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RE: Call to HELP! Steemit is a haven for HOLOCAUST DENIERS and Anti-semites! (Read for yourself)

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

well, I submitted this post to @curie... it might be too "political" and it might be too "steemit-attacking" of individuals - not sure, but I think it is worth discussing and more people should see it than 17 with 5 votes... in response to this article - people are responding, i believe, to the "ashkenazi" Jews who are not Jews at all, but acutally, Khazars who switched over to Judaism in 740 AD to avoid persecution for their Dark Luciferianism in which they sacrificed babies and such - you can read the whole story here - - people think the psychopathic Rothschilds and their psycopathic buddies who's last name's end in stein or the Rockenfelders, and other illuminati Khazarian families -are Jews - and so they blame the jews sadly. That's human Nurture - because people want to know who to hate and they want a group to blame - the Khazars became Jews and the Jews being a persecuted "race" let them in - and the have used that stature to their advantage - because I think they lack the empathy (a brain chemistry problem) and have taken over the world as "jews" which they are not. I can say all this as my mother is a Jew OR she may be an Ashkenazi Jew actually because she was from Poland - not necessarily a Jew... most of the european Jews are actually Ashkenazi...


I think the problem is that we want to pin point people instead of institutions, whether it be religious or some dark order. When companies knowingly poison people or the planet they hang up one guy as a scapegoat while the institution is never reprimanded. Just because the Rothschilds are evil doesn't mean that their evil because their Jewish. The entire financial system is keeping us enslaved so we wanna hang up a couple families while leaving the entire corrupt system alone. So now we're hating an entire heritage instead of the institution that is run by many heads from many religions. Thanks for sharing. I was going more for public shaming then attacking, but it's also hard to make that claim without examples... so.

have you listened to Mark Passio's podcasts yet? This would tell you what is REALLY going on - this is just one small piece of it - and the Rothschilds and the other 13 Illuminati families are attempting to bring the NWO - I strongly recommend listening to this - in order - it will open your eyes - the Rothschilds created the monetary system - look into the history of fiat currency and who owns the Federal Reserve and the IRS for that matter...the beginnings of it are in the other article I posted to you.

I've known about all those things for a long while now. I think most people who are into crypto currency are anti-fiat. I think we've been living in a new world order for some time. The founding of the BRICS system makes me think things have shifted. The USD is no longer the major reserve currency of the world, trump is steadily decreasing our outstanding and "America is #1" persona. I dunno, I'm always relentlessly optimistic about the future despite data and circumstances.

...i always ask that about mark passio as I think he really helps fill in the gaps - . I am glad you are optimistic - I try to stay in the middle because I am a pesamist by nature. I have no idea what "trump" is doing because he represents the cabal and is friends with hilary - I don't have brain energy to give to that jibber jabber... re the holocaust- I think it is GOOD to look at what may have really happened - it all being the human experimentaiton which continued in operation paperclip and mk ultra. I am anti "israel" because it is the rothschild strong-hold and I am pretty sure from what I have read that they created ww2 and the holocaust killing their own people just as they did with 911 - they are psychopaths so don't have empathy -

I understand what you're saying but they're are still children, artists, lovers, dreamers, pacifist and eco-fighters living in Israel. Being anti- Israeli government and anti-Israel are totally different things. I am a truther and VERY aware of all the nazi technology that was taken and implemented here and till now... but killing off that many of your own people doesn't make sense at all, entertaining that idea kinda makes me sick and upset, so I won't continue.

@thatgrlbeth I agree with you - it happens every day TODAY in the USA. And then as well. And so it has always been - I am not trying to be callous. I am trying to put it into perspective: I don't know why there are some people who get to have power over others. I don't know why some people have to die at the hands of other people. I don't know why slavery STILL exists. I don't know why the psychopaths have gotten the upper hand 'cept they are "smarter" than we are since they don't have those pesky feelings in the way of actions they take - and they are trying to blend in so they are good actors... I don't agree with it. RE Israel - I don't agree that the "Jewish people" get to take that land away from the Palestinians and torture and kill them constantly with US aided guns.

I don't agree that "we" Americans don't get to investigate WHY we continuously AID Israel in this brutality without being called "anti-semetic" and the Israeli's always pull the "Holocaust" card every time someone wants to have a healthy discussion about why we continue to perpetuate that "war". I think it is blood-sacrifice that the satanists need to continue - not Jews...

what about the Holocaust on the Native Americans? Why so difficult for us to reconcile that one and STILL we rob them off their land by putting an oil pipeline through Standing Rock. What about the Holocaust toward the African ? Right here in the USA? What about the Holocaust of the Japanese American - the work camps right here in the US that they were sent off to during ww1?

What is the root of all this? Must we be divided over these issues? The purpose of the misinformation is divide and conquer... in a way the Holocaust of ww2 was a false flag since Adolph Hitler was a bastard Rothschild - his mother had an affair with a Rothschild - she was a servant in his house - and on and on it goes...

I am not trying to minimize it - but people have the right to discuss it - to write articles about it - and to be wrong about it - I mean - the Talmud talks about how non-Jews are not human and deserve to be killed TOO. Have you looked at the Protocols of Zion? It's quite shocking....

These very same arguments are used against Muslims, siting their religious text against them. The difference there is Jewish people are considered Jewish whether they practice, whether they support Israel or not, they are lumped together....the same way anyone who is Arab is called and thought to be a terrorist by some.

I don't know how denying/questioning the holocaust has to do with proving or caring about all these other instances and atrocities. If anything diminishing/revising our strongest example could allow for more to happen, that I strongly believe.

The fact that "revising" the holocaust, Zionism and the Rothschilds can be brought up in the same articles shows a level of racism to me. Even if they solely were responsible it's not like all those people that died were in on it? It doesn't make it okay that it happened since it was their own people perpetuating it. It's not just discussing or looking over it, it's coming from an anti-Zionist and anti-Israel place. It's literally coming from hate, hatred of the pro-Israel campaign. Which I understand and share but don't combine in thought.

When people talk or think about Jewish people and immediately go to Rothschilds, hollywood control, banking, etc that's racism. In the same way to think about Muslims and only think about oppressing women, ISIS and whatever. Putting people in a box/"typifying" people is dangerous. Stereo-types concentrate over time, hateful ideas snowball. This is exactly why 2 people were stabbed here in Portland, and died.


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