The Day The Internet Gave Me A Compliment

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

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First World Problems

We normally don't even give a thought to our reliance on the internet. Things have been this way for a while now. So much so until we take it for granted or even worse we pout and get frustrated when it goes kaputt. I was in the middle of setting up my mining rig and trying to get work done on Steemit. All of a sudden the internet slowed to a crawl as it approached cyber death. My day couldn't have gone any worse, I thought. "So much to do, I don't feel good, my friend is having bad day, and now this". Then I realized what I was experiencing was nothing more than a first world problem.

What I got out of this minor life altering experience was that I need to be more patient and not worry about small things. Well I'm not sure if someone's income is a small thing. But anyway I initially overreacted. Once the internet was down I started scrambling to fix it but as the day wore on and after exhausting all options I finally came to the realization that having the internet go down was not a bad thing. I needed to change the way I was seeing it. 

Instead of looking at it as "oh no, what the hell am I going to do?" I started to see it as a compliment. Yes, a compliment. See the thing is in the past I used to worry when things didn't go how I planned them. When I say worry I mean WORRY. That has changed alot since reclaiming my life. So recently I decided to start looking at obstacles and setback as compliments because to me it means that God is giving me a test he knows I can handle. Even if that means he allows evil forces to push my buttons. Thanks evil for trying to stop me and BIG ups my G-O-D for seeing that I will be better off because of these tests. 

Some tests are harder than others and we all have our own to take. But know that when you go through these tests you can handle them. When you get angry at the problems say this: "It's a compliment". This is my new practice when I get angry or frustrated by things and so far it's a learning curve but I believe this will help me in the long run. Now that the internet is back up and running I have much work to do in order to catch up. But my mindset is "No worries, it's a compliment". Peace.

Name some other first world problems

Do you get frustrated easily?

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I guess problems are given to the ones that can handle them. For example, sickness is given to the strong ones, the ones that can handle it.

That's a good way to look at it too.

Hahahahahaha really??? The internet is down and i'm worried?? In Nigeria??? haha
Really we have a lot of times like that. The internet has to be down more than twice a day where i am, and we're accustomed to that by now.
We're outta electricity for days...and when u finally can charge your phone, bad internet network happens! It's all messed up here but i'm getting used to that too. And because i'm getting used to that doesn't mean i enjoy it.
It's saaad

If only they knew how long it took me to load this page!
Nigeria can only get better

Hahahaha no be lies brother

A good friend of mine told me how the internet can be there so I do understand. Also the electricity situation. Is that annoying for you or is it not a big deal to you?

I can't possibly explain enough how frustrating it is!
You know people may say, oh that's how it has always been so they should be used to it by now. If other people are not bothered by it, I am!
It's really frustrating to be unable to load all the images on a page because of poor internet connection. Not to mention the part where I get to reply 'good morning' chats in the evening because there was no electricity to charge my phone all day!
It's super annoying!

Name some other first world problems
Do you get frustrated easily?

Not knowing which place to order food from... i end up ordering food from 2 different places and getting fat :P

I know the feeling of internet going down, in the summer our modem always overheats and ends up getting broken down, we have to wait for 2 days for a replacement, at least now that i know this, i normally call before and tell them the modem is fried and they come with a replacement before the modem even stops working

Not knowing which place to order food from... i end up ordering food from 2 different places and getting fat :P

Hahaha dude you a clown...and this is your first world problems? This sounds like a good problem to me.

The extra food is not really a problem, but the getting fat is a problem xD

PS- if you want more good humor you should check out my post named "Ledger Nano S! My Epic Quest!", i'm not going to post the link here because i don't want to promote myself in other ppl's blogs :) especially in humanearl's post, the dude is really cool from what i've seen so far

@teutonium I've had that feeling at the grocery store. It's like having to make life decisions while shopping. Soo many options.

Thanks for the compliment too.

Installing the witness-servers is so damn frustrating that I have a headache now and ask for help.

What part are you trying to work on? Have you programmed anything yet?

Yes, I changed the root password, added my nickname, the servers are running. However, to continue installing protective measures on my servers I need to use the downkey to edit lines that are below the line that I am currently working on in the software called "Putty".

And that simply doesn't work, I looked through 3 google pages and I don't find shit. They suggested another program called "Kitty" to manage your server, I will look into that tomorrow.

Otherwise, I hope someone writes me to help me setup my servers.

Are you programming it from the command line/terminal? Send me a screenshot

Yes, I can't get the green font down to the arrow to change

"PermitRootLogin Yes"


"PermitRootLogin No"

![Green Bar.jpg]


I tried arrow down, picture down key and it just doesn't work.
Everytime I press the down key this happens:



3 Pages on google didn't have a solution, some even said that "Putty" is bugged.

Tried all kinds of shit by myself but 3 hours of research didn't result in a solution.

