Steemit - What All Newcomers Should Think About And What They Should NOT Focus On.

in #steemit8 years ago

Hello Fellow Steemians And Welcome To Steemit!


I will share things in this post that I would have wanted to know when I first started out..

I will not discuss Steem, Steem Dollars or Steem Power. I assume that you already know the basics of steemit. Make sure you read Steemit Whitepaper in case you haven't done that already.

Also note that there's a bunch of similar posts already.. But most of them contains only a certain point of information and they don't cover "everything", which is why I made this one. It's also easier and better for me to direct new users I bring to steemit to a post I've written myself instead of multiple posts from other authors.
I figured it would be nice to have "all in one place" and not having to search for a handful of different posts to get this information. I know I would rather read 1 or 2 posts instead of 7 or 8 to get the same information.

About Steemit..

Steemit is literally an ocean full of amazing authors, incredible stories, awesome jokes, memes and beautiful photos.. You can find anything and everything on steemit.

You are here for a few reasons..

You are here because Steemit is a superb idea. It's new, fresh and innovative. You are here because Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all of those other social medias are oldschool.

You are here to become an established user. You are here to make some extra bucks.

  • Am I right? - Of course I am!

Let's begin..

First of all, let me tell you this. I might not be "qualified enough" to give people insights, tips and suggestions.. At least that's what some people might think.

I'm just some random dude from Sweden doing my thing here on Steemit.. And I'm not "famous". I don't make thousands on my posts and I don't make money on all of my posts either..



I've been where you are right now.. A little bit more than 4 weeks ago.
However, I've had success. I experienced something totally new for me, so I actually ended up doubting myself when I couldn't get that same "winning" feeling again..

I've shared stories about this here:

With that being said..

I know what I'm talking about. I know from personal experience how it feels to be a newcomer. I know how it feels to be "the new guy" without friends or good ideas on content to publish.

I did my fair share of mistakes and I still keep doing them.. It's just the way it is. You will have your ups and downs. - The important thing is to learn from your mistakes.


The reasons for the ups & downs are many.. It can depend on a bunch of different things.

Let's debunk some of them for you.

  • You published your post at "the wrong time". This is extremely hard to tell as you'll never know when people are the most active.

You can use catchawhale to see when whales are active though, but I wouldn't personally use this too much, as this will most likely end up hurting you.


  • Just imagine that you publish your posts when ALL the whales are active.. And you publish 10 different posts in 5 days. 2 each day... And none of them gets upvoted. That will probably leave you empty handed AND disappointed.

You'll have to think about the different time zones. When are people the most active? During the day or the night? - Are the users on steemit online 15 hours per day or do they have a job?

Questions like that can help you to figure out a good time to publish your post.

Another reason might be due to your title. Perhaps it's not compelling enough to attract readers.

A third reason could be the actual content. Perhaps the readers doesn't agree or doesn't like what they read. If they don't, most of them won't upvote it. However, there are still a chance to get upvotes even though the readers doesn't like your content.. The reason is money.

People make money on steemit. If they upvote something that goes big.. They'll end up with more profits.

  • What you must never forget is that the users on steemit are people. Real people with feelings & desire. (yeah, there's a bunch of BOTs too, but we don't need to talk about them.)


The biggest reason for not getting upvotes, comments or earnings on your post.. Is because your post got overlooked.

With more than 68,500 users on steemit, there' an endless amount of new posts being publish.. Even if you find "the perfect time" to post, others will have done the same thing.. And that's why you can never expect to be seen.

Things to remember:

  • Most of you will not be an overnight success so stop looking at the trending posts and the pending payouts on those. You will most likely not end up near any of them.
  • Don't spam your post url in comments on other users blogs.
  • Don't spam your post url in Private Messages in the chat.
  • Don't expect amazing payouts.
  • Don't expect hundreds of upvotes.
  • Don't expect hundreds of comments.

  • Use the correct sections in the chat to promote your posts.
  • Share what you want to share. Not what you think others would want to read.
  • Make sure to give proper credits to the sources you use.

Do you use a photo you found on google? - Mentioned that in your post with the url.
Have you quoted something from another website? - Mentioned that in your post with the url.

If you don't, you'll risk to be down voted.

