Where did that person go? Why did they NOT come back and visit your blog? Losing votes? I WILL TELL YOU WHY!
Don't you hate it when some of your best followers don't show up to vote anymore? Where did they all go?
There are several reasons for this, and we should cover them:
Ever heard of post-and-run? Basically you publish a post, people upvote and comment, and you're already offline. Meanwhile you leave your commenters hanging to see if you like their comment they left for you, or if they might even get an upvote on their comment for taking the time to reply to your post.
This happened to me. Not only did I 100% upvote someone's post, I resteemed it too to my 1300 followers. For 4 solid days they didn't acknowledge my participation in their cool blog post. So I know what post-and-run feels like to an upvoter. It can suck. :(
Well curate-and-run works similar. People hop onto steemit, look at their feed, a few of their favorite friends, upvote a dozen or so posts.. They make a few comments, and they soon see that their voting power dwindles. The $$ amount their upvotes they give start to get less, and less... so they stop for the day, and walk away.
I call this curate and run. Limited voting power, and too much good content, means you have to curate and run, and wait for yourself to rejuvenate your voting power again
This is a funny one. It becomes soon a game of cat and mouse. It doesn't matter who is the cat, nor who is the mouse. But the way it is perceived is that the mouse is constantly teasing and hiding from the cat.
You write a post, and you notice that some of your more regulars don't show up to vote. Human curiosity starts to wonder.. is it because of the content? Is it because I haven't voted on their blog lately? Did I do or say something to piss them off?
So you deliberately go and search your long lost follower blogs and see what they've been up to.. What do you find? Oh, they've been too busy posting their own content.
...then it hits you...
They've been posting their own [good quality] content and where were you? You didn't visit their blog for 4 or 5 days now... Is that the reason they don't visit you either?
What if it is simply a curate-and-run problem? Maybe they are just low on voting power for a couple days?
What if they are busy? What if they just took a break from curating, but they are only posting?
The cat and mouse game of visiting the people who you follow, or who upvote you, can be quite tricky and is full of reasons why it happens. Try to not pay attention to it. It's probably a small trivial reason why they haven't showed up, so don't give yourself a guilt complex or hold resentment, that's just dumb.
That's right, you already knew that though. This world is getting bigger by the day. The steem blockchain is growing in participation by the day. Your old regular friends of yesterday, are meeting new friends today and tomorrow. Just because the last few months, someone was a regular visitor to your blog, doesn't mean they'll continue doing it.
As steem grows, bumping into people on the blockchain will happen less frequently. You'll recognize names of course. You'll reminisce over great interactive commenting times you've had in the past...
"Hey, I remember that person. We just commented on the same blog post today. Gee, come to think of it, I haven't visited their blog lately, and they haven't visited mine either. Hmmmm"
Well don't worry. Just wave as you sail past each other as you both read and post on the same chain. It may happen again where two of you interact, or maybe that interaction has now slowed to a crawl.
......so let's get back to the original question:
Where did that person go? Why did they NOT come back and visit your blog? Losing votes? I WILL TELL YOU WHY!
...because that is the nature of a growing blockchain, people's lives, how the world interacts.
How many times have you seen an old friend at a party and say "hey! Haven't seen you for a long while. How ya been?"...
People get busy. Their interests change. Their time to spend and invest "playing on the blockchain" will vary depending on what is happening with their real life.
So have fun, and don't worry... there is no algorithmic way to ensure your cool followers will always return to upvote your stuff long term. Share the wealth. Be happy they're still around and upvoting other people too.
If you're a good writer, people will always be happy for what you write.
...sometimes it is just a few that like your stuff that day.
...sometimes it is a LOT of people who like your stuff that day.
...sometimes maybe even it's a coincidental day that everyone is too busy, or out of voting power, and your good post just sits unnoticed except for a few.
Don't read into things, even if you do, it won't change much. The best thing you can do, is just be understanding, patient, and continue doing your thing..
This is a long winded way of saying:
If you haven't seen @intelliguy voting on your blog, or commenting lately, I'm sorry. I will be back though to see you. :)
I'm either curating-and-running, I tried keeping up with cat & mouse game of votes, but steem is growing, and I just have to manage the best I can, and so do you.
If I hear crickets below, that's okay. If there is a huge tidalwave of comments, that's cool too.
I'm ready for either. Thanks for reading and voting for this post if you like it.
I know you're busy and I understand and appreciate that about you. Thanks either way :)
Good perspective. I do my best to be around for the hour after my post goes up in order to vote and respond to my commenters. And yeah, as steemit grows people will branch off in different groups of friends...it's normal social growth.
But in the end "Hey, @intelliguy, good to see you man! Been awhile." ;-)
Hey back. :) Yes, I often sit there for an hour after a post too, I figure it is the right thing to do.
A large part of the voting problem is due to HF19. I still don't care for it, and mostly for the reason you've stated here. You just can't vote like you used to... Votes are worth a lot more now, which I'm still not certain is the best thing, but your power drains so fast that you can't possibly keep up with the scaling of the community.
Agreed, after HF19 it w s fantastic for a couple of weeks, and then it kind of tapered off... which was part of the design I guess. It made using the vote slider have a much bigger importance.
The problem I have is the 7 day payout.
If I give someone a 100% upvote today. I don't want my voting power given 3 days from now to detract from that 100% upvote I gave someone 3 days earlier. But it does.
Alternatively, if your followers show up throughout the week, it gives you 7 days to get noticed by them.
