Think LONG TERM With Steemit NOT SHORT TERMsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

What Is Steemit doing for you today?
What will Steemit do for you tomorrow!?
What is Steemit doing for you 5 years down the road?

I checked the 100% Pay me In Steem Power Button!

So many of us are thinking short term with Steemit.

  • Not staying in one niche (I'm guilty of this one)
  • Withdrawing and powering down everything
  • Plagiarizing or posting low quality content.
  • Writing stuff that can "expire" very quickly.

Why are you here?

We all have our reasons. The community the money, Maybe asking why you here isn't as good as a question. I feel like we are here for mostly the same reasons.

The better question is..

What are you going to contribute?

Your contributions can mean the difference between making a lot, Or making a little, Building followers, Or scaring them away.
We need to think LONG TERM.

  • Is the stuff you are creating, Relevant?
  • What is the shelf life?
  • Is it going to help someone? Why would someone use their time to READ YOUR CONTENT?
  • If it was seen on google, Would you click on it? Do you think someone else would click on it?

I feel like an important aspect of promoting Steemit is trying to help EVERYONE! Not necessarily the Steemit community, But to get ourselves on google. The front page if possible. So it's important that we have people creating in-depth content as well as content in a variety of fields.

How did Facebook Start?

Mark Zuckerberg created a platform that him and his college classmates at Harvard could connect. Essentially it started small, Then it grew into a massive thing.
I don't know all the details, While Steemit was mostly topics on crypto-currency it has gradually expanded. Although I feel like it kind of started with a "bigger" picture in mind.
But that is okay!

USE THAT 100% Steem Power option!

Recently a new button was added! That you can be paid fully with Steem Power instead of Steem Dollars. I probably won't always use this button, But I think everyone should for the majority of the posts! Just imagine later on, Becoming a whale!

Lets talk about you!

One thing we need to think about is, What Steemit will do for us DOWN THE ROAD? Many people on Steemit don't even make 1.00 off each post, They are original well written, It truly breaks my heart. I've also noticed a drop in my curation rewards as time has gone on. Although I'm not complaining. I am EXTREMELY thankful for what I've gotten. But like everyone else, If you can make more. You want to make more right?

You aren't going to deny an extra slice of pizza right?

If I'm going to invest my time into something, I expect it to pay me NOW and LATER! I don't like working by the "hour." That is why I publish books; I can milk my content repeatedly and use if for other things, to make more money.

What are you going to do when you can't get anymore payouts?

Of course, you could post the same crap elsewhere and hope it makes you money.
But we know that is a BAD thing for websites. Google doesn't like seeing repeats everywhere; It makes them assume it's spam.
Plus it looks bad on Steemit, So don't do it. Steemit wants original content. But just because you wrote that article doesn't mean "it's done."

Re-purpose content

I hope to write a book from my Steemit posts, of course, they'll have to be changed a bit to ensure they aren't just "copy and pasted." But all these articles are usable in another way.

Affiliate links

I'll be honest here; I use A LOT OF affiliate links, referral codes, and such. The way I see it is that when your article is done being paid out, Ten years from now, Or even one year from now. Someone may read your stuff. And appreciate it. If I recommend a RELEVANT product, Someone may click the link and place an order. I'll earn a couple of cents to a couple of dollars for that order. This can be done a NUMEROUS amount of times.

So far Steemit hasn't made any rules against doing that. So until we as a community say "no" to that, Refer away.

Note: Make sure it's RELEVANT To your post, Lets NOT spam people with the sole purpose to make money, The goal is to provide value, and heck convenience. The person won't have to search for the product if they wish to buy it, They can click your link and go.


Check out my Custom Steemit shirts here!
I'll probably write an article about affiliate marketing later :)

Not staying in one Niche

Many of us like to write about many topics. This isn't really letting us build a "following" of one specific kind of people. This may be complicated for you to make money down the road, Because you won't fully know what your followers fully expect from you. I am a hypocrite here, Because I write about a lot of stuff, And I don't think that will change anytime soon. But it's something to keep in mind anyways.

Withdrawing and powering down EVERYTHING

I see a lot of people doing this, And I have taken out a large portion of money too. Maybe these people feel that Steemit will not last! And who knows, maybe it won't.

But like @dantheman Said " You may only get $10 worth of Steem Power for a post today. It might not even seem to be worth your time, but if you and others stick around and grow the value of the platform then one day your $10 will be worth $400 if we build the platform to Bitcoin scale. If we grow to Facebook scale, it will be worth $4000.

Does that 10.00 seem worth taking out now?
Here are some things you could buy with 10.00

  • 2 Subway footlongs (not including tax)
  • 1 Coloring book
  • Some Tupperware,
    You get the idea!