Do NOT use @all in the

  • You've been warned.

Here's some of my other posts:

The most important things..


Do not stop to produce quality content.

I know that it's hard to write great stuff multiple times per day and I'm struggling with it myself.. But instead of writing a half-assed post and publish that one just for the sake of it. Don't.

That one post can ruin your future chances. Take a break for one day instead and write a better one the next day. That way you'll make sure that you only publish good content.

It takes time to become well-known and established. You can "speed things up" a bit by being active. Participate in discussions. Reply on other authors blogs to get recognition. - This is an incredible way to build your reputation and to build your follower-base. And you'll also have the chance to earn money from that too.

What To Post?

  • This is a tricky question.

I would go with something I personally would want to share. I wouldn't look at the trending posts and post "the same" or similar content as they did..

First of all, the trending posts are often trending because it's new and original. So if you made a similar one the next day.. You'll probably not be so lucky. That ship has sailed already.

However, I do recommend that you read trending posts. Not just to read it but to analyze it.

  • What is the post about?
  • How does the post look like?
  • Do the author use specific words or a special way to engage the readers?
  • Do they use bold text and where?
  • What kind of photos are they using?

With that being said though.. Don't spend too much time doing that. Spend most of your time writing your posts or commenting on others posts.

Like I said above. I've been here for more than 4 weeks now and I've noticed a few things..

  • Posts about steemit is often rewarded.
    What do you do for steemit? - What you have done? - What do you plan to do? - All of these things are often upvoted and rewarded.

  • Have you bought a steemit t-shirt or another steemit-product? - Why? - Make a post about it!

  • Do you plan to bring more users to steemit? - How? - Make a post about it!

Take a look at one of my previous posts for instance. That should be enough proof.

You can read the post here:
Steemit: I will tell 500,000 people about you!! - And This WILL Make Us Go BIG!

Other posts that's been rewarded multiple times are often within different categories, such as:

  • Photography. (If you're a good photographer, share your recent photos!)
  • Recipes. (Share photos and the list of ingredients etc.)
  • Travel. (Share photos from your recent vacation and share a good story!)
  • Fiction. (Are you good writer and a storyteller? - Go for it!)

The list goes on and on..

My most recent project are the hidden photography gems.

There's a few authors doing "hidden-gems" and many of them have great success. I haven't had that much success yet, but I truly believe I do something good so I will continue.

The reason I do this, is because other authors doesn't. The other hidden-gems you'll find from other authors are mostly stories. Good stories that didn't make it. I will focus on photography as I believe there's a bunch of superb photographers who doesn't get the attention they deserve.

And why do I share that in this post..?

  • Because that's one way I contribute to steemit. Spend some time and come up with something you can do. - That will help you get followers and become an established steemian.

And with these words, I will leave you for now..


Feel Free To Follow Me


This is all very abra kadabra on steemit at the moment in my opinion. It's fun but very frustrating too.
It's a constant battle to keep motivated for many people, but I honestly believe that if you stick to your guns and blog about what You are really interested in, others with similar interest will follow you .
We really need to diversify the content here as that will spread the user congestion more evenly across the spectrum, hopefully that also Spurs on the whales to start reading more diverse content rather that the usual.

Thanks a bundle for the post as every little bit of new information helps clear the mind up a bit.

I am Value. You are Value. Be Value.

Driven by Steem.


I always say: Be you. :)

Thanks for sharing!

We really need to diversify the content here as that will spread the user congestion more evenly across the spectrum

Oooo, finally I saw somebody saying that. I also think it's important.

Great post. You cover many wonderful points. The main idea that I try to convey to people is that if you're an author - do it because you love it, doing it just for the money will end up harming not only your state of mind if you fail but also the quality of your content.

Thanks for taking the time to put together this well-formatted article. :)

Thank you for your kind words and yeah, you are correct. You nailed it with one sentence :)

Good post!
This post is very useful.

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it! :)

Here's my post on The Unwritten Rules of Steemit to help the newbies.

Thanks for sharing.

I agree totally. If I started worrying about whales, when to post, when to upvote, what to write about to please the Steemit masses, I think I'll absolutely hate this place. I have to stick to what I love and hope others will love them, too.

Exactly. Be you. :)

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