The problem is when people see a 3 day old post, they are less likely to hit upvote.
I'm very thankful we're still in BETA. There is obviously some tweaking that still needs to be done. :)
Thankfully my votes are not a lot. So I made the decision a while back to just vote as much as I want. Either way, it’s a 1 cent or a 3 cent vote if I have not voted for a few days. Makes a little difference. I was just unhappy not voting at all on things. If I want to vote 40 times day I just do and if it’s a 1 cent vote then that’s just how it is. At end of the day it's still a 20% voting power regain per day.
Is it? I didn't think you got 20% back after 24 hours.
Well 20% during a 24 hour period. Timcliff explains it rather well in his blog.
Ill be honest and admit, sometimes Im bad for the curate and run, simply because my work schedule right now this time of year keeps me so busy, I lack serious amounts of time (yeah yeah everyone has their own reasons... but I notice what mine are and im trying to combat it)
I think its important though to balance your online and offline life so one doesnt dominate the other. While doing this though I think one has to be alert and pay more attention to what and how they use Steemit!
Excellent points covered :D
Honesty is the best policy.. and that's okay. Thanks for admitting it. :)
Nice work! I don't post much but I do comment quite a lot and can identify with Number 1- curate and run. It's always nice to get an answer to a comment and even better to get a vote;)
My initial reaction was to not reply to you (as a joke)... but other than that being utterly mean, it would be wrong of me.... since that's the whole point you put forward. Not getting replies. :)
Thank you for enjoying the post. You're getting both a reply and a vote now.
Boom, this is completely on point.. time, there just isn't enough of it, and when you compound that with the growing user base here it makes things even harder! Also spending the time interacting with the people who interact with you is a necessary and healthy thing too, since they are probably someone you share a lot in common with. Anyways, thanks for your words. I will resteem it to my humble amount of followers, keep up the good work!
Thanks for the resteem. I liked your blog post today and upvoted you as well. Nice job!
Thank you for helping me @intelliguy - you always post quality material and earned my resteem here yet again. Keep up the good work!

Anyone reading this.. @lanceman is one of the most genuine guys you'd ever meet... Check out his blog @lanceman
You are a GOOD man @intelliguy - thank you for the support and keep up the good work on your awesome posts!
I have an issue with time as well. Upvoted and resteemed.
Thanks for the resteem, much appreciated.
Interesting read. Only bots "read" the posts of the same author every day. Upvoted and resteemed
Thanks for the resteem! :)
I really haven't it figured out at all! I intend to blog regulary, but haven't managed it yet. I want to do it to contribute to the community, but also for selfish reasons- to say something and put it out there, and to be seen and heard. I haven't blogged regularly since I joined, despite my best intentions, but am astonished that I get new followers even when I haven't posted for a while. I love that. Not because I'm interested in saying 'I have xxx numbers following me' but because I only follow people when I like what I've just read, and I think I'll like what they write in the future. (Of course, some people could be following me to see how my amazing act of stupidity works out in the end: if you're one of those: sorry, no update yet: still in limbo.)
I think there's a huge 'hit and miss' with followers. In a way, unfollowing someone feels like an act of bravery. My home page is people I follow. If I really want to follow them, there needs to be less, not more! Just because otherwise I can't see the wood for the trees.
It might not be sensible, and I might change that later, but at the moment I am just liking everything I like 100%. (Unless it something that I am a bit 'bleh' about. Despite the fact that I don't think anything is really black or white: here mostly I either vote, or I don't). I know that financially/votewise that might not make 100% sense, but right now it feels like the way to go as I figure it all out.
Maybe I am a hit-and-run-er. When I post something I don't hang around to wait for a response unless I have something else that really needs to be done yesterday. (Ah, the joys of procrastination.) Also, I'm not sure that I understand the etiquette and rules of blogging: embracingchaos is my first toe-dip in the blogosphere. That may mean that I am unwittingly riding roughshod over guidelines of politeness that I simply don't know. If so: apologies!
There seem to be a lot of rules and regulations that I haven't got my head around yet. But basically what I'm looking for is somewhere where I can honestly blog and read some interesting stuff. And uninteresting stuff when I am looking for excuses not to work. Ho hum. I'm not too worried about losing the odd subscriber. I've even discovered that there are ways of identifying your 'dead' followers. I used it, and found that I personally know 2 of them: It's summer: They're busy! (It seems like you are 'dead' if you haven't been active for ?four weeks.)
Sorry: that's a post-length response! Basically: thanks for the points you brought up. Here's to our learning curves :)
Thanks for this... I like the chuckle you left behind too:
Great sense of humor.
Agreed.... I spend a lot more time online, when it's dark out earlier and nothing else to do. :)
And as an aside, I only recently discovered the comments and replies sections. I suspect it may be that people who made a comment never atually come across the reply to their comment...
I am not at all convinced that Follower really means all that much. I've nominally got 500+ of them but at most a few dozen semi-regular readers. And it's not at all uncommon to work for hours on a post only to have five people read it.
Meh. At least this site has gotten me writing again. Some more readers would be nice, but I am not holding my breath.
NO need to hold your breath... just wait and see... it eventually works.. but a lot of devoted time for free at first.
Also, you could go and share your post other places, like on facebook or reddit. Try to get more views and a few more new people on here who would eventually comment or upvote. Or maybe the comment on facebook or reddit.. Make the most of that time you spent!