
The real tradegy is in most cases the problems start with the US health care industry, where doctors write scripts for Oxycontin, Percocet, others. People get addicted. The prescription runs out. And they turn to illegal drugs to meet their addictive needs.

Collusion between Big Pharma and health care industry starts the cycle.

Lack of control at the border to stop illegal drugs flooding the country is the finishing touch.

Trump will pivot his messaging in the next couple of weeks, with Scarmucci. The wall isn't primarily to keep out the aliens. It is primarily to slow the tsunami of illegal drugs that are killing 70,000 Americans per year.


I have lost many people in my life due to overdose . Breaks my heart .. all we can do is spread awareness.

Steem on my friend !!

The problem is cultural. Did you know that in the Philippines up until recently you could not even get morphine if dying of cancer because the filipinos believe that pain is natural from God. That is a bit extreme I think, as I think terminal illness should be allowed pain relief.

But the greater point here is that it is the culture of the West which is the real fundamental source of the problem. For example the psychological problem of removing the responsibility of men and replacing it with socialism, divorce, and feminism.

I clarified my prior comments and made a new comment which hopefully explains that I do care but I am afraid we are not helping:

60 years ago it was similar in North America. No morphine for those dying of cancer. You could die screaming in a straight jacket.

Since then culture has over corrected. Now pain is treated for its own sake, no matter how minor, with prescriptions.

Big Pharma pushing more drugs than are really medically needed.

But Big Pharma has higher paid lobbyists in Washington than medical marijuana industry, so the unnecessary pills keep flowing.

I'm hoping Trump succeeds in "draining the swamp".

But he has a huge uphill fight in front of him. There is a lot of money sloshing around in Washington and Trump is threatening to shut that all down.

He has a lot of people in Washington that want him to fail.

There are too many people in Washington that pay off both Democrats and Republicans, and buy there way into halls of power.

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