What's with the Steemit Wikipedia entry disaster.

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

I use Wikipedia a lot. Most of the world does. It's the world's fifth most popular website. In fact I suspect faced with the confusing world of crypto, Steem and Steemit it's probably a point of entry into Steemit for a significant proportion of our users. The problem is that the entry is less than complementary and is far from balanced. At the time of publishing this, the bulk of the entry is made up of comments like this,

"The decentralized concept of Steemit is currently failing in many regards due to uneven wealth distribution, no moderation, no polices or governance and the fact that that the wealthier members are granted unrestricted power to dictate policy at will and extort lower income members of the site. "

or this...

"While a novel concept it has opened the doors for widespread community abuse, fraud and the extortion of lesser members by wealthier members possessing the site reputation and money to control and censure content at will. "

or even worse this,

"The decentralized nature of Steemit and lack of strict moderation have also led to instances of child pornography....".

and that's even before I've got to the "Criticism" section.
All of these are potentially valid criticisms, but it is 10% of what Steemit is, not 90%.
Would an 'impartial' Wikipedia article like this make you want to join up?

Any suggestions?

Image: wikimedia commons


It seems that every vaguely political or controversial page on Wikipedia becomes someone's pet where they get to essentially blog their opinions under the auspice of maintaining an encyclopedia entry...

Agreed. I suspect it's someone who wanted to get that off their chest. I edited to something a bit more neutral about an hour ago and it hasn't reverted since. Next to update the Steemit logo.

Unreal how can they say that, I have never seen that kind of stuff here on steemit and we do have moderation , its communal people can downvote

I know, some people have obviously had a bad experience on Steemit, but I agree these are the few and far between exceptions. There is also some exploitation of the reward pool, but again it's the exception rather than the rule. I changed the wiki article just after I published this, and it hasn't changed back yet.

the only problem with steemit has the beginning is very hard here and no one understand what the hell is going on here until they don't give a second chance

It's very hard to get people back a second time if they read something like this first time.

That's very true i too give up at first and then give it a second shot

that is really bad, but it's the kind of publicity we should expect when top trending posts are unchecked assaults on other members attacking flagging and destroying their accounts for arbitrary reasons and drawing everyone's attention to the drama then attacking anyone that says anything about it. Of course if you push people out of steemit they will go tell people somewhere else and their view of this place will not be positive after such a thing so that will reflect in their conveying what this place is, and the people that are doing fine here just talk about it here mostly. Good of you to post this so maybe some contributions to the wiki can be added from people that didn't already leave.

Steemit has so much potential. There are people who are blatantly exploiting it and that needs to be resolved, but it still functions pretty well for the rest of us who follow the etiquette.

decentralized will always have this problem i think so but too much stricter moderation will always keep it away from mainstream

the more power holders are always taking out the profit so that's why i too agree with your words here no doubt about that

the idea behind is great but lack in implementations

Nice post, nice to meet you

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