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RE: Steemit: A Platform About Content, SP Delegation or Daily Diaries? | Part 1

in #steemit6 months ago

Hola @philhughes
Last night I read your post, but today, after sleeping and resting my mind, I decided to respond.

You have touched on very important points here. Investors are necessary, without a doubt, but those who focus on buying votes to obtain benefits, but at the same time create low quality content, can make it seem that this platform is only about that, and I understand the point of being an investor, it is have a benefit.

Now, there is a story with this from The diary Game, more than 3 years ago, when there was a change of management at Steemit INC, which were very difficult times on the platform, where another similar one was created, many of the users abandoned Steemit and they left, under great pressure, for the other platform, leaving Steemit with few developers as well as few users.

A strategy implemented at the time to attract more users was the creation of that dynamic "The diary game", many (a large majority) of the users who are here on Steemit today, made their debut here with the diaries , and it is logical, it is something extremely easy to do and also very basic. It served to increase the user mass but undoubtedly lowered the quality of the publications.

I, who have been here for 6 and a half years, have been able to see high-quality posts previously, which touched on topics of great depth and were highly valued, for their work and contribution, but by including the Diaries, after the migration of a large mass of users to the other platform, what we see today was created, where newspapers have served to bring many to the platform due to the simplicity of creating them.

In particular, I think that a platform where content is a priority, the quality of the content must be raised, so that it makes sense for a user, perhaps as you say, with a journalistic, or scientific, or culinary sense, etc., to want to dedicate time to Steemit, otherwise, we will always continue seeing the same thing over and over again.

But I must highlight that changes are taking place in another direction, I believe and I hope that this trend continues, where more content of another style is supported, which contributes beyond daily experiences.



Hi there, your comment is interesting to read, keep up your engagement, you are awesome!

Curated by : @enamul17

Hola @josevas217,

Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de tu dia para darme un poco de historia sobre "The Diary Game" y lo que ha significado para la plataforma. Parece que fue de gran ayuda en un momento en que la gente no estaba segura de hacia donde se dirigía Steemit. No me malinterpretes, creo que publicaciones como "The Diary Game" aun pueden desempenar un papel importante en la situacion actual del sitio, pero la introduccion de nuevos temas y la expansion de ideas, generos y otras areas de interés ayudarán a todos los involucrados, especialmente a los usuarios actuales de la plataforma.

Me encanta escuchar la historia de alguien como tu, que ha perseverado y ahora tiene una cuenta que muestra en valor cuanto has invertido en ella. Deberías estar orgulloso de eso.

Recuerda, cada uno de nosotros tiene algo que aportar a la plataforma; algunos solo necesitan un pequeño empujon para darse cuenta de que ya tienen contenido de alta calidad dentro de si mismos. Algunos de esos periodistas aspirantes ya estan aquí y simplemente no saben lo que pueden lograr en la plataforma todavía.

Me alegra haberte conocido y espero intercambiar ideas contigo en el futuro.