We are all cheering about the latest HardFork but are people using it correctly.

in #steemit7 years ago

This latest HadrFork has me cheering then feeling a bid lost, I am seeing so many people loving it and using it right then seeing others doing things I wouldn't dream of, maybe its just me being to touchy but if this isn't used properly we all lose out. At the minute using the new benefits we all have and being more careful about the posts we vote for and the % means we can give more to the posts we think deserve it whilst cutting back on posts that don't. Not that many don't but you get what I mean...I HOPE

I love what the HardFork has done for my vote, I feel more part of Steemit now, not that my vote is worth a lot its worth a hell of a lot more than it was.

A 100% vote from me will give you $3.69 where as before it was worth 14 cents
A 1% vote still gives you 4 cents
This is taken from Steemnow.com

I have seen a few things that have made me think maybe people are using this wrong, and maybe they are using for there own benefit. I am not naming names Just want to see what your thoughts were.

  1. How can someone vote with a 0% vote, I thought it was because they had ran out of power but when I checked they pretty well off with power. The lowest I can vote is 1%?

  2. Another member left a comment, they upvoted there comment giving them self $15, there comment was one line plus they never voted on my post, I went to check them out and every comment they made again not even a line they upvoted themselves $15 so 10 comments would give them a good daily rate. They had a whole load of comments they had made voted up. I left them a message but didn't get a reply.

Am I over-reacting or is there a problem with this. What's the point in voting others if we can make a good amount just voting for our own comments, why read a post and vote 0% surely its worth 1% even just for the effort.

I want us all to benefit from this Hardfork not just the select few again.


Thank you son-of-satire


I do something similar with my comments. But the Hardfork will really motivate people to keep their Steem Power.

I do think this Hardfork makes things a little more difficult. As before I was upvoting at 100% pretty much everything on my Steemvoter bot. Now I've cut my Steemvoter bot down to like 5 people, and my curation will become more manual, and I will need to use the slider more.

I want to use the slider more so I can keep my voting power up.

But with this new Hardfork, it really gets back to what Steemit was originally thought of, as a way to pay ourselves for posting, and to earn a decent wage from it.

If you upvoted your self 10 times a day between blog posts and comments, you would be giving yourself about $30/day. And also really increasing your Steem Power.

Steem Power is much much more valuable now.

Yes, there are people who can upvote themselves with $50, $60, $70 upvotes.

But so what? Upvote yourself enough and over time you will be one of those with a $50 upvote.

Its all about community if we all did that there would be No Steemit, reduce your voting power, I now vote with 30% allowing me to give more members better votes

Hey @karenb54, it does kind if sound like that person was being a bit selfish! On one hand I think people should be free to do whatever they want with their hard earned Steem Power. On the other hand I agree that this is supposed to be a community and if everybody only upvoted themselves Steemit would be pretty dumb. I try to upvote posts and comments of the blogs I read equal to my own so everyone benefits. I would never upvote a blog post with zero voting power and turn around and upvote myself to the tune of $15. Thanks for the interesting post and Steem on!

Thank you, If we all did the same there would be no Steemit community, sad that people don't want to share more :(

I hope there is not a lot of that going on.

Me too, it would spoil Steemit

Well, here's a good upvote for you because you deserve it, and this post brings up an important issue.

Seems to me there is definitely some misuse going on at the moment... and whereas I could just dismiss it as "the inevitable greed of human nature," I also worry that it is going to hurt the overall community in the long run. That said, most of the witnesses don't seem terribly concerned... and they are the ones who (a) hold a lot of influence and (b) are invested in Steemit for the longer haul.

In a way, I do like the new voting power algorithm because it allows me (and people at "our" level) far more breadth of voting. If I see something truly amazing, I get to reward it accordingly with a 100% upvote, while I can still leave a "decent tip" for an OK post by voting at 5%. Similarly, I can now upvote lots of comments at 2-5%, acknowledging good community interaction without running out of voting power.

I remind myself that other people behaving badly is NOT an invitation for me to do the same... we can but "lead by example," or some version thereof.

Nope I will not be following what they are doing, yes its greedy but in the end they will be the losers as members will catch on what they are doing and avoid them which is what I am doing, I won't vote on members posts when they act like this. And thank you so much :)

When I see those shenanigans, I am starting to take a closer look at profiles... and if I detect ANY kind of "copy/paste comment spam," I'm seriously considering to start flagging stuff like that.

