My First day as a Steemit Superhero! I just passed 100 million vests! Leave a Comment! Upvotes for Everyone!

in #steemit8 years ago

lolololololol I can´t believe it, I finally made it to superhero after 943 posts over 2 months. The last part of the ride I had to boost myself as the price of Steem is dirt cheap right now so I bought some! :)

screenshot steemd/distribution

So how was my ride from zero to superhero?

I had written an article for Stakepool Magazine and had just posted it when someone told me that my article had been re-posted on steemit, so I clicked the link and saw that he had made $8 on it and realized that a lot of my original content had found its way to this platform and was making people rich on my work, so I had to protest and created this account to make sure that nobody but me makes money on me.

My first article made $0.21, and I had to identify myself

The second article made a better reward, Are you going to profit on the next big short made over $500 which is a fair price for such great insight and well written words - two months later we all made a lot of money, or should I say - Bitcoins when the S&P500 finally crashed from its all time high on Friday, so this weekend has been one of those worthy of celebrating.

I work as a Crypto-Fund manager in my day-job, I babysit a lot of bitcoins for a lot of people

If I am going to be completely honest with you - I am so tired of looking at charts and cannot wait to retire from this job in 2-3 years. Since joining Bitcoin in 2009 and been part of the crypto-scene for so long can make anyone burn out.

Trading is a very effective and secure way to make money year over year, but it requires my attention every day starting from 9AM London-Time to 4PM New-York Time while living in a completely different timezone, I have to wake up at 2AM my time - so you can imagine how little "life" I get to enjoy - but I can enjoy it later, I´m sure. Just one more trade, right?

If I can make 3-4 excellent trades per year, I´m happy.

So what have I learned on Steemit?

Well, when I joined everyone became so happy when the price pumped 2000% and there was joy and happiness everywhere. Since then most of the euphoria is gone because the price dropped down to what it is at now, and I have a feeling that a lot of people have become exhausted, burned out and also dollar-poor, specially the people who have been buying steem at much higher prices have had to see their investments vanish quickly in value.

Don´t give up - only quitters quit!

I´ve done a lot of different things on Steemit, I´ve made songs, puppet-shows, cartoons, articles, photography - not everything I made became front-page material, but some of the things I made did - and some of the things I did that costed me a lot of money barely broke even but all in all the experience on steemit has been so good that I will recommend it to other people outside of steemit. Of course.

We are almost 100,000 registered accounts now - competition is getting harder

I assume that soon enough someone far better then me will come out with a mind-blowing show, a funny song or something completely different - just like every other social media the attention will tilt in the direction of who can entertain most people from the masses. I am pretty sure we have seen nothing yet.

During my time on Steemit I have voted, commented, posted completely manually. At no point have I ever tried to game the system in any way, just focusing on creating as great content as possible, knowing that you would enjoy it every time.

The most expensive Post I made on Steemit only made 22 views

As a traffic-machine, Steemit is not much of one as of now. It really seems like the majority of votes and comments are non-human or non-readers or watchers. As an experiment I started writing and producing shows specially made for this platform, and even if they made great author-rewards and probably will make more views in the future, this video has only been seen by 22 people according to Youtube, so if you could watch it and write a comment about it would be nice :) Or maybe the video sucks.. Anyways :) I´m very happy to have made it to Superhero, I´ll try to be a great superhero - I have to buy a cape of course and a superhero outfit so I can sneak around at night doing good deeds in secret :)

Thank you all for being Awesome! Leave a comment below and I´ll upvote it! With Love from @fyrstikken & Family!


Congrats @fyrstikken

Am not a fan or videos or cartoons, and I'm sorry about that, hahas. But am a fan of your views and opinion on the stuffs that you post. I'm sure most of the community agrees with me, enjoy your new cape!

I have truly found value in some of your posts here. And that's what its all about; finding excellent content that you may never have found elsewhere.

Congrats on your success!

that is awesome, glad to hear that kenny-crane.
thank you so much for your kind words!

congrats! great work :)

Congrats fellow trader and steemian. I enjoyed the read.
I'm adding 'follow's with discretion and only have 50 as of now when I added you.
Thank you for the post.

Very wise words to Steem by! Congratulations on your big earnings. :)

Congratulations! I hope to be following you soon(er or later) to superhero status.

What is the chart you showed?

Cool, so 49 people have made a "real" income.

100 Million Super Steem Power. Awesome! LOL

nice you got my vote man :)

Since then most of the euphoria is gone because the price dropped down to what it is at now, and I have a feeling that a lot of people have become exhausted, burned out

Yup, only took me a couple months to burn out and go on vacation :P

It was kinda sad to see the atmosphere here so low lately, mainly cause of the price. People should know better by now never to look at the day-to-day price of steem and think of the long haul instead.

To me this feels like a blessing in disguise cause I get another opportunity to cheaply buy steem or get higher steem power rewards. :P

yeah, totally. Hopefully the mood will become better again once steem goes up in price and make people feel euphoric and giving in spirit again :)

Yeah, I'm sure the atmosphere will become a lot better automatically. =) Let's keep it nice until then!

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