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RE: I've gotten 747 likes combined on 6 posts on my Instagram advertising Steemit! First Report of my now Daily SEO/SEM Social Media Marketing work for Steemit (And why you too should post Steemit related posts on IG FB Twitter etc)

in #steemit7 years ago

Nice work Zack. Glad to see you giving props to @jerrybanfield. He’s very much under appreciated for his contributions to Steemit.


i dunno hes pretty apreciated, he will blow uyp,

the reason he is "under" appreciated maybe is because he has to like realize that hes super nerdy and its just like ...hey i hate to be like that i sound like a bully but im not, u know what i mean, we all know, and his wife is never gonna tell him i have a feeling...or maybe she does and he doesnt give a fuck but Jerry seems to live in his own little bubble of success where he is SO positive and SO happy all the time thatr it turns alot of cynical people off!!!

Alot of people see jerry and they go "Well HAt guy is obviously always on and works realy hard so thats NOT for me!" and I want Jerry to grow beyond his current followers, he could have MILLION youtube subscribers!

and if we helped jery seinfeld get 1 million subscribers we could get like 10,000 steemit users to join or maybe he could get ALL of his subscirbrs on board to steemit!

dude yeah i would love top just make a video ABOUT jerry to help him get more subscirbers and hire a special socia;l media consultant who can spiff up his image

he has SO much potential to become one of those self help gurus that helps people achieve financial sucess

and NOT one who promises some MLM progam where u have to make sales to amke any money NO he can just get 100 people in a room and have em all signup top steemit!

he can walk them A:L throigh how to write a good intro post about themselves (people LOVE writing about themselves) and they can ALL sghow how they are with jerry banfield, and jerry will get ALL of his followers to HELP all thesenew people!!

jerry should just hold a free seminare where he helps like 100 people make money online!

MOST online courses make u buy some shit and u NEVER make any money!

wioth STEEMIT its almost a GARUNTEE that peopel will end up making money and fAST and so lets just get 100 people in a room with Jerry and me and we can hold a LEcture on how to make money!

we will make sure EVERYONE in the room has ALREADY signed up with steemit and is in the system!

it will be REALLy easy to get steem to $100 by end of this year if we can get 100 million new users it IS possible! if we ALL do our part!

you are like the cracked out first draft version of jerry banfield imo xD


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