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RE: Deleted

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

past tense: censored; past participle: censored
examine (a book, movie, etc.) officially and suppress unacceptable parts of it.

Can you explain to me how your views were "suppressed" by anyone other than yourself? Did Steemit somehow modify your original post against your will, or did you modify it?

I'm no longer going to follow you and I'm also flagging your "not available due to censorship" post for the following reasons:

  1. The original post included "You are a bitch" which is an attitude I want others to be protected from, so (IMO), your reputation score should be lower to more accurately reflect the type of interactions people can expect to have with you in the future (unless you change your approach).
  2. You are incorrectly claiming censorship on a decentralized, uncensorable blockchain. Your original content is there forever. You are the one who changed it, not some controlling "official" censor. If you made a mistake, apologize. Don't accuse this platform of doing something you did to yourself.
  3. I get that you are mad, you feel wronged and under appreciated, and (to me), it seems you are also envious of other's success. You may have valid grievances and needs, but, IMO, it's tragic how you are expressing them.

I hope to be pleasantly surprised by your actions in the future and have a reason to follow you again.


Censorship via someone else's opinion. One whale vs 24 other up votes.

Flagging due to retaliatory flagging of all of @jsteck's post with no reason give and incorrect accusations of censorship here.

Incorrect is determined by popular opinion of who has power. BTW I removed the flags.

This is the problem with human language. You and I disagree on the definition of "censorship" and, because it's not math, it's fundamentally subjective. From my perspective, you censored yourself by removing your own content.

I also removed my flags because your retaliatory flags were removed. As many have been discussing on Steemit, if you flag, it's helpful to leave a reason why. Hopefully soon that will be a default part of the system, as it is on other social media sites.

Unpopular speech regulated by whales will never allow for dissent or criticism of steemit. This was largely an experiment with community and platform for centralized weaknesses. This is a fundamental flaw.

At least with Facebook, Twitter and YouTube you can say what you want without other individuals hiding your posts.

If there was no "Show" button or if it was not possible to fork the codebase and build your own interface with everything shown no matter what, then I'd agree with you.

Again, please understand the word "Censorship." You were not censored beyond the censorship you did to yourself by editing your original post. If you don't like the interface hiding images the influential members of the community who have the most invested into Steem (and thus, the most to lose by its failure) think is harmful for the network, then you are free to build your own interface along with those who agree with you.

I think the automatic hiding of images (note: "hiding", not censoring. The images are still there in the blockchain and even here on steemit with a simple click of the "show" button), is one of the best features they implemented recently. If enough people agree with me, this interface will continue to prosper. If enough people disagree, a new interface on top of the blockchain will prosper.

Either way, people's desires can be met without coercion. I hope if you continue to interact with members of this community you will choose more inclusive language in the future and respectfully disagree with people for the purpose of helpful dialogue instead of name calling and negative, emotional outbreaks.

Manipulating the format of a blog which was formatted so that text and pictures to hand and hand within each other is censorship.

It's all good brother. I accept your criticisms and welcome them. I won't down vote because I disagree.

This thing is in beta, maybe I'll come back later but for now it's too centralized for my liking.

Content is at complete mercy of whales and most of the steem was mined by its developers so whole platform and currency is at complete mercy of them.

People nowadays are too easily offended.
*edit: steemit is in beta.

If you feel strongly enough about that view, I hope you contribute an alternate interface to the blockchain which would support your vision and sort the content as you prefer. As they say, "Code is law."

Thank you for a civil dialogue.

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