YouTube Censorship What about Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago

I keep seeing posts like join Steemit it's the new beacon of free speech. But..But...Really?

If Steemit is open to free thought, what's that little "flag" option for?


I watched a video that a steemit whale put out and wow I could not believe the crap I was hearing about how they use the flag, or would use the flag if they used it. They would flag the top dollar makers, because they know it will reduce their rewards and then there are more rewards for them. Some for the greater good argument crap. (I'm not sourcing this one, go find it on your own if you're curious)

Then I read another article about how a group of Bernie Sanders, voters/groupies not sure the term to use, were down-voting anyone that didn't support Communism essentially. Just killing their income, massively killing their income on steemit.

So apparently you can destroy someone's income on Steemit, because you disagree with their opinion, but wait there's more.
I've seen people who had a decent reputation and because they posted something that triggered someone or some group they got flag and now they are negative in reputation.

My goodness what's going to happen to me for just posting this? Are one of you out there going to flag me and ruin my account, because you don't agree with me? Just in general are people that terrible, that ideas can't be expressed anymore.

So just curious here, why are we calling Steemit the alternative for youtube or twitter? A place where people can express free-thought without being punished? From what I've seen and read, given I'm still fairly new this setup seems worse and worse for free-thought everyday.

Will this picture get me Flagged? I mean come on it's a picture, that's all it is.

Social platforms are going to have the best and worst of the world, because they are an expression of the world. If we start censoring or putting structures in place to discourage risky thoughts, what is the point of the platform? Besides making money for the platform.

Here's my advice for what it's worth, Steemit get rid of the flag.
Here is what you can do to understand why you should get rid of the flag:
Ask yourself why you need the flag then imagine these two scenarios

  1. Donald Trump is the only one with control of the flag
  2. Bernie Sanders is the only one with control of the flag

Considering the power your flag has, were you concerned if option 1 or option 2 were the case? Ok enough said

Here's an interesting video of what YouTube is doing to users with descending thoughts, I would argue that Steemit in a way already does this.

YouTube Surrenders by 1791L

Now for you experts out there, please comment: maybe I'm totally nuts or have no understanding of the nuance of flags. Or I've hit the mark. Let me know

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one of the reasons why iTune's social media Ping failed was because of too much restrictions and censorship. People join social media mostly because their friend's are already there or because they want to create something on the new ground. Flags are good to mark plagiacism but if people will get restricted only because others don't like what they have to say, it doesn't make any sense... It's not what freedom of speech is and if people will get restricted too much just because others may not like it, they will just leave

Sounds like you gave a reason for Flags - Plagiarism
So how does a flag work that only addresses plagiarism? Maybe a punishment to the person that used the flag future when no plagiarism is found? ok, so what is that punishment, because a bot could care less about losing rep or rewards.
Tough Questions when it comes to flags, especially considering if you have $5,000 to invest you could create what 10,000 or 20,000 bots maybe more. Maybe I'm talking out of my butt here a bit. A good way to look at anything in my opinion is "ok i want this power" now imagine if your worst enemy gets the power instead. Still want that power? Or better if no one has it?

can a flag remove an article or only affect its income?

it doesn't delete the article, but it can stop it from getting to "hot" or "trending". So in a way it deletes it from most people's visibility.

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