The Old Dog Asks: Who is Writing Press Releases For We Have Stories That Will Rock This World!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

We've had some amazing success stories here on this platform! It's time that there were some major newspapers, magazines and television stations covering them!

What Have we Seen That is Newsworthy World Wide? Plenty! Here Are Two!

We Should Be Seeing These Unbelievable Stories Being Picked up By The Main Stream Media!

This is a little mock-up that I made of the type of thing that I'd like to see!

What Do You Think?

  • Do we have newsworthy stories to put forward?
  • Is someone writing press releases?
  • Should we now be pushing Steemit to get more media coverage?

I hope that you enjoyed this story about press releases for Steemit!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)


Wow, the Arkansas favorite newspaper ;)

Seriously though, I think that getting these stories into mainstream media could be very important for the future of, not only steemit and cryptocurrency, but it could help people in need in unimaginable ways.

Unfortunately, the way this world is set up, many people, despite being very talented, find themselves down-and-out, perhaps because their talents aren't seen as being very profitable. I find this to be a tragedy!

But on platforms like steemit, anyone, no matter how poor or disadvantaged could be rewarded for their abilities. Perhaps pulling them out of sticky situations in life.
It has the potential of providing the benefits of a charity and at the same time being better, giving people the satisfaction of bringing something special into the world.

By letting more people know about steemit, we could be doing a great service.

Thank you for putting effort into writing these articles and contributing to the community!

Hey man, I LOVED this comment. You start off funny and then made a lot of astute observations! great stuff!

There is so many highly worthwhile stories among us. If the medias get a hold of even a fraction of them, the place will explode like a kilometre wide meteorite hitting the crust of our blue planet!

These two stories you are giving exposure to are most definitely worth the share and will surely bring about a load of on-loookers, most probably subscribers. Good on us all!

Thanks a bunch for sharing, it is such exciting times. Have a wonderful weekend. Namaste :)

Thanks so much @eric-boucher! Have you re-located yet or are you still in the far North?

I am still in the so-called "Far North" and still have 4 weeks up here in this paradise... As soon as I get down there, I'll start using a new computer and will be back at posting, A LOT! ;) I can't wait!!!

Namaste :)

Have you seen this? You'll be amazed!

Put in your name and you'll see your rewards over the next 7 days! You're doing great!

That is super cool! Thanks a bunch, I was fully unaware of its existence. I guess form what I just saw that I am in deed doing not too bad. Thanks a bunch for the heads-up!

Namaste :)

This would be a good spot for steemit to the main stream for shure. If a serious comunication chanell would show some interest they pobably will verify the stories, and with these there isn't any problem.

For sure it is just a matter of time and these newspaper articles will be a reality...

I think that this will only prepare the ground for fraud. Who can verify the authenticity of such posts? Let people independently decide this by their "upvoit". Thank you for asking.

Too bad that there is such a thing as fraud. Disgusting!

The two members mentioned in the article however have been with us for a year and are very well known by thousands! The cool thing about the blockchain is that anyone can verify how successful they have been. It's 100% transparent!

I talked about a possible wave of fake messages, not about specific people. (I support this kind of help). But, if you help the whole world to disseminate such messages, you can get the opposite effect. Better people will choose for themselves what to vote for. It's my opinion.

You make some valid points and your comments are precious to me. Thanks for the dialogue.

Well - I work for a PR / Marketing agency since 17 years so I used to write also press releases - a lot stories to tell - however The Inc. should write them or least have the guidance here :-)

That's their job and they know. I think when they fix sign up issue they'll do it. For now is too early. But this is just my opinion and what do I know?

Yes you may be right there. Those two stories are mind-blowing!

Just wait a bit for mine, hehe.

I think it depends very much on what the Comms Strategy is - we can always write any story up and place it but as you said - should come by marketing - sign-up is one thing - any major new features would need a push like the communities when they come - but however that is not a story just a product announcement more or less. Stories can be done about Steemians, stories how someone has achieved sth terrific, some charity stories or whatever. There space for a lot but as mentioned - not our job and maybe also not wanted.

My concern was that kind of successful stories could bring on steemit too many people at once and that could cause problems with on boarding with the system in place right now. Maybe that's why they keep sign ups and price of steem down.

@kus-knee, there are so many amazing stories here-- so many of them are "humanitarian," or human interest stories.

