My Captain (a story that will be worth reading) / Mi Capitan (una historia que valdra la pena leer)

in #steemit7 years ago

He was born on March 19, 2015, a month after his owner was born he left it in the veterinary center for which I was working as a volunteer, because the dog had parvovirus and pneumonia the excuse of the man was that he did not want his dogs ( the parents) will become contaminated with that disease and leave it there with their other three brothers. The next day there were only two puppies of the four that had been left, in that I told the doctors on duty to put him in treatment and I was nagging the doctors until I saw that they were finally treated, in that the adopter arrived. Captain's sister and they took her, later I grabbed the captain and I carried him up and down in that the coordinator scolded me because I could not be carrying that dog because he was going to love me and then I was going to leave alone, in that I call my mom and I told her that the puppy was very bad and that the doctors did not give her the chance to be saved, but that I wanted to try to save him and give him the opportunity to live because if I left him there I better than anyone knew that they would not attend, in that I tell my mom that the stay of captain would be temporary then I would look for a home she accepted and told me there were no problems, it was time to leave and I brought to the pet when the coor He tells me that it was a waste of time and medicine I turned around and told him that I was going to show him that it was not like that and I left. Then the months passed and the captain was alive and everyone was surprised how I had managed to get him to go forward because the parvo caught him very small and at that time the animals do not survive that disease, but if he did he was very strong, around mid-August 2016 captain began with a skin papilloma take him to the doctor and thank God they taught me to do the chemo and I myself in the house were made, we left that. In 2017 around March a captain was diagnosed with the disease of the tickle again began our fight, several times captain was complicated to the point that he was blind and came to bite two children for not recognizing them, several times to reach my house and he came to smell me because he did not see me and when he sniffed me he was happy and started to get very happy, we left several attacks of the disease I managed to control it until mid August that everything was great, on August 27 a Police National shot my mom causing her death (only because the police wanted to shoot him, since instead of being given security they were taking money from everyone who passed them where they had the control point) from that captain moment I enter a depression and coupled with that came the disease my captain was complicated and I ended up dying on September 5, 2017. He was a wonderful dog which I did not rescue but went against I laugh he rescued me, gave me the desire to live and gave me the opportunity to know what true love is. If they have a pet, do not abandon it. They suffer when they are abandoned. All the animals of the world deserve a home where they love and love them.

El nació el 19 de marzo de 2015, al mes de nacer su dueño lo dejo botado en el centro veterinario para el cual yo estaba trabajando como voluntaria, porque el perro tenia parvovirus y neumonia la excusa del señor fue que no queria que sus perros (los padres) se contaminaran de esa enfermedad y lo dejo ahi junto a sus otros tres hermanos. Al dia siguiente solo quedaban dos cachorros de los cuatro que habian sido dejados, en eso yo le digo a los doctores de guardia que le colocaran tratamiento y estuve fastidiando a los doctores hasta que vi que por fin los atendieron, en eso llegó la adoptante de la hermana de capitan y se la llevaron, posteriormente yo agarre a capitan y lo cargaba para arriba y para abajo en eso el coordinador me regaño porque yo no podia estar cargando ese perro ya que el se iba a encariñar y que despues yo lo iba a dejar solo, en eso yo llame a mi mama y le dije que el perrito estaba muy mal y que los doctores no le daban posibilidad de que se salvara, pero que yo queria intentar salvarlo y darle la oportunidad de vivir ya que si lo dejaba ahi yo mejor que nadie sabia que no lo iban a atender, en eso le digo a mi mama que la estadia de capitan seria temporal que luego le buscaria un hogar ella acepto y me dijo que no habia problemas, llego la hora de salida y me traje a la mascota cuando el coordinador me dice que era una perdida de tiempo y medicamento me voltie y le dije que yo le iba a demostrar que no era asi y me fui. luego pasaron los meses y capitan estaba vivo y todos estaban sorprendidos de como yo habia logrado que el saliera adelante ya que a el el parvo lo agarro muy chiquito y a ese tiempo los animales no sobreviven a esa enfermedad, pero el si lo logro el era muy fuerte, a eso de mediados de agosto de 2016 capitan comenzo con un papiloma cutaneo lo lleve al doctor y gracias a dios me enseñaron a hacerle las quimios y yo misma en la casa se las realizaba, salimos de esa. En el 2017 a eso de marzo a capitan se le diagnostica la enfermedad de la garrapa otra vez comenzo nuestra lucha, varias veces capitan se complico a tal punto que se quedaba ciego y llego a morder a dos niños por no reconocerlos, varias veces llegue a mi casa y el se acercaba a olerme porque no me veia y cuando me olfateaba se alegraba y comenzaba a ponerse muy feliz, salimos de varios ataque de la enfermedad logre controlarlo hasta mediados de agosto que todo iba genial, el dia 27 de agosto un Policia Nacional le disparo a mi mamá provocandole la muerte (solo porque al policia le dio la gana de dispararle, ya que ellos en vez de estar brindado la seguridad estaban era quitandole plata a todos los que pasaban donde ellos tenian el punto de control) desde ese momento capitan entro en una depresion y aunado a eso se vino la enfermedad mi capitan se me complico y termino falleciendo el cinco de septiembre del 2017. El fue un maravilloso perro el cual yo no rescate sino que fue al contrario el me rescato a mi, me dio las ganas de vivir y me regalo la oportunidad de conocer lo que es el verdadero amor. Si tienen una mascota no la abandonen ellos sufren al ser abandonados. todos los animales del mundo merecen un hogar donde los quieran y los amen. img1439310936466.jpg


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