The Ultimate Guide To Epic Steemit Success - #1 Content is KingsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


20 Tips - Learn the right way to post on steemit!

So you want to write a steemit posts that gets a ton of upvotes, comments, and views? Well you have come to the right blog, I am going to compile and write the very best of the best hacks and tips so you know how to make #amazing posts here on steemit! Why you should add photos. How to use all of the available markup and tools. Do videos help? Last what NOT to do that makes people skip over your post.

Hello all, David the #internetguru here again this time with some great information on steemit.

So you are thinking OK what do I need to do to get my steemit post seen, read, commented, and upvoted? I am glad you asked. I hope you take a moment to read through this, some of these may be a bit long, but they will be informative. Like I have always said, information is power, the more you know, the more of an expert you become!

In the Ultimate Steemit Post Guide I will am going to provide you with ultimate writing tips on these topics starting with #1 in this post. The series will cover the 20 topics below so be sure to follow me and get updated as I post new ones.

The Ultimate Guide To Epic Steemit Success

  1. Content is king
  2. Get your readers involved
  3. Use photos
  4. Use videos
  5. Write a great header
  6. Link to other sites and steemit posts
  7. Use social media networks to share your work
  8. Add your info to the bottom
  9. Design your own main image
  10. Add bold and italics to accent words
  11. Write about your real life experiences
  12. Make a 1 ,3 or 10 series post spread out over time
  13. Include links to other steemit posts and external websites
  14. Gather up your steem power
  15. Commenting is important
  16. Follow people and get involved
  17. All about power, steem power and what it is
  18. 20+ tools for monitoring and diving into advanced steemit
  19. Using social media and external sites to help gain views
  20. How to have fun and really spice up your post with sexy cool tricks!

1. Content Is King!

Steemit = informing people! Let me type it again Steemit = informing readers!

Here is an example post from what I have seen on steemit:

"Look how cute my cat is today!"



Not good....


Full truth disclaimer:

I love cats, I really do, I think cat pics are awesome, but this is not Facebook or Twitter! This will not get you followers and massive amounts of comments or upvotes! Don't expect your 1 sentence post to reach the number one place in any top.

If you want to post one sentance updates, then Facebook or Twitter may be a better option for you. Yes you can physically type in the 6 words and press post, but you won't get many comments or upvotes.

So Enough about what you shouldn't do, what do you NEED to do to have epic #steemit posts?


Remember! - Quality content and well thought out long informative articles!

Before jumping on and hamming out a post, the first thing I would strongly encourage you to do is just browse steemit for topics that you find interesting. Now look at the posts within those topics, the ones that really are popular and have a lot of upvotes. They are long articles, well written, use photos and media, and are organized and flow to its easy for you and I to read them. This is what your post is going to look like.

Write about your travels, your work, your hobbies, your family.... something that has rich content and that you feel comfortable writing about. As I am writing this cryptocurrency and travel are really hot topics and many like to write about their struggles with bitcoin, which reached $16,000 USD this past week ....

If you are currently working on a project at home , work or school, share how you got into the project, your current status, even if you are upset or frustrated, and what your end goal is. Who doesn't love a great story and adventure with a positive outcome?


Enrich your content with Media Photos Videos###

We LOVE photos, memes, gif's, videos, and graphics, so do readers on steemit.
Since writing from your own experiences comes easier than writing fictions, or researching a topic, you should also be able to add photos or videos easily. Since you may already have a photo or video of your topic. If you don't have photos or images of your topic, don't worry, the internet is an amazing place full of treasures. Try they have amazing high quality images for free, just mention the photographer, and you don't have to worry about copyright problems. If you have a ton of images you can upload them for free at, the site creates the markup text for you, just copy and paste whenever you want to use an image!

Side note: the first image you add to your post, needs to be something that you want viewers to see first


Stay Active - Keep your content new!

You are on a social network..... What if you went to a party or a friends house and just sat on the chair, did nothing, said nothing time after time. Would you expect many to start a conversation with you? NO they would have forgotten your name!

Grab your coffee or drink, jump on here into the steemit party, and find some great conversations that you enjoy talking about, read a few posts, and then go write something that inspires you and others. It's fun and after a few tries you will enjoy it, and everyone will know your steemit name!


Tags and keywords for your Content

When you are writing your post, you can highlight your content using a hashtag or # symbol. Just like #this This helps words to stand out and others can search and find your content. You can use keywords to focus your content below your post once you have finished writing it. The white bar just under where you type your post content sats Tag (up to 5 tags).

Its important to use accurate tags that match your content, if you try to "beat the system" and you write about bitcoin, but you tag the article as photography because it's trending. All the photog gurus and awesome photographers who read your article don't care about bitcoin, you focused on the wrong keyword, you won't get any upvotes, follows, or comments.

If you write an article about bitcoin, use cryptocurrency, bitcoin, crypto, and other tags that match up with your content so your post reaches the most interested audience.


Polish up your content

This may sound like the obvious, but I have read a lot of articles that have so many misspellings. I understand that not everyone speaks and writes in english or another language, but spell check is free and so fast! Free grammar, spelling, and structure checks are online and only take seconds. Also while it's not perfect Google translate is a great way to lookup words if you need to write in a second language.

Bonus tip! We are all in this together, people on steemit are awesome! Ask others to have them read over your content, if you post an article you wrote in the comments below, I will read it over and give you my honest feedback and so will many others. There is no need for you to go alone into the wild, remember we are all at the steemit party together trying to get to know each other. I know parties are awkward at first, but you fit in quickly once you look around.


Have Fun!

You have to make this fun, if it becomes a chore or feels like you are at work STOP! Take a break, go for awalk, swim or run, make some tea or coffee, and think about your content and what you want to say then come back and write with a new perspective.

Remember being able to share our experiences in real-time with others from around the world is an amazing opportunity that we all have today. Until recently, within the past 15 years, this was not possible! Posting, commenting, and reading content should be fun and enjoyable! I have laughed or smiled so many times reading others posts, why not do the same for others.


Until Next Time

I hope a these topics for #1 Content is King helped stir your ideas to writing here on Steemit. I have 19 more articles coming out over the next month or so, so stay tuned, follow me if you want to get updated and view the new posts.

Next article coming out this week is:

2. Getting your readers involved

Thank you for reading as always feel free to comment, ask questions, or post the link to your article if you want me to read it over and provide a few positive insights.

Follow me so you can stay up to date with the next 19 articles to help you become an awesome steemit writer and I will follow you back!

Post a link to an article you wrote below and I will read it over and let you know what I think!

Cheers from the #internetguru


Great article especially for newer Steemit noobs like myself! Looking forward to the rest :)

Thanks Mohamm, I hope to have the next article out this week by Tuesday! :-)

Thanks for putting this article out there, I have noticed that there has been a surge of mediocrity on steemit lately. @internetguru

@Duan.dos agree completely, I really hope this does not turn in to facebook where the majority of posts are just 1 sentence rants or pictures of cats and puppies with no text, no explanation. I remember when Facebook first started, there were some great articles and conversations going on, before it became a place to dump political and emotional overflow with no substantiating information or research done to back it up. Crossing my fingers that Steemit remains informative and a data rich environment!