The Potential Downsides Of Resteems. [Resteem 101]

in #steemit7 years ago

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This post will be rather short but of utmost importance.

Lately I've been having some great results and meanwhile I truly appreciate each Follower I have, each Upvote, Comment and Resteem I get on my content, I feel obligated to say this.

I have been talking about "paying it forward" in my recent posts and I still encourage everyone to Resteem content they like.. However, I haven't mentioned any potential downsides of Resteems.

Now, it's time to address this..

If and when you Resteem content you increase the chances for your followers to see the posts and that's obviously great and an act of kindness. The authors will have a higher chance to reap further rewards. In terms of followers, resteems, upvotes and of course, money.

All of that is really great and in each aspect wonderful.

However, you could potentially hurt yourself if and when you Resteem content.

  • And why is that?

Each new post you publish or Resteem will show up in your followers feed.

Let me give you an example of how the feed looks like:

That means, if you were to publish 50 new posts per day, your followers might actually decide to un-follow you due to all your so-called "spam". Even if all your posts were of high quality.

The fact is, that it works the same way with content you Resteem. - Resteem is an amazing 'tool' to bring authors more recognition.. But it has it's potential downsides too.

Make sure you don't Resteem 100's of posts each day. That might ultimately leave you with followers who walks away from you (un-follow), even though it's still an act of kindness.

Wait, there's more to it..

If you find a post and you truly believe that specific author deserves more rewards and more recognition for their work.. - Make sure you Resteem the post.

However, if you Resteem several posts each day, you'll automatically push the very first post you truly liked to the bottom of the feed.

Remember, the coin is always two-sided.

If you haven't already, make sure you read my previous post:
The Real RESTEEM Power. "Pay it forward definitely works!"

Resteem content you like, but DON'T Resteem EVERYTHING you see.


Agreed. Resteeming everything is annoying, otherwise it's nice to see new content. Just have to find the balance between everything and nothing.

That's why I limit mine to 5 a day (usually more like 3). My followers know, or should know, if I resteem something it's for a reason. Thanks for using me for an example lol!!!

Haha yeah, you happened to be a perfect example when I saw my feed. :D

I had no choice... Ned's report contained valuable info. thelightreports, I always resteem and he usually returns the favor. ericwoelk is a new friend and I'm trying to get him a little exposure (give him a follow please, he's a good guy). Now you got me paranoid so I didn't resteem stevescoins who I always do!!!

I know you Resteem for a good reason and you're doing it great too. This post wasn't to make people scared about Resteems. Just a friendly reminder of how people should do it. :)

Well alright then... I'll go ahead and resteem steve!

Btw. I Resteemed & Followed ericwoelk. :)

I completely agree with you! I myself have unfollowed people who only end up resteeming instead of writing posts. I really hope #steemit works on separating resteemed posts from our own posts, so that they are easier to find and easier to read. In addition, it wouldnt force you to "have to" look through the resteemed posts if you didnt want to.

Well, to be fair. People who only Resteems are still doing something really valuable. - And most of them have hundreds of followers too. - I'd take a Resteem from these guys any time of the week. :)

However, I do understand your point of view. If people Resteem properly, this would never become an issue. That said, I don't know if I'd want Resteemed posts to be separated from the regular posts. I think that we, Steemians, would lose potential rewards by doing that.

Just imagine that you have two separate options on your feed. You have two tabs. - Posts - Resteemed posts.

Which one would you look at? - Probably the first option, which I bet most people would do.. And by doing that, we would also cut off a potential "reward-stream" for us all.

Good Post :)

Great post! I myself have actually unfollowed someone for what I'd call spam.

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it. :)

Good to know some of the negatives of resteeming too.

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