What can you buy with 4,000?

  • Groceries for a whole year for 2 people! (Assuming you eat 166.00 a month in food)

Now you may think

I need this money to live RIGHT NOW!

What were you doing BEFORE STEEMIT? Maybe you should go back to that!
Or pick up an extra job so you can keep investing.
But like I said, don't put ALL YOUR eggs in one basket. I've personally taken out some of my SBD to invest in stock, And peer to peer lending, to help even out my investment portfolio.

I'm not your investment adviser. I also take NO responsibility for any bad or good that happens to you by following my advice.
But I feel like by taking everything out, you are not only hurting yourself, But you are hurting the people you are FOLLOWING! With less power, You have less ability to throw your followers a reward for their hard work.

  • I have almost 30,000 in Steem power, And my vote seems to be worth about 0.18 Thats more than some people make on their posts! So I feel like my 0.18 is a pretty nice benefit!

If Steemit grows big. You'll spend the rest of your life kicking yourself

If steemit doesn't grow big, Then you can be happy with the smaller amounts you DID take out! (that Is why I took out a bit to justify my time spent on the platform)

Plagiarizing or posting Low-Quality content

What is your goal? Copy and paste? Make a few thousand?
Sure it's worked out with some people. @msgivings
But it doesn't keep working forever, if you aren't caught by Cheetah the first time, you'll get caught later. You may get lucky, Pocket a few thousand.
But then everyone will lose trust in you; You'll be ignored forever.
Although I've noticed MOST plagiarists don't even make 50.00 on their copy and pasted, Stuff. Thanks to @cheetah and @steemcleaners among other people, They are rapidly caught!

  • Or -

You can write original content, Then make money on it, Grow followers, and keep growing and building.
You aren't going to get rich overnight doing this.
Sure we've seen past articles make a TON! The highest I've seen is 30,000 from a makeup tutorial, But even the 15,000 she got, Won't let her retire right now!
I mean that is still A TON OF MONEY, and it's incredible! But guess what?
That was ORIGINAL content!
She didn't steal some youtube video; She made it herself.
Sadly, Not all great, and original content will be noticed like that. But you need to keep going, Post your thoughts your passions, your beliefs. EVERYDAY!
Grow your Steemit account and eventually, you'll be rewarded. Your 10.00 could turn into 400!

Just do it the right way the first time! That way you won't have to attempt to make a new account and start from scratch

Writing Stuff that expires quickly

Not everything lasts forever. But I keep noticing posts about the election, or about what Justin Bieber is up to.
In a couple of years, Most people won't care.

Same with the newest Steemit Update posts, If they change something in the next update, your post expires.

I'm not saying you should never post this stuff, But you may want to keep that in mind for the long term, Try to create articles that will last longer. Do a mix of both, Some of those short-term suggestions may produce a lot now, But then have longer term articles that will last even longer.


Steemit is a dream come true platform, but we need to maintain long term and short term thinking to be successful. We don't want to spend all our time on the platform, Only to have it go away tomorrow, But at the same time, We need a proper foundation built so we can maintain an income as Steemit grows, Even if we potentially lose out on a lot of our curation rewards. We will still have the ability to make money on Steemit.

Thank you Adina Voicu & pixabay for the photos


I somewhat disagree with the idea of staying in one niche. Some bloggers post about a lot of different things. James Alutcher, has different themes, but let's be honest he writes about different things. People follow each other to get to know the writer, which is why you are doing well. People follow you because they like you and what to get to know you. When you publish a new book, it the Kaylinn book, not just another book in whatever genre. It's your book.

I also think good bloggers do what Altucher recommends, combine different elements and be the best at that intersection. You do that by writing in different genres.

I follow you because you write different things.

I am also powering down. But two things on that. I still post, upvote, and comment, in that way I am still investing in the platform. I've written about this before, even though I'm powering down, I still have more Steem Power every week.

But I completely and totally agree, create your own content. I post my own stories and my own photographs. And you better believe the story I am posting now will find itself to paperback and Kindle soon.

I like your thoughts on this! And I like that you bring James Altucher into it! I guess success may depend on other factors. I just always hear the advice "stick to one niche" so you become the "authority." Which I understand that Logic. But I see your point of view too! I know i"ll never stop talking about a variety of stuff, I just can't help it. But I hope to be known as one of Steemits "artists"

Great post! And so many, many true statements!

Not staying in one niche (I'm guilty of this one)

Me too, hope to get on the right track soon and find what I am really good at and pursue that!

Already planning a lot of future projects and content for Steemit!