People are helped, and lives changed. Like the ones you mentioned... and many more: The community raising funds to help those who are not financially able make it to Steemfest. Our own @fisteganos having his life changed completely, as a result of Steemit.

And also the community rallying to make sure "wrongdoings" don't happen... like that documented big-time Internet scammer trying to set up shop here, and pretty much getting "erased" within 48 hours.

Much of this is newsworthy. I don't know if spreading such stories are the domain of @andrarchy and @zurvanic, or the community as a whole.

It looks like Steemit is growing very rapidly right now. It will be very intersting to see what the next hard fork brings especially in term of communities.

I would like to see a news/updates button where we can easily locate any changes and especially how they work. I'm still trying to get my head wrapped around the new voting power that I have. I feel like a custodian in the sense that I want to support certain authors as well as encourage worthy new users.

By the way, have you tried this nifty new tool: ? A newbie pointed that one out to me. It will help you to see how commenting is becoming an ever more powerful earning vehicle. That will certainly benefit a great commenter like you!

I haven't really studied the details of HF.20 yet; I also still don't understand exactly how "communities" are going to be implemented.

After a "short week" I have decided I like the new voting power balance. It offers a wider scale of rewards... I can give something truly outstanding a 100% upvote and otherwise dial it back to around 20-25%, which would be pretty equivalent to voting, pre-HF.19-- at least as I understand it. What I do find is that I have to seriously ration myself on upvoting comments, or my voting power drops right off in no time. And since I like to manually read, comment and curate a lot of content I have to be super careful... my voting power is just now coming back into the 80% ish area after a couple of days of using it very sparingly.

Yes, is a pretty cool app, especially now that Dragos has it working properly.

Press releases might be good but they might have unintended side effects. While some journalists will follow the 'good news stories' in the press releases, others will see hyper success and be intent on 'digging the dirt' to get a new more controversial angle.

Will @papa-pepper really want the media attention that pushing his story in a press release would inevitably bring? Journalists will start sniffing round looking for the back story that will sell the news article. Although @papa-pepper has given some of his story on steemit will he want it dug over by the controversy hungry journos?

Looking at the Daily Steem Reports from @elyaque I'm not sure steemit needs any more publicity. It seems to be growing fantastically well just by word of mouth and whatever media coverage it is already getting.

SInce 13 June (coincidentally the day my account was approved!) there has consistenly been c 2000+ new accounts every day - 3 or 4 times what it was only a month ago.

What would be the impact on the steemit infrastructure if suddenly big (favouable) media coverage brought in say 10,000 new applications each day? My account took 4 days for approval. No big deal but it could generate negative press coverage if people had to be waiting say 3 weeks for approval.

And how would the rewards system be affected if there was a sudden massive injection of new accounts?

I am only a noob here so I have no idea about the 'big picture' and what I say may be total misguided cr*p but I would think for the timebeing it will be better for steemit to continue to grow organically on its current trajectory.

Sorry this was a bit long. Thank you for reading.

You bring up some very good points. I am a very trusting person but I do realize that there are a lot of nefarious reporters out there. Well expressed. Welcome to Steemit!

Thank you @kus-knee. It is exciting times on a new frontier for me.

Very cool stories, but I think the general public would be more interested in Kim Kardashian's shoe selection or Snooki. Once some celebrities start using Steemit, we will see a boom like no other!

Sad but true! Do you think that if a "star" arrived here they would receive a disproportionate amount of the rewards pool and squeeze out other users? I guess time will tell. Thanks for the great comment!

I actually think a celebrity like Kim Kardashian might get off to a slow start, as the current user base might not really be interested in her blogs about shoes and make-up.

However, once she starts promoting her Steemit account to her fanbase, she could bring an entirely new demographic to this platform. She could go on reality tv shopping sprees buying shoes, purses, or even cars with her Steemit income. She would promote her Steemit account like she promoted her silly iPhone game.

I think celebrities would bring in new demographics that would only grow the size of the pool making it impossible to squeeze anyone out!

You're a big thinker! Intersting points!

Newspapers are good, and I am sure when the time is right, management will work on that. Until then, however, lets not forget the power of a personal invitation. It only takes a few minutes to sit down with someone one on one and show them the ropes on here!

Just put them in an MSR trance and away you go! :)

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