Steemit: Premier "Leaked-Document" Platform?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I see there are many experiments happening on steemit. One of the most interesting is @mranderson selling paintings using the platform while decreasing the costs by how much steem the post generates. It is a very unique and interesting strategy. So, while everyone is brainstorming the applications of this platform I figured I would give my two cents worth of input!

Picture from

What Got The Wheels Turning

I was sitting there reading articles linked from Drudge when I came across an article titled DCLeaks Website Down, Twitter Suspended After Releasing Soros Docs. The article got me to thinking about how steemit could be used by organizations such as Wikileaks and DCLeaks to disseminate sensitive information being censored by other social media platforms. As a community we could even empower these organizations monetarily via our likes and replies to published sensitive information. Even though I feel this may be a good idea I have a few questions I would like to throw out to the community.

Does It Decrease Site Security?

I am an advocate of the regular citizen having access to the same information our government overlords do. I believe platforms that allow dissemination of whistle blowing information are doing humanity a great service. I also foresee the steemit platform being attractive to hackers desiring to publish information too. I do wonder about the security needs of a platform that allows for the dissemination of such information. Is steemit capable of handling a large DDoS attack if this site begins to host a large number of content producers providing this type of information? Would a successful DDoS attack affect site integrity in regards to user wallets and content posted? What other types of attacks does it open steemit to if the site garners the attention of malicious types?

Does steemit Risk Being Censored?

I recently came across this video by Montagraph:
In summary, the video explains how IANA is being merged with ICANN on October 1st and how it could affect future censorship of the internet using the example of Wikileaks and ICANN's attempted shutdown of its domain name in 2008. My question is...If steemit becomes a major platform for the distribution of whistle blower and/or hacked information, does it risk being shut down in the future? Does steemit have servers in neutral countries, such as Switzerland, to detour these types of actions? How do you as a steemit user feel about the possibility of the site being censored if this type of content becomes a major part of this platform? Is it the responsibility of steemit to prepare for this possible future event?

How Will The Minority Feel?

The steemit community compensates those who produce good content through a voluntary reward system. If steemit would become a "go to" domain for viewing leaked whistle blower and/or hacker information, I imagine the poster's channel would have many comments, likes, and followers; thus increasing the channel's exposure within the community. My last question is for those who may not promote these types of channels through their comments or likes. As an inactive supporter of this content; How do you feel about possible site security risks increasing and possible site censorship due to hosting/supporting this type of information?

Thanks For Reading My Rant!

Thanks for reading my rant! I'm sure the grammar may not be the best in some places! I hope this post inspires discussion.Don't forget to leave your comments below!
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Interesting stuff, thanks for posting. :)

Thanks for the complement.

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