But you are right, many don't think about the long run, have a couple successful posts and try to chase that feeling of making hit posts every time! I am guilty of this too, and with a declining price lately that feeling is even more impossible to chase so I made peace with whatever happens now, happens. What's more important is what's gonna happen in the future!

I used to trade a lot of altcoins back in the day, and currently started a long-term investment plan that I am offering free to Steemians! So if you are interested in that too @kaylingart, you should take a look at that account now and then, called @cryptochannel. Of course its a risky investment so don't put too many big eggs in that basket :)

Thanks for the post and keep up the quality content!

PS. I really hope some changes to reward commentators better will approach in the future, the curators usually never feel comments are worthy votes even though that's where the magic can happen and interactions and connections with the userbase!

But with devs who listen to the community and make updates on the regular, I have to say I feel pretty safe here with my investment and wish I could purchase more.

Exactly! I also try to chase trending topics that I feel I know a lot about, In hope my posts will do better.

I'll check that out! I already invest in stock and peer to peer lending, I was looking for ways to diversify even more :)
I agree! Commenters need rewards besides there are some people who feel that writing a blog post would be too hard and they'd rather comment.

Yes! I've noticed all the changes have been what we have asked for! That is why I feel that even though Steemit isn't perfect it can improve with time.

Good points.

I make high quality content posts. And I curate based on that, info that helps us elevate ourselves and the world out of our collective condition of corruption and creating falsity.

About msgivings account:



People fall for duplicitous two faced people all the time, with fake promises of doing "good".

Yes I totally agree!
In order to have real success with this platform you must look at it long term and be committed to the long term. Otherwise it is to frustrating and difficult with immediate gratification results (unless your DollarVigalante or another super star).
With consistent quality and dedication years from now our accounts will be worth SO MUCH.
Steem On!

I agree! It took me a long time to build up. Everyone should focus on the long term :)

Yes as I have said you are a prime example of someone working hard and being consistent with long term vision!
Your doing well~
Steem On~*~

I didn't know about the button lol. Been a couple days since last peeked around seriously..... too bad it wasn't reflected with a post badge or something... help people see & support that way.

I agree! I think they should add a small icon or badge to prove that the person is getting pure Steem power, Although I feel like they'll make that soon!

yes, that would be great

It would hehe.

Now that was a post worth reading! You hit the nail right on the head many times. As far as sticking to just one niche, not sure yet but you are probably correct there as well. Going to follow you, look forward to more.

Thank you so much hehe :) I can't help it! I jump topics. So that might be my biggest downfall.

Or strong point! I like variety!

So do I :) I guess we can see for ourselves which direction is the way to go, As the platform grows.

I think variety is good in order to attract a wide audience, but too much variety can be a problem. Any audience will want a certain amount of consistency.

@sethlinson Agreed! I feel like that point is coming for me now, My art posts seem to be doing best.

great post @kaylinart !! did you win your steem power all through posting and powering up with your steem dollars ?? if so that is pretty impressive and you certainly represent a success story here.We are here i hope to make this site work. By investing our time, idea,s and yes sure money too !! It is worth it as we all see the true value and promise this blchchain of exchange global media could represent to the world in the future !! I see it, do you ??

Yes!! I did power up around 450 when I started, But I eventually took it out when I got Steem dollars later.
I just wanted "extra" power to help me out for a while.
I hope we can! That would be amazing! I see it too! I am confident it will do well :)

So may i ask you when you signed up your account to Steemit ? Thats awesome and your 450 investment of Steem Power was perfect, got you just enough curation power to push people you like up and them likewise for you. So putting you into a position where you were able to be noticed with your great posts !! Then powering it all up to Steem Power, not like many who just grabbed their bag and ran to the bank !! You are a great example of what all of us should be doing here !! Well bloody done @kaylinart !! I have always followed you and now I know why !! ; - )

I signed up like 3 months ago or so. I signed up about a month before the first July 4 payout. Exactly :) Thank you I'm following you tooo hehe

really you have done all that in this short time !! fantastic truly !! Put,s me to shame a little !! I am glad you follow me, maybe you touch me with your golden wand of Steem like that ?? ; - ) here is my latest post if you have time to take a peep ??
by 4 now!!

Hello I love your gorgeous work , could you tell me how you arrange and size or re-size your images and where you find non copyrighted pictures please ?

I made my first image post today, now I would like to try and change the image sizing and image position from the side margin. I am sure you are busy but any hints or leads would be appreciated ; )

Again ; LOVE your work : )

Yes, thanks for encouraging the long-term vision! We're here to be part of the future of Steemit, which means we have to bring value now to building a solid foundation!

So true! We may not have to have our own websites after a while! Steemit replaced my blog.

Love the conclusion and i 100% agree!

Thank you hehe.

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