming place of help and advice, these chat channels are littered with pettiness, rude insults, and generally comments in poor taste. I have never seen so many "fuck yous" in my life.

You could say "Well, no one is making you come here." Yeah, I get it. I don't HAVE to read the nonsense. But if I have a question I'd like to get an answer for, I don't like to see people treating each other so badly. That doesn't do much for steemit's behind the scenes reputation, does it?

I thought steemit was supposed to be a supportive community where we all tried to uplift each other by encouraging a flourishing creative environment? Instead, I see rude personal attacks, disgusting subject matter thrown around, and overall questionable behavior.

Let's quit the cesspool of low quality interactions and use chat as a place to forge new connections and help each other out.

As a woman, I'd like to add one thing - there seems to be a misogynistic trend lately on some of these channels. Without naming names, you had better dial it down.

Women are vital contributors to this community, and if this kind of nonsense continues, steemit will get a reputation as a place that is dominated by a bunch of rowdy women bashers. Don't piss us off or call us names when we say or do something you perceive as a personal affront. It just makes you look bad. And as you know, here, reputation is everything.

Class it up, eh guys? Clean up your banter and don't treat steemit like a bad porn show. You are ruining it for everyone. Got jokes about genitalia or defecation ? Use your PM privileges. Or how about a new channel called "Juvenile Humor?" Then at least we know where we can go to be entertained without any surprises.

Illustration ©Johanna Westerman, exclusively for this steemit post, because it fit


Some people just don't understand that you attract more flies with honey than with vinegar. This is a social media platform, and peoples actions have repercussions. Treat others nicely and they will respond in kind. The chat is no exception, people shouldn't be going around talking bad about anyone. If you don't have something nice to say don't say anything at all, is the old adage. It applies as much now as it always has.

Always nice to see it applies here! Some people had got it into their heads that these scales had reversed since the dawn of the millennium, but instead only their perception had changed.

Nice to see that someone out there in the steemit world has a moral compass... It was looking a little 'iffy.' I was raised by, mostly, all women growing up and they are easily the best of us here walking the planet. Thanks for the post and CHEERS to a woman with some real class!

I was raised by, mostly, all women growing up and they are easily the best of us here walking the planet.

Change the word "women" for "men" and suddenly that is an unacceptable, sexist statement. See the double standard?

I would like to point out that men are women are equally awesome. Bad people come in all shapes, sizes, races, and genders.

Yes - I think that is an important point that a lot of people are missing. Sexism can go BOTH ways!

Yes abuse can go both ways and isn't acceptable but sexism can't...sexism is a systematic oppression and men aren't systematically oppressed in our society. Having said that, abuse is never acceptable!

I can only think of one society that is systematically oppressing women and it sure as hell isnt the west.

Sexism can't go both ways?
I disagree, I think it just has done right here in this exchange of comments

Completely understand. Point well taken.


That sounds terrible - misogynistic comments shouldn't be tolerated on any channel. I've stuck to the comment sections and haven't seen anything offensive as of yet (fingers crossed).

Glad to see Steemit is having this kind of discussion! Has anyone considered developer a code of conduct for the community?

I would hope as grown up anarchists we can be self-governing

All I can say is thank you for this post. When i started on steemit i had a rough beginning and strayed from my true self. I heard about and thought finally somewhere to get some advice and opinions on where I went wrong. I went into the General section and tried to seek out some answers to my questions. Instead I was met with hostility and an unwillingness to help. The whole point of was to help other users and to get to know eachother a little better. It seems the chatrooms are full of groups of people pissed off at steemit or wise asses who say FU when you ask for help. Thanks for broadcasting this issue. Great post.

Sorry you were treated poorly, it has happened to many people and I hope to help change that. Feel free to come ask questions in our non abusive live chat.

Looks like someone is stirring up a "hornets nest"; I do agree, if there is a seasoned argument or discussion everyone involved should be treated with respect!! Unfortunately this is the epidemic that is sweeping our society; I was always taught............. "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"!!!

What a sad indictment of our "social" society or should it be "antisocial"??

Excelent! comment! (Y)

I think it's important to remember that Steem only has value if people see it as valuable. If no one uses this platform because it is full of garbage comments and posts then it will have no value. Do your part in helping this community grow and Steem gain value by keeping your mouth shut if you can't think of something constructive to say. Not everything has to be nice, but at least provide a bit of substance and explain what you think and why. "This sucks." helps no one.

There are plenty of other sites to be an ass on. I am hoping Steemit can stay being something that everyone can benefit from.

it only will if people are willing to go beyond the monetary aspect. odd how we do not really compare steemit to reddit when attempting to assess a standard for content.
The only way everyone can benefit is if people are free to say what they wish.

Couldn't agree more. What's stranger is that this platform is built on positive social interaction so this kind of behaviour is even more pointless. Fingers crossed things improve.

Well said, I would also like to see people to quit referencing their posts or promoting them in any manner in general chat other than as an answer to a question.

Money is involved. I'm of the mind that Steemit needs to take the slow approach to success and give up on the get rich quick big payout model of promotion. The incentive of big money motivates people to be douchebags.

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