To much pain, need to sleep. Have a great weekend Steem friends.

in #steemit8 years ago

I have been struggling all day, tried to do some reading, voting and commenting but never got much done, its not much fun trying to read through tears, my ear is to painful to carry on. Have been dreading going to bed as I know once the pain medication has wore off i'll be in pain again. I have decided to take 2 of my sleeping tablets with my pain medication and antibiotics so I am expecting to sleep the day through tomorrow.

I hope you have a better weekend than me

I live with pain but this is really uncomfortable, feels like someone is sticking a knife in my ear, whoever is doing this please stop IT HURTS

Right my lovely friends I wish you a lovely weekend please don't expect to see me around this weekend, I'm hoping to be better for Monday where I can give my full attention to you and your posts.


I am off to bed to cry myself to sleep, fingers crossed the tablets start to do there job and ease the pain and take the swelling down.



Hi I am Karen, I am here to write about my life and read about yours.. If you like what you read please upvote and leave me a message so I can come visit youfollow me on Twitter

Have a nice weekend

Hope You Get To Feeling Better,
Hurry Back, As,
We Are Already
Missing You!
Get Rested Up For Sure!

Thank you. Its been a horrible weekend but on the mend now thankfully :)

Steem on!

Oh @karenb54 tha sounds definitely sad for you; I hope the best and we all hope for your soonest return to this platform ;-)

Thank you @pery, on the mend now thankfully :)

nice post. i enjoy reading this. upvoted

Thank you :)

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