Ok. It seems you are in a read only version. Try "sudo gedit..." instead of nano. You may be able to edit it that way. Let me know if it works.

That sadly doesn't work.
However, someone frm the witness chat on Steemit helped me and now it works.

It didn't work because I enabled "force echo" instead of leaving it on "auto" because I thought that it was a bug that the password is invisible so I changed that.

Funny stuff, now it works like a gem.

The guy that helped me was @quochuy. I gave him my vote + 10 SBD for his help.

He will from today always help me if I do not find a solution by myself, really awesome!

My first world problem is when I go to tap my card to pay for something, but the machine has a label that says “no tap” and I have to insert my card and enter my PIN like some sort of god-damned caveman. If I had to pick a 2nd first world problem, it would be when I don’t enunciate clearly and have to repeat a command to my Google home mini.

I am extremely thankful that I have these problems and not real problems like “where can I find clean drinking water?”, or “how can I get enough to eat?”

Another question we should also ask is "Should I really be complaining about trivial matters?" Which is what I realized when the internet was down.

I do not necessarily see the internet dying on you as a test, but a message. You wrote, “I don't feel good,” I think it was a message to take care of yourself. I hope you feel better soon.

Yes. Now looking back I would say "Slow down Earl". I think you are right with that one.

That's a healthier way of looking at it than just getting mad. If you've done everything you can to change the situation, it's not worth it to keep getting frustrated over it. All you can do is move on the best you're able. If you're not able, try to find something else. I've been learning that over the last few years. It's a journey and it's difficult when you thought life was going to go a specific way... and then it doesn't. But if you're able to view things as a test or challenge like you said, then it just becomes a game where it's something else to overcome. Glad you got the interwebs back though.

What are you setting up to mine? Are you building your own rig?

I am much better at not stewing over trivial matters. I agree it's unhealthy and it clouds you mind.

I am mining Electroneum. I have two servers mining now and I will setup the other two soon. I bought used servers some months ago for a different project that failed to take off so I thought I'd simply mine with them.

I haven't heard of Electroneum. That's cool you're able to re-purpose the other rigs to mine it though. Saves you from taking a loss on them. Does it have a pretty decent ROI on it? Is it just GPU mining?

It's actually a fork of monero so it is CPU. But you can mine using GPU if you want to. As far as ROI it's not that profitable right now based on the calculations. But it's still early.

Eeeesh, I just looked it up. I don't know if you could run this on CPU while your rig was doing GPU mining of something else... kind of a double-dip, but that's low. Granted, if you're getting a pile of coins that will be worth a lot more later, it could be worth it.

I've seen a number of people talking about SmartCash. I was contemplating getting into that. You don't need a ton of hardware, and the upfront cost is buying SmartCash to run your node. Those are still tokens that you own. I don't know if I'll go for it, but something to consider.

Oh cool Yea I heard of SmartCash. I need to look more into it and see what it's about. You're the second person to mention it.

Solid point of view. I was in the Philippines doing pro-bono work for a bunch of Orphanages and Shelters over there and it just made me grateful for all we have over here in the 1st world. Sometimes we need to put life back into perspective. Solid. God bless


Yes we do need to do that and unfortunately the 1st world benefits at the expense of other nations.

You only realize the importance of certain things in your life until you've lost them. I think everyone can relate to that at some point in their lives. And u don't believe that's a very nice trait to be fair.
Maybe it's a test maybe not. What I actively try to do is realizing that everything is impermanent and could be gone the next day waking up.

What I actively try to do is realizing that everything is impermanent and could be gone the next day waking up.

This is the perfect mentality for this kinda situation. Thinking that nothing lasts forever makes you less relient on material things and when anything goes wrong with them, it doesn't get to you or get a better part of you.

That my friend is a very good idea. All these things are temporal anyway and they won;t last. Why bother so much about them?

I am sure that, God gives us only those tests that we can overcome. Therefore, you are right. In any situation, you need to look for a positive side. If one door is closed, then another opens. But sometimes people are looking at the closed door and do not see that a new path is open for them.
Therefore, you are right. In any situation, you need to look for a positive side. If one door is closed, then another opens. But sometimes people are looking at the closed door and do not see that a new path is open for them.
With each new test, you will become stronger and smarter. Therefore, I am in agreement with your opinion. Consider this as an opportunity to become better. As a compliment.
Our thoughts build our lives. Therefore, the best remedy for a bad mood and a difficult situation is a positive thinking and moving forward.

Right. A door is always open. But sometimes it's just not the one we want to be open. But we have to adjust accordingly. Mush easier said than done.

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