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RE: "We Don't Follow Steem To The Moon; We Take Steem To The Moon". Let's Discuss Steemit Promotion. "It Gets Much Easier!"

in #steemit7 years ago

I do agree with everything you've said and I think you've done a great job nailing it down like this. Well done!

That being said, I'm a firm believer in Steem and Steemit, but I also believe that we must take care of our own, before anything else.

This is from one of my previous articles for insance:

If we want mass adoption, we also have to educate and motivate the newcomers. Even those who're struggling to understand how Steemit works. One cannot teach these people with in-depth analytics or numbers. We need to educate and teach them with the use of guides, tutorials and answers even a kid can understand. With or without cryptocurrency experience or knowledge. From wealth or poverty. With English as their mother tongue or not...

And that's what I've been trying to do. However, I also talk with people about Steemit. I ask people if they've heard about it and things like that, because I truly want more people to join... - But I want to make sure that those we already have onboard, will continue to stay.


Hahaha yes. That is at the core of my post as well. Bring your own community and i spoke of your portion of steem. i was touching there on catering to your community and not inviting people solely cos your imitating others or trying to attract votes etc. i also spoke of building a whale but on steemit i am very technical when dispensing info so that info attains in intending purpose to upbuild and inspire. You know it is a community and you have been here for long and you know how community works. For the new ones staying, i work on that lot in the DMs. Thank you for an awesome comment. You method is where true success lies.

Thank you for a wonderful reply! - A good start on a new day. :)

I wish you awesomeness today and on and on and on

I've been having great days since the day before yesterday. Better days than the normal average so to speak and hopefully it will continue in the same direction.

There are still many difficulties and obstacles I have to encounter, but these two last days have given me more hope and power compared to before, so I'm ready to fight!

Thanks for your wonderful wishes. I truly appreciate it. :)

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