The STEEM Community Is In Trouble, And Here Is Why.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Has anyone else been noticing the amount of sharks and whales on the website that get upvoted simply because they have a lot of steem power?

Of course this happens often because people get into a sort of mob mentality when it comes to reward systems.  It is easy to scroll through steemit and upvote things in hopes that you will be rewarded, but that isn't what makes this website wholesome. when you add original comments and posts it gives everybody a chance to get involved with the conversation. Simply saying "Nice post!" and posting a gif file is not very friendly to the community! It seems like robots and spammers are starting to have the biggest say!

One thing I must ask is to keep honestly curating content, do not just vote something up because you see a large number. Read someone's post thoroughly and leave an engaging response. That is what keeps Steemit a great place to be! I know we have it in us, remember that Steemit will not make you an instant millionaire!

I'll be in the reply section if anyone would like to have a further discussion! Remember to vote up to get the message out!


I used to think that whales upvoting each other was a real problem for the future of this platform but then realized that the most important thing is not how people use their power but how easy it is for users to gain influence. The easier the faster things will balance out. @smooth and @abit are currently running an experiment which makes influence more accessible for everyone and soon there will be another change with the reward curve which will make influence even more accessible.
The whales are an integral part of the system, without some kind of hierarchy steem power would be useless , we need to strike a balance between making the system accessible to everyone while still keeping the purpose of a stake weight based system intact.

I don't see a problem in them upvoting one another, it's just when people are blindly throwing likes around things get a little confusing. And I am not saying at all the people with more influence are blindly throwing around likes, they do quite the opposite actually!

I don't see a problem in them upvoting one another . And I am not saying at all the people with more influence are blindly throwing around likes,

Has anyone else been noticing the amount of sharks and whales on the website that get upvoted simply because they have a lot of steem power?

You are contradicting yourself there.

I think you might be missing my point. I'm saying people that are new to the website or people that just want a buck will upvote large numbers blindly.

Not missing the point, I explained to you what the underlying issue is. If whales didn't autovote the same posts, payouts wouldn't be so big and newbies wouldn't blindly upvote them.

Oh okay, I see what you mean now. Yes i can definitely see that is important. I still believe that the people who do not add to the discussion with comments aren't much value to the integrity of the website.

Wasn't trying to upset anyone at all, this post is mainly calling out spammers

Interesting. I like Steemit, but there is room for improvement.

Unfortunatelly I have to agree with your main point. I think a ton of adjustments will have to be made until Steemit will become more "stable". Just remember, its still in a very early stage.

I do find myself sometimes forgetting we are in Beta stages. The website deserves A LOT of credit for how stable it is at this point.

Simply saying "Nice post!" and posting a gif file is not very friendly to the community

Yeah, I know which account you are talking about here, been trying to warn him not to spam it and that it absolutely isn't worth it in the long run. I hope authors getting that spam will realize it in time and stop encouraging him with votes as well.

One thing I must ask is to keep honestly curating content

I read most of the content I upvote and have over 22k manual upvotes behind me. :)

Good post!

But he sometimes chang his gif cat. :)

But in all seriousness, I would probably be happy if he comes to my posts. It is a comment after all and as bad as it sounds, it is encouraging (sometimes) for authors to post more.

You cant expect from every person on the platform to put quality comments, we are all too different.

Yeah, I just like the natural growth more and being able to know someone actually read it and put the time to comment on it thus feeling like I want to reward that reader.

Not someone who spams the same comment once a minute with a bot on all posts.

Imagine if someone made a post telling the world how much he hates cats and that they are his biggest fear? xD

If he uses a bot for it, then it is wrong-

If he do it manually then it is fine by me. I am okay with different people doing different things to start conversation and such.

I definitely agree on the fact that there is a wide spread of personalities on the site but I think that this makes it much more interesting for the dialogue going on all around us. The personality that comes out of each person makes for a more interesting conversation and thats what is so great about the site. I am just a couple of hours in on my Steemit experience as I just became a member and am already noticing/engaging in all sorts of interesting conversations I would have never thought of. I feel that this difference in itself is a quality attribute of the site.

Thanks @acidyo, I have seen you comment on a lot of things and you definitely provide actual comments to the posts which is awesomely appreciated!

I'm new here (few days), and I have noticed a lot of this going on. I'm hoping that the steemcleaners guidelines help to keep this in check. Read up on them here;

Thanks for the link, I'll check that out now!

i agree with you in principle.

my take on this whole issue is that for the time being, until this place musters enough steam (no pun intended), and builds a lot of inertia, for it to run on its own weight, we have to encourage even the smallest of interactions.

everyone is different. so, this place has to cater to everyone, until we, as a community, decide who we want and who we don't. your blog post, to me, comes across as such: who do we want on this site? this is something that the community as a unit will decide with pull and push factors. this is something that will be out of the hands of any one individual.

so, i do appreciate your contribution. keep blogging and ink your observations. :)

Hey my man! Or anyone, since this directly relates to your content/ community based concerns:

drop by my page this weekend, for my every weekend series and hang out and say hi to people you legend you!



where we gather community and have fun every weekend now, on one post!

Engagement counts!!!

I pick a couple days and really try and curate and engage hrought my day...painting shuts down my engagement systems😏

Understandably so! I am a potter myself, and I usually cannot have people in the same room as me to work optimally haha

Ha! You understand😍

I really try to only upvote posts that I've read because it benefits me to read the posts. I get to learn new things, see things from different perspectives, and get to know a little something about the other people on the site. That's what works for me, anyway.

It does not happen to me.... so.

Then not all hope is lost! haha

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