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RE: Will Steem succeed or commit suicide?

in #steemit7 years ago

"Let's keep discussing until we find a way to make everyone happy and rich. =)"

We don't want this. Most of the content creators on here create garbage. They deserve the nothing they get.


I guess they are posting (not even creating) garbage because that's the best cost-benefit choise if someone wants to maximize rewards.

I wrote a fairly good content 10 days ago, took me 3 hours of research and writing plus review and linking in facebook and twitter. I had almost 100 views and 10 upvotes, made 50 cents.
Two days after that, as a test, I postes a youtube video of a song that I like, absolutly no maketing or anything involved and got 15 views and 1 dólar reward.

So, if my goal was to maximize my reawards, the best option would be to just post tons of garbage stuff hoping I can get somone to vote on them or invest time and energy on a single quality post? People say that making a quality post will get you more followers and on the long tun will be better, but I belive there is a problem in the way things are done now.

One option would be to limit the dayly posts by rep, so the quality content wouldn't be lost amont tons of garbage.

"I wrote a fairly good content 10 days ago, took me 3 hours of research and writing plus review and linking in facebook and twitter. I had almost 100 views and 10 upvotes, made 50 cents.
Two days after that, as a test, I postes a youtube video of a song that I like, absolutly no maketing or anything involved and got 15 views and 1 dólar reward."

I think, unfortunately, you have effectively summarized why many of us have felt Social Media is fucking stupid for a very long time. This exact same stuff regularly happens to me, or I release two very similar-in-quality posts and one makes 7 cents while another makes $300. Unfortunately, as I believe it says in the white paper, Steemit is kind of a lottery. You aren't rewarded on a fair, regular basis (unless you buy a ton of stake to reward yourself). All you can do is release the best content and hope for the best.

You can release garbage content, and because you get more "lottery tickets" that way, the chance of someone with some stake seeing it is higher. However, that is a short-term strategy that doesn't create followers.

The only long-term-guaranteed strategy is blood, sweat and tears. I have been writing for decades and even with a lot of content pre-brainstormed, regular quality production is difficult and often unrewarded.

Steemit isn't a magic money machine...unless we go to the moon and you are Hodl'ing, I guess.

Perhaps it is because the system incentivizes this type of behavior. We need a valid solution to this.

"Most of the content creators on here create garbage. They deserve the nothing they get."

I could not have less respect for that attitude.

Maybe you find @sweetsssj's posts riveting, and any number of others of little value. However, there are people that have not had your opportunities to attain liquid assets, through no fault of their own, and that does not make them less than human.

The value of Steem is derived from Steemit. Absent Steemit, your investment in Steem will prove unrewarding, and the masses of posters of 'useless' content are all that stands between you and a bad investment.

Heh, so, someone commented on this string and it came up in my reply feed, so I'll take this chance to reply again:

I think we're talking past each other here.

If you take a look at "New" right now, you'll see what I mean about most posts being garbage. 4 of the 7 posts in "New" when I wrote this were single pictures of food that may well have been plagiarism.

This is garbage content. That's all I mean.

"However, there are people that have not had your opportunities to attain liquid assets, through no fault of their own, and that does not make them less than human."

I don't think I implied this anywhere. I certainly didn't state it.

"and the masses of posters of 'useless' content are all that stands between you and a bad investment."

I don't think those masses of garbage content stand between Steemit crashing at all. It's the 10% of users with quality content, the top 1000 authors....they are what make Steemit valuable.

Not the 299000 accounts full of upvoting-nogonaoo bots.


I do take your points, particularly regarding botnets. But, and I wish to say this with complete respect, those 'garbage posts' are gonna be Steemit's bread and butter. Not the Single Malt and Champagne, but the bulk of the posts people are able to make that intercourse with their social circle.

As such, I don't have a problem with that. I'm not gonna follow folks that post pics of Kim Kardashian's butt, but I consider such posts literally sacred compared to AI written posts, botnets, etc.. Actual people hold them to be valuable, which gives them value.

While there may be little substantive difference between such posts and posts that are simply vehicles for votebots and vote buying schemes, there is a qualitative difference, and it's important. Most people aren't gonna write work that Hemingway did, and Steemit needs to be their social network too.

That it is will make the top content more valuable, not the only valuable content.

Without the 'masses' Steemit will fail. Fakebook will win, because the masses are recognized as integral to it's success. I bow to necessity in the fight to destroy Fakebook. Doesn't mean I'm gonna post pics of Nascar...

I apologize for any outrage I may have expressed in a semi-ad hominem manner. You are correct that stating that posts are 'garbage' doesn't state that the posters are.

No problemo. I agree with you. I've made the same argument from the other side when appropriate (when people complain that their quality posts to 37 followers make no rewards). Steemit is ultimately a popularity contest, after all.

I reckon it's only a contest if you're trying to win ;)

I see it as more of a forum, because that's what I come here for - to air and hear ideas in a melting pot.

I have endured a dissatisfaction with people so profound that I am considered a recluse by those that know me today. The thing is, I am not a recluse, I just cannot abide the fermented despair and doublethink imposed by society (in America) so simply opt out, in order to avoid having those influences injected into my mind and person.

This causes me no end of difficulties, particularly with lack of substantive criticism. Most people I encounter are trained to talk behind ones back, rather than offer straightforward comment.

This is not useful to me, so I extend my reach on here, to those that, like myself, and you also, will make comment that is not designed to save the face of whom you are talking to, and may actually help them reconsider what they need to.

I reckon I 'win' just by being here, popularity be damned!

I can only echo your sentiments of being an outcast in a dysfunctional society.

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