Bandwidth Limit Exceeded?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I just had this pop up on my screen..

Bandwidth Limit.jpg

Is there an official breakdown of what and how the limits are and how they are determined?

I was only following Preppers and Homesteading channels from a list and when I clicked 'follow' on a profile this message came up. Surely even following people isn't restricted? Is it? :-/

Hope I'm still able to post regular content? HALP!??

Be safe and be prepared
Geordie Prepper


I also just had this problem: "bandwidth limit exeeded."
Now I can post again, very strange !

i found other users also had this problem:

Hi @geordieprepper,

I was trying to explain this error with a little details in my latest post. Check it out if you like, although it is not official.

Also, I'm using your error picture there. Hope you don't mind. Let me know if you do.


I also just got a similar message, and I've found another person that has also. I dunno why we're getting these messages, but I know I have sufficient SP to transact on the blockchain.

Something is wrong with Steemit, or the blockchain. Lemme know if you find out before me what it is.

I will do man. I just noticed your post and replied on it. I know Steemit is in Beta, but I'm seeing in general more technical problems and more community problems. People getting too big for their boots and trying to determine what others should and shouldn't be posting and threatening people to take away their means of earning a living they need to survive on.

Just got this error myself and I know I have enough steem to submit a story. I've seen exactly what you're describing; people making crazy threats to anyone who doesn't post what they want them to.

Some user went so far as to say something along the lines of "Trust me, this is a fight you will lose" in his rambling threat post. Lol, what the heck is this? Mad Max?

I just hope this isn't some kind of attack on certain accounts on purpose. I don't know anything more about the problem, or about Steemit's innards, to say for certain it isn't.

That worries me. But... so does growing old, although I'm told it's preferable to the alternative.

So far, that seems to be rare, but it could quickly spiral out of control if the community doesn't make a point of voting only for the deserving.

Well, that's the heart of the issue regarding voting. Witness votes are weighted by SP, just like curation. Basically, if you bought enough Steem you could completely replace the witnesses.

@aggroed recently estimated that @freedom's vote was 30% of @pumpkin's witness vote, alone. That's not a controlling interest in even one of ~50 witnesses, but it does show the mechanism at work.

The community is really the bulk of the SP. So, money talks... and there are those that think the money is self voting, whether deserving or not. I still have no idea how one could somehow attack another account's ability to transact on the blockchain. I thought that was controlled by algorithms, and only a witness could affect that.

Now, a witness that cryptically impacted unrelated targets for brief periods of time might be able to impact the community both substantially, and without being detected, I suppose. I'm not a coder, so can really only guess.

Yeah it's pretty ridiculous and with so many people coming here from YouTube and other highly censored platforms, to then run into the same bureaucracy that you faced there just crushes any motivation to continue to be here. Why should people log in one day to see their reputation ruined and ability to earn destroyed because some faceless user with a ton of SP takes a disliking to you? I thought Steemit was community driven, but it seems that it's driven by a small select band of individuals in a club that has exclusive membership. I might have to start looking for an alternative as it hasn't happened to me yet but if it does it will make my situation worse.

If yourself and others are seeing this also then it is a worrying and growing trend that needs to be nipped in the bud. Be safe and prepared friend.

I went ahead and followed you (I'm functional right now apparently lol). Definitely agree that something ought to be done about power-hungry sociopaths with tons of SP.

I think it's up to the community to keep things regulated by literally voting for those who aren't nuts and avoiding those who are.

Well I'm glad you are functional once again :) and thanks for the follow. Yes, something will have to be done. Steemit is still in beta so you could say this is the experimental version of it and hopefully this is something that will get addressed.

Thank you for this post. I just got the same message when I tried to redeem some SP earnings in my wallet. I thought it was because I only have about 8 in Steem Power but I see that you have over a 100 in SP and you still got the same message. Hopefully, it is just an indication that a lot more people are joining and using the platform. :-)

Hi, yes hopefully it is just an indication of it becoming a victim of it's own success I just wasn't expecting to be completely brick walled from doing the smallest of things like Follow a new user. Be safe and prepared friend.

Thanks Geordieprepper that is wise advice. :-)

You'be better avoid resteeming or revising post and decrease the number of upvotes and replies

Hey man, yes any action such as those uses up your bandwidth. Be safe and prepared friend.

Thank you for advice. Have a good time, buddy!

You've been UpVoted via the UpVote Experiment 002 Bot. Depending on my VP & the price of STEEM you should get a $.01-$.03 for your trouble.
Read more about this experiment here.

Thank You - @blueorgy

This has happened to me too. I checked and found my remaining bandwidth to be at -16.08% :(
This article is pretty helpful:

Update: I just checked again and my remaining bandwidth was up to 9%... which was enough to post. That took about 10 minutes. So the solution seems to be patience.

Yeah, it seems the more Steem Power you have the more bandwidth you get.

Hi. I think I found the answer to this issue since I had experienced the same. Steemit is still undergoing development and there are still bugs in the system. Don't panic! It is being fixed. You can read more from what I found:

Thanks for this. I think they'll probably tweak the system a bit before release and the witnesses are doing things at their end which should mean hopefully this is last time we see this. Be safe and prepared.

Hello Geordie - it's being fixed.
See Steemd for visual. Also check out witness tag for dev post on the issue.

-ch @globocop

Thanks man, at least we are all wiser for this happening.

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