I have never flagged , but starting to think about it, I dislike greedy people

Let the next couple of weeks play out and then we can decide. We are still adjusting to the game.

I agree but we all have to help each other :)

We need people with Steem power to help keep Steem going by helping others up.

And not just themself Thank You :)

Steem only likely "keeps going" as long as the payouts are paid out. Payout values are based on the value of STEEM, and it is solely dependent on the price of Bitcoin. Three days ago I was thinking Bitcoin and Ethereum were "the big 2" but after I saw what the computerized trading wizards did to ETH on Th I have little doubt it will be dumped like shit through a goose when this fast money scheme comes to an abrupt end. So now it's just bitcoin that needs to be tracked. As bitcoin goes, so goes the price of every crypto. The windup? The bitcoin exchange services need to find a way to assure an open market as bitcoin is easily the most highly manipulated asset in the world right now. I'd personally be selling every coin I owned here now while volumes have slowed down to a crawl. The whales aren't in control this weekend. Not yet anyway. That gives the "ave Joe" a chance to at least get a sell order executed. If I had any STEEM I'd be converting to dollars by whatever means necessary too. I don't have to be concerned about it as I have none however. :-)


so you are saying that steem will shut down eventually?

couldn't agree more , we need to use our vote wisely and correctly. Thank you for this great advice @karenb54 <3

Your welcome and Thank you :)

I don't understand the 15 dollar upvote on your own comment. I will make an exception for someone who is the foundation of steemit or someone who invested a lot in steem and has a tremendous amount of SP. I won't say that they are taking advantage because that path may be lucrative to some and is one way for steemit to grow. This whole situation has to be seen in a business model framework as well. The more your initial investment the more payout in the end.
This is disturbing to me only in the sense that newbies like me have a very difficult time reconciling their efforts and getting paid infractions of cents while there are posts from some routinely generating over a 1000 dollars.
That form of distribution is present in every aspect of life. The ones at the top don't necessarily do the best work but they understand and manipulate the laws of power. I am sure the system will be refined but it will always favor some more than others. I think that if a comment generates over a certain amount, it should be automatically associated with an upvote for the post.

I still think voting your self up every comment is just being greedy, some of his comments were less than 4 words, that isn't worth £15 that's just greedy. I would rather vote for a load of people and make new friends :)

You are right. I upvoted myself on the previous post just so that you get a kick out of o.oo4. I agree and thus if your comment is worth that much you must share it with the content you comment on .

I don't mind anyone earning a few cents extra but €15 per comment, that is just plain greed

I gave you a full upvote. I have been contemplating the same questions, and my vote is very similar to yours.

I have always been a fan of the ability to upvote your own comments. If you can upvote your comment, it will appear higher up in the comment section, even with a few cents. It might get more traction there. I believe that this is a legitimate use of Steem Power.


Today I saw a comment with a self-vote of $100. Was this the best use of the rewards pool? No, I dont think it was. I would much rather see 10x 10% votes at $10 each go to minnows who have put out good content but are struggling getting views.

But really, where would that $100 have ended up before the hardfork? Likely, it would have went to a few whales, instead of going to just one whale...

Very true but were would the community need if we ask did this, there would be no need to interact

I do see your point, and this issue has always been there. Whales and large dolphins could always self-fund a good enough living where they do not need to interact. The hard fork has just pushed that ability down the ladder.

We could definately see less interaction, and sadly, there is some evidence that we are seeing less viewership as well. That could certainly be due to people who are just self-funding and no longer curating others..

It certainly will be interesting to see how this plays out over time..

There are a lot less votes, members being cautious, hopefully that will ease of soon

Great, follow me and upvote some of my posts if you like them! It's mostly music stuff

I will be poppinf over soon :)

It seems like views and votes are down across the board! I could be wrong though about this as I have a limited sample size and may not have given it enough time.

It is likely this can be abused as in the case you mentioned above. I am not sure what the remedy is for this problem though

I agree my votes are way down, I think members are scared to vote now incase they lose all there power :)

Just use the slider peeps! I am curious to see what the average and median voting percentages are for active users!

I am using 30% of mine which still gives out $1.07 better than 14 cents :)

That's a whole lot better than 14 cents. I feel like before my 100% upvote was like $.04-.05, but now it is like $.90.. I would have imagined it would have only been around $.20

Any improvement is good for the community as long as its used for the community , Thank you :)