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RE: Steemit Tax Calculation and Payment System

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Well taxation is only partly theft in my eyes. Hospitals, schools, etc don´t build themselves and don´t pay for themselves. But expenses like Politicians, Military, etc etc could be cut completely imo. Problem is we can´t choose what we wan´t to pay for and what we don´t want to pay for. I also do feel overcharged by my government. It taxes my income, it taxes my day to day grocery shopping, it taxes me if i buy something and if i sell something or if i win at gambling. They tax my "wealth" even after I died.
So yes taxation is theft, but it the same way SOME taxation is necessary. But not the whole life should be taxed by our governments! I´m sure blockchain technology will change that!


I did a video on this not too long ago. Check it out:

You and I would get along quite well.

lol I'm sure we would!
By the way, here are 75,000+ reasons why

Taxation Is Theft

041415 Tax Code Complexity.jpg

Reminds me of James Madison: "It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men of their own choice if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood."

Things evolve, just look at how many words are in the English language compared to 1913.

It would be nice if we each had the choice as we do on Steemit where to send our taxes!

Ha! Yeah, if that were the case, I'd stay powered up and not send them anywhere. LOL.

To some degree you do. Many corporate entities completely eliminate their tax liability through reinvestment, job growth, charity, foundations, and other deductions that are there for the proposed purpose of benefiting the common good.

I follow you're argument. I've heard it before. I disagree completely, but I don't think now is the time to get into a long discussion. I just suggest you ponder for a while a world without government (Anarchy), or at least a government limited to just protecting individual rights (Minarchy). I mean really think about it. Do you really think schools and hospitals wouldn't be built? Does man require other man to tell him what to do, or would he just sit there in the dirt crying for want?

I can imagine the farmer coming to you, saying infinite-monkey! I need a road and a harbor and some ships to export my potatoes!
Can you build it for me? I will pay you in potatoes for about... uh... 716 million years? That's ok for you?

And I would tell the farmer he shouldn't have built his farm in an area that couldn't produce enough value to warrant the free market investing its money in building a road and harbor to help him export his potatoes.


Excellent response.

taxes dont pay for hospitals etc, printed federal reserve money pays for those things
all taxes in the US go to paying off the INTEREST o the debt to the federal reserve private central bank that prints up dollars out of thin air

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