300 Followers Here on Steemit, Thank You!

in #steemit8 years ago

We've reached another milestone here on Steemit, 300 followers.  We've been on here for less than four months and we've been delighted at the amount of money we've made, as well as the amount of response we've gotten from readers.  We have many more followers who read our posts, but aren't on Steemit.  It's been an interesting several months.  I've had a lot of fun and gained a lot of respect for bloggers, as I now understand the work involved to make those posts people love to read!

I'm going to start by sharing a list of things we've paid for with Steemit, recently or in the past, with prices.  I'll follow with a list of the perks I've experienced with the time I've put into my posts on this website. Finally, I'll share some of the important things required to bring me where I am today, following my dreams of being a blogger, farmer, chef, glassblower....

Thing's We've Bought Using Our Funds From Steemit:

1) Food: At current rate of consumption and flow of money, we're able to cover our food costs.  We can't always splurge, but we are eating for the most part.  A grocery trip for 2-4 days could be anywhere from 150-400 pesos, between 7-20 dollars USD. 

2) Rent:  We pay 5000 pesos a month for our house, and our primary form of income currently is Steemit. This is about 230 dollars a month at current exchange rate. 

3) Hash and Cannabis: We've got access to the local drug market to purchase cannabis and hash when we have the extra funds.  A gram of Oaxaca hash is 100 pesos in Acapulco, just around five dollars.  An ounce of the weed we buy, which is the cheap stuff we have as an option, is 600 pesos an ounce, less than 40 dollars.

4) Water:  We've bought a pipa, which is a truck with 10,000 liters of water for 500 pesos, around 25 USD.  

5)Gas: A fill up for our propane tank is 400 pesos, around 20 dollars.  Gas for the truck is between 50 and 200 pesos, depending on our budget and travel needs

6) Baked goods: Since my posts about baked goods are some of my most popular posts, Steemit has been helping to support my baked good habit! Thanks! 

8) Rocket Stove:  The posts we've shared on our rocket stove have more than paid for the costs of the materials.

9) Brakes: Brakes for the truck set us back just 350 pesos, for all brakes, that's less than 20 dollars USD.

10) Starter For Truck: A whopping 800 peso investment, less than 50 dollars.

11) New Battery for truck: Just over 1000 pesos, so 50-60 dollars USD for a new one from Sam's club

12) Electricity: We paid our highest electricity bill which was 1500.  That's what happens when you run two fridges and a glass blowing kiln.

13) Internet: We really couldn't afford the cost of internet until we were making money off of Steemit.  This has been essential in improving my posts, as I've got the freedom of the internet to do research for my posts.


1)Spend time learning, for money: Every time I write a TIL post, I get to spend as much time as I'd like looking into things.  I find one fact out, and do research so I end up learning a lot of stuff.  I then get to organize that and share it with you, to help you learn to.  I get paid to learn, and that's pretty fun.

2) Motivation to garden: Since people look forward to my garden updates, it gives me motivation to get things done.  I want to show people a productive permaculture garden, which won't happen without me working on it. 

3) Conversating with like minds: Like minded people tend to read my posts.  I get to conversate with them on all sorts of things and I like that.

4) Sharing my story, for money:  It's funny to me that the last five years of my life have been interesting enough to make me money just by sharing my stories.  Each time I post an article, I'm sharing a little about my life story, either it's past or as it happens right now. 

5) Receiving input: I get to receive input from readers, on everything from how to improve format of my posts to correcting me on a fact I got wrong.  I like getting input most of the time regardless of what it is, it tells me people actually read this stuff.

6) Sharing information:  I get to use Steemit as a platform to share information I learn to those who are interested in learning it too.

7) Sharing my alternative lifestyle:  The life we lead up here on our hill is honestly very different from the life most of the expats in our community lead.  We offer a different perspective of what life is like here, and we've been helpful to many people interested in coming here as a result.

8) Make Money From Home:  I don't have to go anywhere to make the money I need to pay for the things I need.  I've worked fairly hard to make it so my work is at home.  This is to reduce commute time and to increase my sanity.

9) Dream to be a writer: I've always had the lofty dream to be a writer, now I'm making a living off of writing.

How I got here:

1) Taking risks: Nothing good seems to come without taking risks.  Had I stayed in the states and dealt with my court case, I would not have had any of the amazing life experiences I've had in my time in Mexico

2) Live an Interesting life:  Ever since I started down the rabbit hole, I've pretty much been living an interesting life.  My life has not been what's considered normal for most of my life so far, but the last 5 years honestly take the cake.

3) Getting Interests and Pursuing Them: Five years ago, I couldn't tell you what I was honestly interested in.   Now I've got a whole list of things, perhaps too many things at times.  My life is never boring and there's always something for me to be doing.  

4) Practice: I didn't become a chef or gardener over night.  It's taken me years of hard work and practice to get here. 

5) Lots of time and effort:  I've spent a lot of time researching my interests, and I still do.  A lot of effort is involved in planning and time management.  My life is swallowed by my interests and responsibilities.  I'm not sure I'd change that if I could.

The Future:

1) Critical thinking: Anyone that truly knows me knows I'm not very good with critical thinking.  I'm going on a journey to get better with this and I'll share my journey in an attempt to help those struggling with the same things I am.

2) A bigger, healthier garden:  I want a nicer garden and I want to show you all how I get there.  So long as Steemit keeps paying, I'll keep sharing.

3) Better Food Posts: More effort will be put into organizing and formatting my recipe posts, to make them more accessible to those looking to copy and paste a recipe. 

4) More Local Posts:  More posts will come about life in Mexico and Acapulco, for those who plan to come here either to move or visit in February. 

5) Much More on Glass, As My time focus is shifting to glassblowing

I'd like to say I'm always taking requests for content.  If there's something you want to hear about, let me know.  You may just inspire me to write an article to answer any questions or to touch on subjects other expats aren't.  I'm here to share the information you want to read, so let me know if there's something you've been wondering about! I might be able to help!

We're always accepting donations in Steem, or in Bitcoin from those who aren't members of Steemit.  If you like what we're doing or support our cause, consider sending us a little money.  Even 100 pesos, 5 dollars, goes a really long way for us here.  I'll post the bitcoin address at the bottom for anyone interested. 

So thanks to those who read and follow us.  To the followers not on Steemit, we love you for continuing to read.  This has been a blast, I'm interested to see where things go in the future of Steemit. 

As for us, things are really changing up here on the hill, it seems like we're going to have a very interesting next six months...and future beyond. 

Bitcoin Address: 1HimFTzJF44QYv97jm8e157meSRbE8nzZP


I love reading your posts. You are leading an interesting life indeed. Keep up posting the great stories.

I just discovered you and like the look of what you write. Followed!
It is so neat that you are surviving on your Steem Income. All the best and congrats!

I knew you were special when I read your earliest postings on Steemit. Your life skills are matched by your blogging skills. Both are outstanding. I may not blog much myself, but I know talent when I read it.

Another stroke of genius! Good stuff! Congrats on the milestone!

It's really realistic. Enjoyed your story, you have one more follower now. See you again :)

I'm glad you are getting a good response on your gardening articles! And I'm glad that your are getting some incentive, too, from your posts, for getting your hands in the soil You are going to have a great garden.

Thanks for your writing!

Btw, I am a bit curious why don't you grow cannabis?

It's still illegal here in mexico so that is a bit of a complicated topic

Is there some way to contact you outside the blockchain?

steemit.chat and facebook can be used

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