How Popular Is Steemit Really? - More Than You Ever Imagined
Steemit, the social media site that rewards content creators and curators for creating content and engaging on the site, is growing larger every day.

How Popular Is Steemit?
Alexa, the site that ranks websites by their popularity ranks Steemit as the 736th most popular site in the U.S. and 1,761 most popular site in the world. (as of Dec. 26th, 2017)
A site’s ranking is based on a combined measure of Unique Visitors and Pageviews. Unique Visitors are determined by the number of unique Alexa users who visit a site on a given day. Pageviews are the total number of Alexa user URL requests for a site. However, multiple requests for the same URL on the same day by the same user are counted as a single Pageview. The site with the highest combination of unique visitors and pageviews is ranked #1. credit
That is an impressive accomplishment for a sophomore site considering it doesn't advertise in the traditional sense. This growth is mostly from word of mouth, the best advertising you can get.
To put the sites' meteoric growth in perspective let's compare it with other popular sites that have huge marketing budgets.
Steemit outranks many popular sites

Steemit is more popular than...

and Steemit is growing faster every day.
All this growth is happening organically and with very little advertising. I'm blown away at the potential of this social network to reach every corner of the globe and predict it's going to happen sooner than any of us realize.

In a week, give us another figurative graph about steemit (steem) gor to be better.
One cool thing now, nobody is complaining.
Steemit and other sites running steem are doing a good job.
Keep on steemit.
Thank god we are more popular than kmart. I almost had to go outside and beat myself with a snow shovel.
Wow! Two days ago was the first time I've heard about this incredible platform and here is my first post. No one of my friends knows it, however it seems to me that we are in the right place and the right time? Aren't we? :)
A KMart snow shovel. Lol
Appreciate the analysis. But I think a more reasonable comparable would be to show the traffic rankings of some burgeoning social media sites. While a comparison to legacy sites like facebook or reddit might not be fair, to show perspective based on a dying retailer (kmart) or probably isn't the best either. You want to use sites with similar use cases :)
Good idea.
It is amazing how fast Steemit is growing!! I am so happy that i get to be a part of it in such an early stage! We are all truly blessed to be here while it still is beta! . It blows my mind how many lives it is changing for the better! And how much potential it has! There’s a world of opportunities in here! I am surprised that not that many people know about it!! Even though it is such an amazing site.
I am sure it’s going to over grow facebook soon!
Resteemed because this is AWESOME! It's so exciting that the ~future~ that blockchain social represents is being adopted, in the form of our dear Steemit, in such magnitude.
Hehe, amazing perspective.
I consider this organic growth something to be cherished as well. I'm not sure it would be beneficial to the quality of this network if we opened the flood gates and brought people in en mass for the wrong reasons via ads on platforms with abysmal quality standards.
If we let steemit grow organically there will be a different focus than relentless mass adoption.
Kinda like that old hippie saying goes:
"You don't find it. It will find you when you're ready"
I like this idea of just letting Steemit do what it doe and evolve naturally. It will change as it grows as all things do. That's just the way of things, especially online.
I remember you telling me this on your patio 6 months ago, back when I didn't even know how to upload a photo. Now Steemit is significantly more popular!
My life has been changed forever thanks to Steemit. Take a peak at my blog my friend and you can see I'm not earning 25 cents per post anymore! Couldn't thank you enough brother! You really were the catalyst that got my ball rolling. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! -Dan
Nice. I bet you're glad you kept going. Merry Christmas and Steemy New Year!
That would be an understatement. Best decision I've ever made! Thank you for your vision and encouragement! About to cross 750 followers, and I have a very nice shout out for you in my celebratory post along with the photo you took of us together with Donna and Mike on your patio. I see you moved to Cancun. They must have better tacos there! lol. Hope you're enjoying the holidays my friend. I'll be in touch. -Dan
Uhmm... I think it has reached every corner of the globe. I have left comments on people post from South Africa, Nigeria, India, China, Korea, Croatia, Russia, England, France, Spain, Bali, Netherlands, Germany, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Mexico, Panama, Philippines, USA, Canada, and a few others, pretty much every corner of the globe. I think there is even someone that post or posted from Antarctica, and I am pretty sure there are a few people from Greenland. Lots and Lots of Places, and I just love seeing their countries through their eyes, the pictures, the stories, the people, truly a breath of fresh air being steemed through the atmosphere.
It's great, right?
Oh yes it is. I like learning about other people and their countries. This is a good way, since I can not afford to travel, I travel through their pictures and words.
re-steemed this so I could have easy access on my own timeline to show others outside of this sewing circle. Thanks
Great way to put it! More popular than Oprah and McDonalds! Steemit is the new pink! Hop on :) I am new here but love it. These numbers will help me convince my friends to check it out. Thanks. Blessings.
Welcome to Steemit. It's a great community as I'm sure you're discovering. It sounds weird to say this but this site has changed my life and created a lot of opportunity for a lot of people.
Doesn’t sound weird at all! Sounds like hope for many! Blessings
This site is really changing my life, no doubt!
Hmm, sounds like a good idea for a post.
How Steemit has changed my life.
Yes, I know right😁 it's like life before and after steemit.
I just got myself a new phone (SBD Sponsored) after selling my old phone to start my hair business in January and later got another one to manage and now with the help of steemit, I now have a better one, I am so excited about this!