@ Neoxian is abusing the Flag feature and is acting like he is a Moderator on this site. He needs to be flagged and banned

in #steemit8 years ago

My reputation has dropped to 15 from a single user taking it upon himself to decide where he thinks your posts should be posted. His reputation should be low just for abusing this function. @Neoxian has made it his goal to decide who he thinks is posting in the right Categories and is horribly abusing the Flag feature. if you look at his posts, all he does is flag accounts. He has no proof or reason besides saying they are in the wrong category. He needs to be knocked down a peg as he feels he has some power on this site, where he thinks people should beg him to remove his Flag. Something needs to be done with this guy. He is a Parasite to this Ecosystem and will cause nothing but issues here. Who is he to decide where things go and how can he point the finger at people for plagiarism and not prove this accusation. He has dropped my reputation from 33 to 12 because I have called him out on his nonsense.

Calling all members, beware of this user he is not an Asset to Steemit, but a Parasite that causes problems


You might garner a little bit more sympathy if you didn't do stuff like this:
greatone downvote @neoxian/dear-steemit-just-because-you-are-posting…
greatone downvote @neoxian/mini-rant-if-the-dev-s-implement-socialis…
greatone downvote @neoxian/cyber-punk-music-shadowrun-returns-ost-05
greatone downvote @neoxian/my-intro
greatone downvote @neoxian/cyberpunk-music-daft-punk-around-the-worl…
greatone downvote @neoxian/cyberpunk-music-atom-bomb-by-fluke
greatone downvote @neoxian/question-what-does-the-introduceyourself-
greatone downvote @neoxian/cyberpunk-music-my-device-by-ayria
greatone downvote @neoxian/neoxian-s-reputation-repair-service
greatone downvote @neoxian/cyberpunk-music-she-coloris
greatone downvote @neoxian/neoxian-s-flagging-criteria-slightly-repo…
greatone downvote @neoxian/feature-request-only-allow-one-tag-on-a-p…
greatone downvote @neoxian/steemit-meme
greatone downvote @neoxian/cyberpunk-music
greatone downvote @neoxian/dear-steemit-are-you-introducing-yourself…
greatone downvote @neoxian/flagging-i-m-back-on-the-job-and-a-new-cr…
greatone downvote @neoxian/feature-request-we-ve-limited-posts-now-c…
(and tons tons more, he flagged nearly everything he could find)

So your aloud to d it, but no one can flag you. Then its an issue right. Sympathy aint crap to me dude. I am just pointing out what kind of No life you have. You have no Authority, stop acting like a king pin

You don't understand, this is a de-centralized system, there is no central Authority. Any authority I might have is derived from three sources:
1: The system has seen fit to give me a reputation of 56, which is relatively high
2: Believe it or not, about 80% of the people approve of what I do. I've been paid, and received upvotes and support from others.
3: I have strong Steempower, which gives my votes some weight.

You Steem Power is being used to run Bot accounts which upvote every post you put up and your vote from other people are from other you have either scared into believing you are actually dong good or a Buy off of a higher power. Again I don't have nothing to lose and thats the worst kind of person to attack. I did nothing wrong and because you feel I put a post in the wrong area does not give your the right to decide this.

Plus I love all the fake account you have constantly voting your posts up. Like I said earlier, you are the problem with this site and believe me, you have far more to lose then little ol me.

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