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RE: #SharkSchool Lesson 1: How To Find Your Voice As A Writer

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I know I am an asshole sometimes, but I speak what I believe, not cloaking my feelings in appreciation. I am sorry if I offend you in any way.

It was quite an interesting story, but a bit too much elaborated I think, that's why I had to skim in between a little.
I read your article to find out my voice as a writer, and there was only one thing that was useful, write a lot.

There are a few things that I have figured out, they helped me become a better writer, maybe they will help more people here too.

  1. Read a lot of books, blogs.
  2. Write a lot.
  3. Find your passion in writing, what you love to write about.
  4. Start reading books and blogs related to it.
  5. Make your own opinion about the niche, but understand things through others who have experience in that niche.
  6. Improve your writing skills by following some good sites like
  7. Understand how your audience reacts to your stuff, it takes a long journey to build your audience.
  8. Make substantial changes in your writing techniques so that it is easy and interesting to read your work.
  9. The more you think, the easier it will be to ink. The more you think about how you will write your post, and the post idea, the easier it will be to write.
  10. Platforms may change, things will always change, "Skills always remains."

Nobody paid me to write such an elaborate reply too, but I believe that if you want to help someone, help with all your potential, cut the cheesy talk.

Check out Stephen King's book: On Writing. It's also on audio book; a very good source of help for writers.

Now why would someone downvote such informed commentary? If you can't acknowledge the person, at least acknowledge the quality of content! Cheers @haejin, and keep up the good work.

@hajin support me bro i am new on steemit platform will you please support me .. i know you have done a lot of hard work to come acroos this success please upvote me bro .. i know and i also read about you this id your 3 rd id which run and got suucess...

Make sure you downvote all of @Haejin's scammy post!!!

Screenshot (85)_LI.jpg

What do you think about this analysis?


It's an exceptional book.

But I like Everybody writes more. Inspired by Stephen King's book in her childhood, Ann Handley shared a lot of techniques from Stephen King's book, in her book Everybody Writes.

In fact, some of the suggestions I shared here are from these two books combined.

Both of these books are a must-read for anyone who is struggling to write better or to write more.

Thanks for sharing a good suggestion.


Writing is more pernicious and addictive than the White Lady.
Start motivated by delusions or need and you will never escape.

Ebook Tracker will show you the grim reality of trying to sell to an overdosed market

You will become part of 'long tail distribution' A million writers sell one ebook a year and make a dollar. Jeff Bezos makes a million dollars.

You will discover writing is for the idle rich or the unemployed, who are ideally conditioned to cope with the inevitable. For the rich, financial success is irrelevant. While the poor already know the face of failure intimately.

Time is the most precious thing you have. Don't waste it


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