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RE: Addressing Steemit's Social Confusion

in #steemit8 years ago

I think steemit has the potential to be both a social network and a blogging platform. I think this could happen when we have the ability to create our own social networks on top of the steem platform, much like people have been creating social networks on Ning, Jamroom, Dolphin, Buddypress, Social Engine, and other platforms.

These social network platforms give a network creator (NC) a set of features that they can use to customize a site for their particular niche group. The NC has the ability to decide who their members can be -- they can open it up to the public or create a community through invites only.

They customize their look and feel by using built in design tools and/or hiring designers to customize the way the site looks, and by turning on or off the features of their choice and/or hiring developers to add new features. I've made my living the last 8 years as one of these developers.

I've heard talk of some sort of Group feature for steemit. That might allow NCs to come here and do what they do. Or perhaps it would take some non-steemit developers to do this on a side chain. I'm watching to see what happens here, and maybe I'll jump in at some point.

If we are able to create our own social networks on top of steemit, I think each one will be an experiment to see what works best. Some will lean toward the social end of things while others will be more blogging related and others can be more NC centric where the creator puts out most of the content. NCs can share ideas if they want, and there will likely be an NC community for steemit like there is on the other social networks I mentioned where things are discussed and shared.

Right now, we're all thrown into the same big pond and it takes a ton of work or money to move from being a little fish to a big fish. If we could create multiple littler ponds, then it would be easier for someone to become a big fish in a small pond.

Thanks for this article which stimulated me to put my thoughts into words.


...and excellent thoughts they are indeed! Thank you very much for this comment, and it just goes to show that we need input from as many users as possible.

I love the idea of people having their own networks on Steemit, and this is kind of where I see the future; in my sci-fi Asimov's Ghost I have created a universe whereby their are hundreds of competing networks all with one or more sidechains that live on top of the Quantum Blockchain.

Multiple ponds make for interesting times :-)


This is why I keep saying that one of the biggest problems with Steemit is that we have a HUGE amount of very intelligent and objective people who have GREAT perspective and this could be the biggest VALUE to the Steemit Community!
All Steemit HQ would have to do is create ONE account that made posts about updates and potential updates and looked over the BARRAGE of comments that would take place. They can ignore the complaining, judgement, projection, subjectivity etc and focus on the cool, clear and well thought out suggestions with real scope. Yet its NOT happening.
ITs a a MAJOR fail not only for us but for them as they have a FREE "focus group" of which many companies pay millions to establish. Just bad business.

So true, and the fact that we can now post and decline rewards, would mean that the Steem account doing that wouldn't attract any negative attention regarding votes/money etc.

I know what you mean when you say they could ignore the complaining; however complaining in itself is not necessary a bad thing. A company that listens and answers common complaints is a strong one.


Yet again I cannot argue with you as you are so conscious with your words.
Yet to me "complaining" while maybe valid is only done by people with little value. People with GREAT value will not complain but make actual logical "arguments" and also "suggestions/solutions". To yes complain is a part of it as the MASSES COMPLAIN and if this platform wants to adapt to than they have to learn to deal with complaint, yet complaining in and of it self is a waste of energy and I hope to inspire people to much more valuable uses of time than complaining.

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