your actually pissed off because people are lazy
the fact that people say BUT to explain something doesn't mean they are compromising, it means that there will be another factor in play.
you should chill
your actually pissed off because people are lazy
the fact that people say BUT to explain something doesn't mean they are compromising, it means that there will be another factor in play.
you should chill
I'm not pissed off at all. I work in an environment where I hear it many times. Often it's fear of the unknown so excuses are created by using "but".
I'm saying that people make excuses and the word But may be in them. but what follows that will determine.
1.Yeah I want to come to the shops but I gotta put on my shoes. uses word but - not fearful
so when you hear some one say but and think they are avoiding something, listen on and judge them on the rest of what they say or else you just sound picky
so why is it not positive to say but? it is a word, use words